Metal in Movies


Dec 18, 2004
The thread about Within Tamptations music being in The Blood and Chocolate movie got me thinking.

I remebered that there is a Fates Warning song in Rivers Edge and a T-Ride song in Captain Ron. The reason why I thought of this is because these two seem like very unlikely combos.

WITHIN TEMP + BLOOD & CHOCOLATE MAKE SENSE - The other two, not so much.

What other movies are out there that have metal music in them where it seems out of place.
Well. Nightwish's Wish I Had An Angel is on the soundtrack for Alone in the Dark. Don't know if it was used in the actual movie. From what I gather of the story, it's not really the perfect fit. Lots of other metal bands on the soundtrack
The Cave soundtrack is also pretty much filled with metal songs. Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Strapping Young Lad, etc
I'd just say it's a big thing to put a lot of metal songs in action flicks. Heavier music fits in better with whats going on, often.
Hearing Slayer's 'Angel of Death' in Gremlins 2 as the gremlin drank the potion to become a spider was pretty damned awesome, and it seemed somewhat out of place in a kids movie like that. I dunno if that really qualifies. If not, kill me.
That reminds me of another. Slayer had a song in "Less Than Zero". Great flick.
Kansas has had their music in movies(although not METAL LOL),most notably Dust in the wind and Carry on Wayward son. More metal,especially progmetal needs to be in the movies :p
Not really "metal" but there was some King Crimson in that movie "Children of Men."

Also, who could forget Cannibal Corpse in Ace Ventura? :lol:
One word: Gummo.

Google it.

LOL. I was shown part of that movie in a freshman art class along with a bunch of music videos by Chris Cunningham for the "video section." I remember the bunny kid and besides that the really dirty backtub. I really need to see that entire thing.
Not really "metal" but there was some King Crimson in that movie "Children of Men."
the title track from 1969's ItCotCK

Also, who could forget Cannibal Corpse in Ace Ventura? :lol:

Apparently, they were brought in because Jim Carrey is "a serious CC fan" (at least the Barnes era?) He even made all his costars ripped copies of their albums.

No idea if he actually liked CC or wanted to take a metaphorical piss on em.
Armored Saint in "Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth"

Also that I recall:

Blue Oyster Cult in "Bad Channels", "The Frighteners" (cover)
Iron Maiden in "Bad Boys" (1983)
Black Sabbath in "Almost Famous": the band supposedly opened for Sabbath and then 'Sweet Leaf' is heard as they are backstage

Movies with fictional bands:

"The Gate" (1987): the music of the albums is used to summon the demons
"This Is Spinal Tap"
"Rock Star"
"Still Crazy"
"Velvet Goldmine"

and I believe you'll like this link
How about this one...........Twisted Sister was in Pee Wee's Big Adventure....
"Your gonna burn in Hell"..................:)
Surprised no one mentioned the Bill & Ted movies - Extreme & Shark Island in Excellent Adventure (among other lame hair bands), plus Megadeth, Kings X, Faith No More, Kiss, Steve Vai, Primus and more lame (but fun) hair bands in Bogus Journey.

GN'R in Terminator 2 as well as Dirty Harry - The Dead Pool
