metal mix - first upload

First off... and this is just MY opinion... I hate that guitar tone... too fizzy...

The snare is lacking in the smack department...

the overs could be a tad louder...

but everything as a whole doesnt sound so bad...

What/how did you record everything and what gear was used? (if you remember)

:rock: :rock:
yes the guitar player wanted to use his distortion pedal and i really don't remember what it was. what do you mean by "overs"? i will post later when i have more time about the equipment used.
this was recorded with pro tools m-powered and mixed with pro tools LE. the drums went through the pres on a sony dmx r100 console. everything else went through a vintech 1272.

guitars: some distortion pedal, rivera head, mesa cab
bass: direct with sansamp bass driver