Metal Masters Influencing Behaviour?

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
I have a retarded friend who Follows anything in order to seem like a true man... He is infact a prematurly born annoying biggoted Idiot. He has leached on to me And I cant get rid of him. Nor can a bunch of other people he dedicates his life to stalking and attemting to impress.

Reacently in a pathetic attempt to self mutilate he tried to heat a metal crucifix and press it in to his arm. He is a deicide fan. He failed to take the pain and do it... but besides that point can Deicide be blaimed for him wanting to do this to himself?

Some people around here are moaning that Deicide has turned him into a god hater. He has no mind of his own. I guess what Im trying to do is ask you guys if you think the band can be blaimed for peoples actions or do you think everyone chooses their own paths through life :confused:

The new Deicide album is fookin brilliant! but anyway what do you all think about """"the case of the retarded shepard lover""" :Smug:
"I guess what Im trying to do is ask you guys if you think the band can be blaimed for peoples actions or do you think everyone chooses their own paths through life"

Hell no. That's like Joe Lieberman trying to ban violent videogames, because he thinks that they influence bad behavior. It's COMPLETELY up to the person on how they handle what they hear/see.

Dump your "friend" or get him to listen to some Christian metal, just to f*ck around with him and show him not to be so closed minded.
hell fucking no they shouldnt be blamed
that dude is stupid and the band shouldnt be blamed for him being stupid

unfortunately, this country has a problem, people seem to be in denial about the stupidity of themselves or others and are eager to place the blame on everything but where the blame actually is, themselves.

saying this idiot is the bands fault is like the people who sue mcdonalds because theyre fat. ill bet the people blaming the band for this are the same people who blame all of their own problems on someone else, so why not blame somone elses problems on the media? anyone who is claiming its the bands fault is probably even more stupid than the cling-on you described

hell its been done a thousand times already
I agree with all you've said, I think this turd boy of a friend needs kicking in the nuts for being so stupid. the cling on I described is As retArded as they come unfortunately, what do you do when a soleless piece of crap lynchs on to you and will do anything to be around, or be respected by you? I need advise in removing this proverbial tumour!