Tesseract-esque song/Oh my. (Lecto, S2.0/TMF/ Trillian)


Jan 23, 2009
Roi, Finland
Hi folks!

I guess this is my best mix so far. All feedback I have got from this forum is some reminder that "I should tell all about my mix" before I can get any advices or opinions. (Not to bash you fine folk around here!)
Prove me wrong!
Well I can give you details, guitar chain and such. Just ask!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1008348/Kingdom of the Sun.mp3

Hope you like! Any advices and suggestions are highly appreciated!
fuckin awesome! \m/ i like the overall mix nothing rly sounds out of place to me anways. great track hope to hear more heavy shit from you! x]
Dude this is fucking boss, how do you get the rhythm guitar sound in the very beginning, like the sound tesseract uses in their songs for the clean parts?
Thanks guys!

Here you go:

Note that I only used the second slot in Lecab!

Aaand here's the impulse I used:

There's four tracks of rhythm guitars in the mix. panned 100/100 and 80/80.
I used same settings for lead guitars, panning depends how many lead tracks are playing at same time. Some places there's a lead track that plays the same riff that rhythm guitars but it's octave higher. That makes it sound fuller IMO.

Oh, I post clean's settings later 'cause i don't remember them and I didn't remember to take screencap, but cleans are just LE456 clean channel and lot's of delay. No cab impulse.

Hope this helps!