Metal Maniacs and their annoying review of the NY Metal Gods show..


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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I don't know about you guys..but S. Criag Zahler (writer for Maniacs) rubs me the wrong way sometimes. I hate some people's elitist know it all attitudes! Here is his review of the Metal Gods tour...Testament's performance in particular...

"The first time I saw Testament, they opened for Judas Priest on the Painkiller tour. The crowd went nuts (particularly during "Disciples of The Watch"). I enjoyed all of Alex Skolnick's solos. The second time I saw Testament they opened up for Iron Maiden on the Fear of The Dark tour. They did not have Alex Skolnick and the crowd did not go nuts for them. And Testament proceeded to chastise the crowd for not going crazy. So to punish the unresponsive crowd, Testament sat down indian style and finished out their set. Having little intrest in the non-Alex Skolnick part of this band, I didn't care that they sat down to play their songs. The only people who did care were the people who liked the band. How ironic.

Nine years later I am subjected to Testament again. Most irritating member award goes to the self-aggrandizing bass player du jour Steve DiGiorgio, who often played wacky bass licks on his five string fretless that had nothing to do with the music at hand. Considering DiGiorgio's obvious technical prowess, he might have wanted to tell the two guitar players that they were out of tune with each other (but then again, I doubt he was listening to them). Also irritating were the endless demands of Chuck Billyto make the crowd mosh-perhaps the dumbest activity ever to be incorperated into heavy metal. Since Testament has chastised audiences so many times I feel it's time to return the favor: if the music is good enough, it will make people go crazy. If it's not, don't berate the audience for not gettin' wild enough-people enjoy music different ways. Hell, I like some of Testament's tunes (Desciples of the Watch and Malpractice), but this "chastise the audience" modus operandi (which many thrash bands have, especially Metallica and Belladonna-era Anthrax) is egotistical garbage that indicates the musicians do not get enough pleasure in their own music anymore and now need the audience reaction to enjoy it. Sure, audience response is great, but earn it, don't coax it. It should be said that many people were going crazy for Testament, but apparently not enough for their liking."

God this guy is an ass..and he obviously knows nothing of Testament. He calls Steve and Eric "the two guitar players" (because I don't know what their names are). Then the comments about Alex...people who don't know much about Testament always mention if he's the only good guitar player they've had. Has he heard the Gathering or Low? Doubt it. Another really stupid thing he says is the part about moshing..hellooo it or not this IS a part of heavy metal culture and has been for many a matter of fact Anthrax coined the phrase...Caught in a Mosh....the only dictionary you'll find this word in is a METAL dictionary!! Of course bands want the audience to enjoy and get into their music..that's why they perform! If people are standing around like a bunch of geriatric patients the band's gonna try to encourage some sort of reaction...

We all need to send e-mails to Mr. Zahler and give him a little lesson about the culture surrounding this crazy music we love........jackass!!!!
MindInsane said:
We all need to send e-mails to Mr. Zahler and give him a little lesson about the culture surrounding this crazy music we love........jackass!!!!

Well where's the link BH! opened the can of worms, now produce the link!
That was probably the must fucked up review of Testament I've read so far. Get us his e-mail addy and I will add him to as many spam lists as possible. His e-mail will be filled with crap in a very short period of time. :D
I did hear The Gathering and everything else, but give the guy a break. He isn't like you and he doesn't have to be. He is just pointing out his opinion, which has every right to differ from yours, just as yours can differ from his. It's a given that Skolnick-era Testament was "different" for lack of a better term. And Eric has acted like an ass about Alex many a time. No? Maybe you should try to be more open minded and see the facts. He treated and badmouthed Alex for no good reason. It must have been a funny thing when they asked him to play on First Strike, which basically the best thing since The Ritual, with the exception of the godly The Gathering that is.

But, folks, the point is, lots of people prefer Testament with Skolnick. Don't blame them for it. It is true that Testament has had amazing guitarists in their entire career. I love Murphy's playing and Eric is possibly the best rhythm player out there. But they were, to me, better with Alex. People bitch about The Ritual, but the solo in "Serenity" basically blows everything else easily out of the water. It's Alex. He was the man.

