Metal work in progress - feedback needed

The guitars are woofing out quite a bit in the low end on the palm mutes. If you got a multiband compressor try compressing around 80-200 hz, otherwise just EQ down that area and compress.

I think all of the drums are a bit too dark/muddy and would need some more high end, esp the kick. Actually the entire mix is a bit dark, vocs as well.
cheers :) tried a multiband on the guitars just now and it sucked all the life out of them, so some precision eq seems to have just about sorted out the woofing.

Tried boosting the high end on the kick but instead of a nice slap it sounds like an icepick, and without drumagog or anything it look slike i'll have to spend some time pasting in samples by hand to try and get a decent sound :p

thanks for the help dude! much appreciated, will post newer results when i get round to doing more on this mix :)