(Metal) Papercraft


About a year and a half ago I became interested in papercraft. If you're not familiar with it, it basically involves cutting/folding/gluing paper models together. There are a ton of free templates online that range from extremely simple to 50+ page monstrosities. That being said I was curious if anyone else on the forum shared my hobby.

I recently came across this papercraft, a collaboration between Hello Kitty and X Japan, which spurred me to post here. I'm interested to see if there are other metal papercrafts out there.

Here's a link to some of the projects that I've put together in the past.
I've never tried this but some of your stuff looks pretty impressive! When you say 'paper', do you mean sheets that are thicker/heavier than normal printing paper? Lightweight cardboard?
I've never tried this but some of your stuff looks pretty impressive! When you say 'paper', do you mean sheets that are thicker/heavier than normal printing paper? Lightweight cardboard?

I use card stock for most of my models so that they hold up better over time, but the trade-off is that it can be more difficult to fold intricate pieces. There are many people who use regular printer paper, a lot of it just comes down to personal preference.
I tried one of the motorcycle models a while back, but it didn't end up looking as nice as the pic online :)

I think I still prefer plastic models or balsa planes.