Metal throughout the ages


Aug 2, 2009
What metal albums do you think will be revered not just through the decades, but through the centuries? Now, this may be impossible, but if music from the 1700 and 1800's is still respected, can music from our time be appreciated 100, 200 years from now?
I think it's too hard for us to say, because the music from the 1700-1800s wasn't recorded, but kept in musical sheets. This way music was preserved and cherished for a longer period of time (ironic seeing that popping in a CD wherever you are would seem more fitting to that description) People probably heard Beethoven's 5th ONCE in their entire lifetime, unlike today where we can listen to it on auto-repeat in itunes for a week. Truth is, you get bored after a while...

However I do think that certain metal acts will stand for at least 100 years, I mean Elvis is going strong still, and shit it's almost been 100 years. Most likely bands like Metallica and Led Zeppelin will survive for a long time.
fuckin BEHEMOTH will be lauded for centuries dudes
In the underground metal scene, I have no doubt that Bathory will stand the test of time...but we are however a small minority in the large world of in terms of re-issuing CD's etc, I don't think that will happen with a vast majority of bands that most of us here on the forums like..if anything their legacy will continue when we hand the contents of our sacred metal shrines to our seed.
Black Mothafucking Sabbath.

It's almost been 40 fucking years, since their debut, and are still one of the best metal bands.
I think it will just keep going. I don't see how its going to get weird. Either the styles will be the same or more styles will appear with great respect in the underground at most. Unless theres even shittier core genres that get developed excluding grind.
it's up to us to preserve metal's legacy by passing it on to our offspring.

metal will probably never be embraced by the entire world population, although i foresee underground metal cults spinning "Immortal Rites" while sacrificing virgins and goats to a large statue of Baphomet..

If only we could see those days...Metal is gonna be weird in 2200.

What's funny about that is that before the late 80s/early 90s, what was thought to be the most heavy and blasphemous metal really has nothing on today's heaviest bands. Look at Black Sabbath with their dark lyrics and tritone that time that was considered very heavy and evil. Now put on an album by a band like Necrovore haha

I don't see guitars being able to be tuned much lower than they are, nor do I see any lyrics being gorier or more blasphemous than todays porncore/gorecore/black metal bands...

Metal has branched out tremendously since the 60s, but if you think about it, ever since the late 90s, if even that, metal hasn't evolved too people are just creating sub-subgenres of already exisiting subgenres..will we ever see a dramatic new subgenre of metal in the future?
it's up to us to preserve metal's legacy by passing it on to our offspring.

metal will probably never be embraced by the entire world population, although i foresee underground metal cults spinning "Immortal Rites" while sacrificing virgins and goats to a large statue of Baphomet..



more like experimented geneticaly mutated goats lol...
In the future, Metallica v2.0 will be the only metal band. Therefore, only Metallica albums will be remembered.
Too much music dealing with sex appeal now a days. Until that grows off hip hop/pop will be a completely overated widespread. Metal should still be very stable in the underground though, I don't see why not.
Stable as in not dead, probably, but honestly as extreme metal bands explore more and more, future metal will be able to expand less and less (and could easily become stagnant). Maybe this is how everyone felt with Black Sabbath so I really have no idea, being a fucking kid and all, but I don't feel like anyone's going to get much heavier than some of today's best funeral doom bands, or much darker than some of the best black metal bands. I can think of a few options, but nothing too radical.
I think seeing that metal is a very creative genre it will expand over the decades but it will possibly stay in the zone where it is now.