Metal Label Secrets

The "Self Help" industry is one of the largest publishing windfalls of the past few decades. If you have to ask yourself why someone with "credentials" would venture down this path you simply need to aks - is there money to be had for little investment on the creators part?

Once you realize the answer is YES, add to that answer the fact that a sucker is born every minute and you have the complete picture.

Real estate, marriage, addiction, Starting an eBay business, ... now Marketing Metal. It's the very same reason people write "audio engineering" books. It's profitable not altruistic.

While these references are a little dated, the facts still hold true:
Jind: didn't look at your links. But while I agree with you, I'm a big fan of "self-help" books/ebooks (not so much DVDs). I've bought a bunch in the past years and I've yet to come across a single one where I was disappointed and ended up thinking "this wasn't worth the money". Then again, I'm of the opinion that every $ invested in education is a $ that's invested well - and I believe that if I can come away with only 1 or 2 useful things from a $15 book, it was worth the purchase. Of course people who have less disposable income may disagree, but it's worked for me so far.

There's nothing bad about money and if someone who has "credentials" decides to make money by sharing experiences, that's fine and dandy for me.
Jind: without looking at your links. While I agree with you, I'm a big fan of "self-help" books/ebooks (not so much DVDs). I've bought a bunch in the past years and I've yet to come across a single one where I was disappointed and ended up thinking "this wasn't worth the money". Then again, I'm of the opinion that every $ invested in education is a $ that's invested well - and I believe that I can come away with only 1 or 2 useful things from a $15 book, it was worth the purchase. Of course people who have less disposable income may disagree, but it's worked for me so far.

There's nothing bad about money and if someone who has "credentials" decides to make money by sharing experiences, that's fine and dandy for me.

Hey - I have absolutely no problem with folks making money of supposed talent, and if you learn something that assists you from the self help industry, more power to you.

Unfortunately the a large portion of the self help industry is selling a gimmick or a pyramid scheme, a get rich quick mentality to not only money but questionable methods of solving ones problems. Look at how many self help gurus are willing to give a taste of the system for "free" - remind you of any other elicit trade?

won't even go down the road of "credentials". We live in a day and age when the supposed doctor in the add for hair replacement success is actually a proctologist or podiatrist (they don't have to tell you what they are a doctor of) but all they have to say is 'I'm a doctor and I recommend..." and people will buy it.

Hey, but if it rocks your world - perhaps it's money well spent.

As always, individual mileage may vary.