Metal Mix (Superior, SSD4, Le Poulin, Trillian)



Hi Guys,

Need to really scratch up on my mixing ability so I hoped I could grab some feedback about this mix.

I wrote this to test out a few new mixing ideas but still not quite where I want it to be.

Any feedback would be awesome!


It's very easy to tell that the drums are artificial. Guitar lacks a bit of bite I think and are a little too "fuzzy" for my liking. Maybe try some new settings on your amp sim plugs to de-fuzz and brighten them a bit. Cool riffs :)
this is some good shit fer sure! i'd work on writing some proper midi for those sweet sounding drums though. try alternating velocities more, in top-notch productions snare and toms are normally just partly replaced (manually replacing weak hits, hits with too much bleed etc) unless it's neo-grindcore or some other annoying genre, and some hits are even left un-quantized for authenticity or it's something that beat detective missed and the producer left to make the drums sound more "honest". cymbals are important too, try staying away from 127 all-the-way cymbal beats since real-life drummers never hit that hard unless they're really accenting something, and move them around the grid aswell, because when you're quantizing real drums it's only the shells you're moving around. so if a cymbal hit is dead on the grid and the kick is slightly behind, you move the kick back and the cymbal hit suffers. the same principle applies to everything being hit at the same time, i.e. a snare hit over a kick hit, whichever comes first comes first, even if a tom is slightly ahead of a kick hit, the kick hit suffers (unless your name is jason suecof, you're doing trivium, and you're lazy and do the "kick is always right"-approach ). two hits can never be perfectly on grid if you want it to sound real. whether you like it or not, you're gonna have to program some 'errors' in there. even perfection isn't perfect.

this is an awesome mix though! writing midi is more of a production thing rather than mix thing. the only thing I can complain about in the mix is the keys having too much ambience. they need to sound 'closer' to my ears. and I gotta ask you about that kick drum! what is it, and what did you do to it? sounds beautiful.
Cheers for the feedback guys!

I get what you mean about the "bite" briggz22 I'll give it ago :)

Will definitely give this ago Backe!

The kick is an SSD4 kick blended with a Metal Machine kick (SSD providing the thud and the Metal Machine providing the click) then a small amount of EQ on each. Cheers!