Just food for thought. Before you off complaining to Zahler, take a minute of your precious time and think. Just think. Are you doing the right thing? If you believe so, then go ahead and email him.
I picked up that issue for the Zyklon article and got a shitty review of one of my fav bands to boot, Zahler is always like that, just negative.
to mindinsane,
i couldnt have said that better myself. i live in nashville and chuck billy always gives us a hard time because were not tearing up the place or burning it down or whatever the fuck they want us to do. so they left after 30 minutes,
that sucked. i also hate the metal maniacs review as well.
Well Pest and Deadly..I figured everyone on here would have the common sense to go on the Metal Maniacs website and either write the magazine or e-mail Zahler personally...Go figure:Smug:'re right about him..he's negative quite often. I do respect his opinion, but I think this was just a pretty rude article because of a couple of things...

#1 Stevie D. Sounds killer with's nice to hear him going off during the sounds great!! Zahler makes it sound like Steve's off in his own little world and it sounds like shit...whatever!

#2 The moshing comment...I don't do it anymore, but I used's the culture!

#3 What metal concert has anybody been to where the band just plays for the sake of playing and doesn't try to envoke some audience participation?? That would be NONE for me...

Just go to and get the link you need...I'm not a fan of posting someone's e-mail addy in a public forum. And if you're gonna e-mail MM or Zahler please make your comments constructive...not a bunch of "fuck you asshole" comments..that's not what this is about...
MindInsane said:'re right about him..he's negative quite often. I do respect his opinion, but I think this was just a pretty rude article because of a couple of things...

#1 Stevie D. Sounds killer with's nice to hear him going off during the sounds great!! Zahler makes it sound like Steve's off in his own little world and it sounds like shit...whatever!

#2 The moshing comment...I don't do it anymore, but I used's the culture!

#3 What metal concert has anybody been to where the band just plays for the sake of playing and doesn't try to envoke some audience participation?? That would be NONE for me...

I also wondered why the fuck he said that about DiGiorgio, it made no sense to me. It seems to me that Zahler had one bad experience at a Testament concert, a long time ago I might add, and he has judged the band based upon this one experience ever since, he is a shithead IMO. Sorry to go fourth grade there, but he is a shithead.
Mezarkabul said:
It's a given that Skolnick-era Testament was "different" for lack of a better term. And Eric has acted like an ass about Alex many a time. No? Maybe you should try to be more open minded and see the facts. He treated and badmouthed Alex for no good reason. It must have been a funny thing when they asked him to play on First Strike, which basically the best thing since The Ritual, with the exception of the godly The Gathering that is.
Hmmmm...Eric treated Alex like shit huh? This is a new one...DE care to elaborate...or obliterate this comment??
What a pretentious tool. His other reviews are like this too...he's one of those cockbites who stands in the back row stroking his chin and frowning if the musically isn't technically perfect, and stroking his dick if it is. Metal is all about audience participation, not standing around taking notes on the quality of the diatonic scales, and if this putz doesn't understand that, he has no business reviewing a Testament show.
Criag Zahler said:
. Most irritating member award goes to the self-aggrandizing bass player du jour Steve DiGiorgio, who often played wacky bass licks on his five string fretless that had nothing to do with the music at hand. opinion ... with his other statements (mosh, guitarists out if tune etc.) he made laugh ... i will not write a word about it ...he doesn't deserve that... but with this one above ... hahahaha .... he proved he is deaf ....
Hey Zah!, the fact that u don't follow bazzz patterns of Stevie-The -Fretless-God-theee-Giorgio means only one thing ..... try eminem.. that should be easy enough for u
Most everything about Zahler's review was accurate. The sloppy guitar playing (and inadequate mixing) was a major letdown the last two times I saw Testament. I'm surprised he didn't mention anything about Jon Allen -- arguably the most uninteresting Testament drummer since Louie C.
MindInsane said:
Hmmmm...Eric treated Alex like shit huh? This is a new one...DE care to elaborate...or obliterate this comment??
Well, how about going back 10 years? Maybe that would help. How about Eric's not-so-beautiful comments about Alex when The Ritual bombed? How about Eric putting the entire blame on Alex long after he was gone, like he was the only one for the album to 'suck' (I love it though).

Also, I read an interview with Chuck right after First Strike came out. He himself said Eric had acted unlike a gentleman towards Alex. And it was Chuck's decision to get Alex back on the CD, not really Eric's. Chuck said something along the lines of "I told Eric I was going to call and ask Alex if he'd consider playing on the record and Eric just shrugged".

Anyone else wonder why? Maybe he's got a problem with having lived under Alex shadow as far as the guitar playing is concerned. Let's face it, people including most Testament fans began to speak about Eric only after 1992 - the year Alex left the band. Before that they were all so crazy about Alex's playing you know. Anyone follow what I'm saying?

