Metal Kid & Haul


Apr 29, 2004
Every Saturday we go out for a swim with the kids...Now afterwards we hang around in the pub of the Swimming pool. There was a like 11 year ol kid that's also there every time wearing a Blind Guardian sweater !! Of course I grab him by the arm and ask if he knows the band on his sweater??? He gives me that "are you stupid or what" look and says he loves metal, as long as it is hard and rough !! Of course I promised him to bring along some music next time, let's find out if he can appriciate some oldschool "rough" metal; Slayer, SOD, Venom, well, I'll give him a bunch to listen to.
This makes me feel soooo good, kids that still carry the metal spirit !!

Today I also did a little haul
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime (still needed that on CD)
Magnum - Chase the Dragon (masterpiece of Symphonic hardrock), bought this on vinyl, becouse of the superb sleeve also !!

and some newer stuff I still have to listen to
Liquid Tension Experiment "2"
Seven Witches - Year of the Witch
Fates Warning - X
Very well done carnut! I try to covern some of my students every year. My avarage is 2 per year!

The second Liquid Tension Experiment album SMOKES!!! One of my favorite albums.
carnut said:
iquid Tension Experiment "2"
That album kick some serious butt, the more I hear LTE, the less I understand wtf was the last DT album about

'Acid Rain' is an exercise in beware what you wish for, 'When The Water Breaks' and 'Hourglass' are also instant mamma mia :D But of course the whole album holds and delivers.

On the other part of your post, converting 11 years old to the path of light is the kind of thing that may get you to Heaven....

STOP IT! Before is too late, Hell ain't a bad place :p