Metal moment......

Nitronium Blood said:

3 out of 4 ain't bad! :D

Rats! I just learned that Mike didn't join Carcass untill AFTER 'Heartwork' was recorded. Rats! To think I kept worshipping him for thinking he wrote some of the best music ever. Boy do I feel like shit now.
Not to say that Mike Amott isn't a great guitarist and an amazing musician, but I never considered him as a part of Carcass. Carcass was always Bill, Jeff and Ken. Amott joined Carcass after Symphonies of Sickness and left after Heartwork, but as far as I know it was still Bill's riffs most of the time(although I think in Heartwork Mike's contribution significantly rose). Anyways, Carcass rules, so does Mike Amott.
Nitronium Blood said:
Apparently, according to this Guitar World Carcass interview from 1994

Mike joined after Heartwork was recorded.

If this bit of information is bollocks, and if Mike did actually contribute to the songwriting on Heartwork, then I am once again a happy man.
just look at the covers man.... he joined for Necroticism and was on Heartwork as well.. left before Swansong.... but i guess you just downlaoded the albums and have no idea who played on what... :err:. just stop. buy those albums.
Nitronium Blood said:
...if Mike did actually contribute to the songwriting on Heartwork, then I am once again a happy man.

Just listen to Carnage then to Necroticism and hear Mikes influence right from him joining. Heartwork has Mike riffs all over it it to Arch Enemy and you can hear loads of his style coming through.

Lets not forget Carlos though. His solo's are real nice on Swansong. Maybe not up to Bill or Mike standard, but they really suit that album (and Blackstar too).
James Murphy said:
just look at the covers man.... he joined for Necroticism and was on Heartwork as well.. left before Swansong.... but i guess you just downlaoded the albums and have no idea who played on what... :err:. just stop. buy those albums.
I don't own Necroticism yet, James. I don't know much about it. I've just heard clips off that album via My Carcass world currently revolves around 'Heartwork' and 'Swansong' and I know he ain't there on Swansong.

As for Heartwork, I do see Mike's name on the album credits.

For some inexplicable reason, I thought that perhaps the so called Guitar World article is true and that perhaps all was recorded and Mike became part of the official lineup afterwards. Like I said, I don't own Necrotism, so I never really looked back from Heartwork all that much. This is the cause of my illogical statement/conclusion, and not because I don't purchase music.

Fucking hell.
Nitronium Blood said:
I don't own Necroticism yet, James. I don't know much about it. I've just heard clips off that album via My Carcass world currently revolves around 'Heartwork' and 'Swansong' and I know he ain't there on Swansong.

As for Heartwork, I do see Mike's name on the album credits.

For some inexplicable reason, I thought that perhaps the so called Guitar World article is true and that perhaps all was recorded and Mike became part of the official lineup afterwards. Like I said, I don't own Necrotism, so I never really looked back from Heartwork all that much. This is the cause of my illogical statement/conclusion, and not because I don't purchase music.

Fucking hell.
relax and save your breath for getting yourself down to your local metal outlet to buy or special order Necroticism.... it is a must have for anyone who considers themselves a Carcass fan. \m/;)
James Murphy said:
relax and save your breath for getting yourself down to your local metal outlet to buy or special order Necorticism.... it is a must have for anyone who considers themselves a Carcass fan. \m/;)

Necroticism is not bad, but I like heartwork more.
The ultimate carcass album is still "symphonies of sickness"...

Thomas, Carcass-Fan since "symphonies of sickness"

P.S. Did someone else note the similarity of "no love lost" and Kreators "people of the lie"?
ThomasT said:
P.S. Did someone else note the similarity of "no love lost" and Kreators "people of the lie"?

Not "No Love Lost" but "Heartwork" (A canvas to paint, to degenerate, dark reflections-degeneration !). Yes, I totally noted it when Heartwork was released 12 (arg) years ago !!!, I actually couldn't believe my ears how much this is obvious ! It's so obvious that there is no doubt about the fact that they did not do it on purpose, just coincidence !
James Murphy said:
just look at the covers man.... he joined for Necroticism and was on Heartwork as well.. left before Swansong.... but i guess you just downlaoded the albums and have no idea who played on what... :err:. just stop. buy those albums.
yeah do it!!!!
Carcass is Ken, Jeff and Bill period.
and Heartwork aint extreme