Metal T-shirt Help!

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
I'm about to pull my hair out! I have been searching the Internet everywhere for 2XL metal shirts of groups I like, such as In Flames, Iced Earth and Maiden. I have had no luck, can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction?

Thanks :)
Your best bet would be to get it over the net somewhere big fella. Most u say...probably wont' stock those bad as that is
Originally posted by JESUSATAN
I'll point you in the right direction... Its called weight watchers.

Joke or not, you wouldn’t be smart to say that to my face. I’m a Division-I collegiate wrestler and compete in strength sports, such as powerlifting & strongman. I just happen to be a big fan of metal that’s a big guy, unlike a lot of skinny punks that listen to the music and think that they are badasses. I love it when I get a smart-ass response to a simple question, you punk. To others, thanks for responding.
Hahaha shut the fuck up toughguy, get a sense of humor and stop trying to be badass on a message board. Its kinda funny how many people online are body builders and whatnot isnt it?
Originally posted by JESUSATAN
Hahaha shut the fuck up toughguy, get a sense of humor and stop trying to be badass on a message board. Its kinda funny how many people online are body builders and whatnot isnt it?

Yeah, I guess you are right, you loser. I'm not even wasting my time with you. Keep on playing keyboard warrior and keep up the the good contributions to the board asshole. See ya down the road. P.S. - It's kinda funny how many people online are that are
smart-asses. "Get a sense of humor" - You don't even fuckin' know me, so shut it.
Originally posted by JESUSATAN

Could you sound any more like a whiney little slipknoteque mallfag?

Could you sound any more like a black metal fan loser?

"Spilling your blood
Killing your god
The ripped and torn angels
Will bleed like a flood
Christraping black metal -I- "

How about this?

"Your ripped anus by satan
Will bleed like a flood
As the unholy one will make love"

Go put on some spikes, leather and face paint and go try to scare people. FUCK YOU, I'M DONE WITH IT!