That said, I still don't see what's so wrong with Craig Zahler's comments. He's got his own opinion and obviously it differs from yours. Nothing wrong with that. There's no reason to get into the typical fanboy mood and come off sounding like a 13-year old angst-driven kid you know. Let the dude have his opinion. And I don't even like his reviews myself, it's just that I don't care. No one else in the world has to see the world the way I see it. How about some of you guys give this some thought? It might help.
Well, how about going back 10 years? Maybe that would help. How about Eric's not-so-beautiful comments about Alex when The Ritual bombed? How about Eric putting the entire blame on Alex long after he was gone, like he was the only one for the album to 'suck' (I love it though).
I don't believe Eric thinks "The Ritual" sucks and I advise you to read some interviews with him before talking shit. He just said it was them trying to be polite. It's Chuck who claims this record doesn't sound like testament (not that it sucks, though). Eric said he liked it and that the next logical step for the band was to go heavy, dirty and low after that. And Alex didn't want to. Neither did Lou. And TR was Alex's mostly "fault" (I love this record), because he said he wouldn't play the most of the thrashy material Eric had written while Al had been touring with Stu Ham. The band had to compromise, because Skol and Louie wanted to go mainstream and get more radio airplay while Chuck and Eric were still metalheads. I think the complaint Eric had about Mr. Skolnick was that he had lost his interest in metal music and wanted to get more exposure and write softer material, unlike the rest of the band. (I don't want to sound like trying to speak for Eric or anybody + there are people here that know much more about the band than me, but they're prolly pretty tired of replying to the same accusations over and over again- thus my comment).
Anyone else wonder why? Maybe he's got a problem with having lived under Alex shadow as far as the guitar playing is concerned. Let's face it, people including most Testament fans began to speak about Eric only after 1992 - the year Alex left the band. Before that they were all so crazy about Alex's playing you know. Anyone follow what I'm saying?
Don't forget that it's always been Eric who writes most of testament songs, not Alex. And he had written most of the testament classics and so many memorable riffs before Alex left. Yes, he'd been living in Al's shadow, but did he have a problem with it? I doubt that. He didn't seem to have this whole I-am-a-rock-star-baby-attitude. Alex was the star, but Eric was the core and soul of the band and that's why they could go on after Alex's departure. The main songwriter was still there (I doubt that TestAmenT would still sound like testament if it was Eric who left, not Alex). And please note that by no means am I dissing Alex. He has tremendous talent and will remain my fav lead guitar player forever. He chose to stray from his roots (grow up from the music of his youth, as he says) and devote his life and talent to the music he loves now(which isn't selling out) and if he's happy with this decision- I'm with him all the way. But there's no testament without Eric (the only original member) and Chuck and there's testament without Alex, face it.
That said, I still don't see what's so wrong with Craig Zahler's comments. He's got his own opinion and obviously it differs from yours. Nothing wrong with that. There's no reason to get into the typical fanboy mood and come off sounding like a 13-year old angst-driven kid you know. Let the dude have his opinion. And I don't even like his reviews myself, it's just that I don't care. No one else in the world has to see the world the way I see it. How about some of you guys give this some thought? It might help.
Sure, everyone can have and has an opinion, but being a writer, who shares his opinion with many others (and also influences others' opinions in a way) is a profession that carries huge responsibility for what you say. You can't talk shit about a band, unless you know them very well. And this gentleman obviousely knows nothing about testament. He's not even familiar with their post-Skolnick era, because there's no Skolnick. I bet he couldn't even say how many records has testament released since '92. Sure, you don't need to read or like his reviews and can just not care. However, when these reviews are written in an ignorant, offensive and rude way (like here) it might irritate some people who care about testament (not you, of course) who know how far from thruth these comments are. This is how rumour is being created. Sure, we all know the truth, but there are thousands of people who don't know testament and will be pre-judiced to this band that has no respect for their fans (sic!) or previous members and cannot earn crowd participation in a different way than begging or ordering them to mosh(!) after reading such narrow-minded articles. Chuck Billy's contact with the audience is really unique and he definitely is one of the best (if not the best) frontmen in music.
And I cannot even comment on his "opinions" about SDG's performance, cause they're just simply ridiculous. If you listened to a band and didn't like, don't listen to it again and don't follow them. But, if you want to critisize someone, yo first need to get to know him pretty well. That is, if you want your critisizm to be constructive, of course. And if you critisize, try to do it in a more "polite" way, base it on facts, don't just talk shit.
I'm not a fanboy, I don't feel offended by such ignorant comments (however I can understand people that are) and I just find such pathetic reviews ridiculous and sad (not because my fav band has been touched with dirty words, but because ignorance is so overwhelming in the musical press and people with nothing to say can freely preach their hateful and stupid opinions).
Yeah, opinions differ and you don't have to like what I like or agree with me (and that suits me fine), but if you share your opinion, you just need to know what you're talkin' bout to be credible and respected.
Mezarkabul said:
That said, I still don't see what's so wrong with Craig Zahler's comments. He's got his own opinion and obviously it differs from yours. Nothing wrong with that. There's no reason to get into the typical fanboy mood and come off sounding like a 13-year old angst-driven kid you know. Let the dude have his opinion. And I don't even like his reviews myself, it's just that I don't care. No one else in the world has to see the world the way I see it. How about some of you guys give this some thought? It might help.
You needn't preach to the choir, friend.

