Metal survivor, round 12

Who should be voted off the planet?

  • Phil Anselmo

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Lemmy

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Scott Ian

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Dave Mustaine

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I absolutely love Megadeth with all of my metal heart, just not the pathetic mess they have become. I read an interview with Dave when Risk was coming out where he was talking about how to him music is just merchandise now. That he just tried to write marketable music (obviously that's not his strong suit). It just disgusted me, coming from the man who wrote one of my favorite albums of all time!!! By the way, if you loved Milli Vanilli, I wouldn't hold that against you, dear, heheh.

Originally posted by Wandrail
I absolutely love Megadeth with all of my metal heart, just not the pathetic mess they have become. I read an interview with Dave when Risk was coming out where he was talking about how to him music is just merchandise now. That he just tried to write marketable music (obviously that's not his strong suit). It just disgusted me, coming from the man who wrote one of my favorite albums of all time!!! By the way, if you loved Milli Vanilli, I wouldn't hold that against you, dear, heheh.


Okay good.. I was afraid that was my first sign:p (not really)
My favorite album of their's is Youthanasia, it's also one of my favorites of all time so I am certainly glad we are not having this issue - haha!! I can't say that I was ever terribly into the newer MD stuff, so yeah I suppose you're right :-\

Not Milli Vanilli, but George Michael.. :lol:

AAAAGH no, please not Wham!!!!...ah, know, even Wham couldn't deter me from you ;). Rust in Peace is one of my favorite albums of all time, and of course my favorite Megadeth album.

Haha...oh what a low blow. U2's the Joshua Tree is rightfully considere done of the all time greatest albums ever. I still listen to it regularly =P. Have you ever actually listened to it? ;) Or are you just having a gut reaction from the horror that was "Pop" and "Beautiful Day"? -bites-

*yelps from Eric Bite* Yes, gut reaction is correct.. teach me otherwise?? *remembers this is a public thread about Metal Survivor*, let's schedule lessons elsewhere?

Yes, for you, and you alone I can offer private lessons on such matters ;). And yes, where were we...Lemmy must stay, Phil must go? Heheh...

Haha! No no, Dave can stay! PHIL must go...he can "walk" right off a cliff. Harhar.

I only have one slot for enrollment in these courses, you see, and through my careful process of selection, you are hands down MY CHOICE. ;)

:bah: I SITLL LIKE PHIL TOO! *stiffles giggle* Okay, but that "walk" right off a cliff thing is funny as hell! *busts out laughing silly* NO! *realizes Phil has to go for Dave to win*

So when do we begin lessons (and check-ups, Doc)??? Or should I say, when do we "continue" lessons! :eek:

I was going to say he could take a long "walk" off a short pier, but it was a bit too contrived. Phil is just pretentious as hell to me, while Lemmy is an original and could give a damn about what anyone thinks. I love Motorhead, heheh. Its just heavy, loud, pure rock, nothing else like 'em.

We continue "lessons", my dear, as soon as time permits you to visit my "practice". ;)

Well, you do have a point there... Lemmy is cool, Motorhead absolutely rocks, but I still really have to give it to Dave!

*thinks* Hmm.. I will most certainly have to consult my schedule for my next appointment!

Phil is winning!!!
this is a little step for me but a big step for music

I think Phil is accepted on those underground bands because they know all the Pantera fans will go and buy their albums just because Phil is groaning on the background while having a joint

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