Metal Influenced Art (?)

I usually scan my pencil stuff,then tweak it a bit with Adobe Photoshop-like adding that cool drop shadow effect.I went to the Adobe site where they let you start a portfolio by uploading artwork so you can show it off elsewhere.My only gripe is that when I post my pics,I have two options:post the small version of it(sucks!No detail!),or piss off the webmaster by posting the full size pic-which can,and usually is,FRIKKIN'HUGE.I'll post a full size pic as an example-Webmaster,feel free to edit my post if you feel the pic is just too huge.No hard feelins'.Oh,and yea actually,I do use a pen and tablet.Not on this particular stuff though.
I told ya' it was huge
Well,my next pic is from a rough draft of a t-shirt design I'm workin'on for a professional wrestler(no one famous of yet).Mojo,your suicidal saviour-crucified.It was his idea-I swear!