Old School Gaming Geeks Unite! - GaryCon 2012

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
about three of you may remember that I have mentioned how I plan to take some time off next year from the Promotional work and try to make up for lost 'me' time over the past few years. Prior to the local/regional music Promotional work, most of my hobby time was spent either online or at a table top with the Dungeons & Dragons game. That hobby has suffered tremendously in the past 5+ years due to all of my spare time being spent lining up bands for shows.

Next year, I plan to turn back the clock starting with GaryCon. Bookmark the site and check back in the coming days as they are about to re-launch their website and start pre-registration. Join the forums; I'll be on there under the name 'blackmote'.

This is the gaming convention that celebrates all things Gygax-related - from the original AD&D game systems to retro-clone systems such as OSRIC, Labyrinth Lord, Castles & Crusades, and many more. Check it out. You might find something that piques your interest if you miss the good ol' days of gaming.

Hoping I might see a few familiar faces from the ProgPower USA community while at this convention, especially those from the greater Milwaukee/Chicago region.