Metal makes a big comeback

I was actually pleased with the show overall. Shadows Fall, Suicidal Tendencies, two TallicA vids, Killswitch Engage, some In Flames EP news, a Mustaine wise crack on James by Ian in response to James mispeaking Ian's last name, Hatebreed....overall not bad. I could have done without the StainD track, but overall I was shocked they played as many metal vids as they did. I'll certainly tune in again next week.

I've gotten to the point where I ignore articles like this. They're simply journalists who write about the current musical trend. Good music, IMO, will be underground. Cuz once you're on a label (major) you need to have your songs approved by the execs and they will ensure that the whole album is basically a collection of 10 songs which are derivative of each other. And not to mention the fact that they will be compressed to shit as to not allow any noticeable dynamic range in the music. That's probably my biggest complaint. Bands will go about trying to create dynamics in their music only to be ruined by the almighty compressor, just so it's loud. Stupid.