And what I posted was my opinion, don't complain about it, put your own advice to use.
And as far as Eric's badmouthing Alex, wasn't it the other way round? Wasn't it Alex who said that himself, though the youngest, was the only mature member of testament? Don't you remember him complaining about the fact that the band didin't want to develop and follow him into the non-metal direction? As Eric said, testament was meant to be testament, a metal band, not alternative testament feat. Mr. Skolnick- a collective, not dictatorship or supporters for a guitarist. Musical differences- that's what it was; not Eric kicking Alex out to get outta his shadow. Alex wanted to leave, for he saw no future in a metal band and they all accepted his decission. And Eric's comments on Alex's departure were just an reaction to Alex's behaviour and some comments about how much freedom he now has and how he can fully explore his talent now or whatever.

You have to understand that badmouthing is always there when a band breaks up (due to musical differences or other). The important thing is to forget about the past, move on and then reconcile and I think that's what testament did with Alex on FSSD and TOTT (where both Eric and Alex seemed to have great time and fun). This can be seen in the most recent interviews. Alex played with Testament, they attended his trio's show- there's no hatred or disrespect- everybody went their way and is happy.

And they weren't really talking shit about each other (Eric always admitted that Al was a tremendousley important part of testament and Alex saying some good things about "Low" and how much fun he had playing and touring with the other guys), there was just some pity in everybody that it all ended so suddenly, that the long-time line up was no more and it all happened during the peak of band's popularity.

I don't know as much as some other people here about the inner relations in the band, but one thing I know for sure- there was no special badmouthing about anybody here. One of the best guitar tandems in the history ceased to exist- it's a shame and pity- but that was nobody's fault and nobody's blaming anyone. Some people really need to do more research (try all the interviews linked on testamentlegions, dragonlord or Alex interviews for ecample), before they start to talk about things they know little about.
Mezarkabul said:
"I told Eric I was going to call and ask Alex if he'd consider playing on the record and Eric just shrugged".

Eric was probably a little bummed about Alex's decision to leave metal behind (as were his fans) thus the complacent attitude..Alex abandoned Testament in a way.

Anyone else wonder why? Maybe he's got a problem with having lived under Alex shadow as far as the guitar playing is concerned. Let's face it, people including most Testament fans began to speak about Eric only after 1992 - the year Alex left the band. Before that they were all so crazy about Alex's playing you know. Anyone follow what I'm saying?

It's true..I was bummed whan Alex left, but as far as Alex overshadowing Eric..well..that's just B.S. Eric (properly nicknamed Jun-Jun) is THE best riff writer in metal...ever. Everyone who is a true Testament fan recognizes this and worships him for that. Like HPOE said...Testament wouldn't be Testament without one could write and execute the riffing in Testament like the Riffmaster (anyone who knows anything about Testament knows this). Lead guitar players can be replaced...Testament has definitely done and EXCELLENT job in getting top notch Lead guitar one they've had since Alex has been a slouch. I mean come on..they put out argueably their best album AFTER Alex left the band..The they've still got it. They are one of the few bands who have stuck to their roots..and even if you're not a fan this should at least command SOME respect.

That said, I still don't see what's so wrong with Craig Zahler's comments. He's got his own opinion and obviously it differs from yours. Nothing wrong with that. There's no reason to get into the typical fanboy mood and come off sounding like a 13-year old angst-driven kid you know. Let the dude have his opinion. And I don't even like his reviews myself, it's just that I don't care. No one else in the world has to see the world the way I see it. How about some of you guys give this some thought? It might help.

I don't think anyone in here (with the exclusion of Mr. Zahler) has acted like a 13 year old angst driven kid..and if I'm a fan"boy" that's pretty impressive considering the fact that I'm female. I feel the need to make a point here..


I have a question for you...are you S. Craig Zahler? Just curious..