Metal Monkees


Old Fart
Sep 12, 2007
Ok I new to this forum. But have been recording for about a year off and on. Im 45 years old, so Im probably older than most on this forum (maybe). Anyway I did a remake of an old Monkees tune cald "Zor and Zam". Its on my soundclick web site. Link is below in signature area. Maybe not heavy heavy metal, but its pumped up alot. Oh yea, Im playing all instruments and singing. I am not a good singer so sort of look past that. I main instrument is 6-string guitar.
Oh yea. Please let me know if you liked it. Like I said I cant sing worth a shit. But hey I just like screwing around and learning different ways of mixing. Let me know hou the instruments sound. I know the bass guitar is weak, Im redoing it.
Huh, no takers. I guess its not metal enough for here. Ok I raised the bass and got rid of a stray cymbal at the end that didnt go. And raised the guitars a little. Sounds better now.
Sounds good actually but I'm not familiar with the song. My mom had a 45 of the monkees i used to play and only song i remember is the "hey hey were the monkees".

Pretty good mix though no comments really......
Pretty cool man, can you give more details on this recording? And where in Ohio are you at? I'm in Kent.
I primarily use my Carvin 6 string guitar through my JSX Head with XXX cab or the Epi into the cab. At times I will use a Boss GT8 and DI it into my mixer. Mixer wise I use a Mackie 1640 (Onyx Pre-amps) with firewire interface. The Mackie is not modded so its a clean conversion to the pc. I like the clean input as it was intended. Once there (in the pc so to speak) I use Tracktion 3 as my mixing software and love it. Bass is a DI Peavey Bass, Drums are a Sonor Force 3005 kit. Drums mics are all Audix except snare which is sm57, All other mics are 57 or 58. I just put down the drums then added the guitars and vocals. Normal sequence. Below are a few pics of equipment. My son is on the drums and his friend on guitar in the pictures.







