Metal song I made yesterday, not sure about genre


May 4, 2009
So, I wrote and recorded this song yesterday that I would appreciate if anybody gave some comments about. Both songwriting and mix-wise.

I previously played some of my older recordings on a home theater system ( not a very good one though), and they pretty much sounded really muddy in the bass areas. First I was sure that it was because the subwoofer was way too loud and the system used some kind of hall reverb setting.

But I tried to play some professional mixes on the same system and they sounded nice ( Oh well maybe not nice, but at least you could hear most instruments).

I tried to make a better low end on this mix, would be cool if anyone could tell how the low end sounds on your speakers.

Here's the song:


or dropbox:

Guitars: soloc, 8505
Bass: studio devil virtual bass amp
Drums: superior 2.0
I think this is a well-balanced mix with the exception of the reverb on the snare. I think it is a tad too much in places. That's just my taste though.

Overall, cool song and production.

Yeah, maybe it's a bit too much in the heavy parts. I'll try expermenting with automation on the reverb later on. Thanks for the input!

Really nice!! Sounds like something Arch Enemy would do. I love it.

Thank you, means a lot coming from you :)

it sounds good to me.i use studio devil for bass too. settings for bass?

I copied the DI track and ran one track with the "Pillow Soft" preset and another with The "Crunchy Bass" preset.

The Crunchy Bass was highpassed at 220 hz. And two compressors in chain with around 15 ms attack 150 ms release, ratio of 2.5 and threshold set to remove around 1-2 db in average each.

The Pillow Soft was lowpassed at 430 hz. -3.6 db at 62 hz q 7.0. +3.3 db 100 hz q 7.0. No further compressing.

The Pillow Soft was mixed 4.3 db louder than the crunchy one.