Metal mix I've just finished (think Meshuggah, Fear Factory...)


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey all,

I've just finished to mix a 5 songs EP for a cool band (they are friends :kickass:). It's a preproduction for a future album. Everything was recorded by them in their home studio and the tracks sounded quite good except some details : bit undergained guitars, too saturated vocals (I had to EQ/filter and compress the hell of it to get something good)... But it ends up great I think !
I mixed it in a few days with some great gear I have here : Apogee Rosetta, Distressors, UA 1176, Mindprint DTC, A-Designs Pultec EQ, UAD card...
The drums were programmed with Drumkit From Hell Superior (and I mixed it like real drums ! Ambience and so on...). I reamped the bass in an MXR bass DI to get some more dirt.

They are now searching for a good studio where they can master the whole thing. A studio called Trillium Sound mastered a sample of one of the songs for them, which you can hear here :

This is not the final version because we have to work more on the levels (drums and vocals too loud IMO), but it should sound like that :rock:
I'll post the "raw" mix so that you can hear the difference.
I wouldn't necessary say guitars need more gain. They almost sound a little too behind in the mix to judge with reference to their gain. I would say push the faders up on guitars (as you said, vox and drums are too loud). I go a little too much with guitars, something I have to fix here as soon as I go pro with a public studio. I guess it's just the "more me" ego. I like the tone on guitars, just more of them. I would prefer a bit more verb to smooth out the drums. I can def here some room ambience with dkfh but, I would say snare needs a bit more decay to fill it out. Just my preference but I think it could help the mix a bit. Nice job brother!
I agree that the guitars don't have enough volume to them. Turn them up and maybe all will be solved. An example of a really good meshuggah tone would be on the song "icarus lives"... I don't know how that Bulb guy does it but it sounds amazing