Metal Market?


Ruler of the Forest
Feb 27, 2004
Sheffield, UK
Since BS '04 will be my very first Bloodstock, can I ask what to expect from the Metal Market? I was hoping to snaffle some cheap tshirts, prefrably a Sonata Arctica one as their shop on their website doesn't seem to be open yet. Is the market cheap? Is it really worth it?
Man Its Not A Market In That Way... Its Not All Cheap Stuff, Its Proper Makes And Cds. Think Underground Metal Shop, That Will Be More Like It, Not Cheap, But All Cool To Shop At, You Just Need Some Cash, Just Remember Mate, Dont Come Broke And Expect To Get Stuff, There Arent Even Fake T-shirt Punters Outside The Gig:)lol
Its not expensive at all in myopinion compared to your average high-street shoppe but then who shops in HMV... last year rthere was very little in the way of t-shirts... i was rather annoyed... but i got a few cheap cds...
Hell raiser is nice and cheap sometimes but i think Sheridan who is Hellraisers will have a stall this year... i was under the impression she was supposed to have one last year but i dont think she did...
She should do, then she gets in free and after years of honourary service to the metal world she deserves that and some extra custom! For the market just expect normal prices, don't come broke as was said!
I've found out that a lot of the European bands struggle to bring merch over with them for single festival appearancesas it's a lot of messing about and extra price for luggage and stuff.

I truely do hope though that there's some Gamma Ray, Sinergy, Bodom, Edenbridge, Primal Fear and Sonata merch for sale. I think I've got every Gamma Ray T shirt currently available, and I've also got merch by Bodom and Primal Fear so I'm especially hoping for some Sinergy, Edenbridge and Sonata merch.
What sort of prices are the tshirts in the 'market' then, is it normal gig price of about £15-£20 or am i thinking wrongly, this will be my first bloodstock and I look forward to it all, will have to bring lots of cash!

Catharsis said:
Sheridan is more metal than metal itself.
Well said, she is the epitomy of metal...

I do hope they bring some merch over this year, i was devastated last year cos i didnt buy a saxon shirt on the first night so i could buy a nightwish shirt on the saturday but then they didnt have any... so i bought some cds instead... Ive been wanting a Ray shirt for a while now so if i havent bothered to buy one by then then ill pick one up there... if they bring 'em...
I don't think Nuclear Blast will miss the marketing opportunity this year! EMP did a cracking job in 02 with the BG stuff. Have to say that Gamma Ray were less organised. However if you are desperate to get your hands on some PF and Sonata goodies then hop on over to Have to say I think one of those Edguy shirts has my name on it too!
In 2002, there was a big t-shirt stall, but there wasn't much there last year. There was a good amount of CD stalls there, I got some total bargains there - especially at the Nightbreed stall - albums from £1 each! There was also an Earache stall I think, and there's lots of stalls that sell records, if you're a vinyl junkie
Spent about 50 quid on CDs last year, and I got loads of stuff - it'll be more this year!
I Got An Account Of £300 And Growing Toward The Stock Fund, Im Gonna Blow Out On Shopping... Shirts And Cds And Vinyl All The Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hope To Have About £600 For The Stock!!!
Bugger me, I need that kind of money for a new computer... my Bloodstock spending budget hangs around the £30-£40 mark!