Metal moment......

Andy Sneap

Metal Guru
Apr 17, 2002
at home
check out the line up

Me, Bill Steer, Jeff Walker, Warrel Dane, James Murphy, Barney, Jeff Loomis, Shane Embery and Ken Owen. Good times! :headbang:

That should get bori talking on Blabbermouth. :D
Jeez, i'm quite shaky right now. Bill is playing here again (Belfast) on the 9th April. I think that's about his 4th time with Firebird. He might not be into his metal anymore, but he can still play like no-one else...and he's a thoroughly nice chap.
How's Ken keeping? Good to see him out and about.
aww, Barney and Shane! last time I saw them play in Zagreb in 1994, they should play here in July. hope to see them again! :)

err, Andy, some cunts on this pic are... not that ugly. :D
Wow!!! Some of the greatest musicians in that little space... :OMG:

I'm glad too to see Ken Owen alive and kickin' again!!!

Just read the story of the Murphy's disease on his site....
Pretty heavy stuff...

You guys are great!!!
Nitronium Blood said:

3 out of 4 ain't bad! :D

Rats! I just learned that Mike didn't join Carcass untill AFTER 'Heartwork' was recorded. Rats! To think I kept worshipping him for thinking he wrote some of the best music ever. Boy do I feel like shit now.

mike joined carcass before necroticism, and left after heartwork ;)
Holy shit do I NEED a Carcass reunion, with or without Mike(it'd be nice, but I like the stuff before him just as much as after). This is a legendary pic.