Metalcore - Looking For Suggestions


Oct 12, 2011
New Mexico, USA
I've only been mixing for about 6 months, I dont exactly have a studio but I'm building gear for it. I have sennheiser hd555 phones, alesis usb monitors, line6 ux1(with installed metal pack), ESP guitars w/ EMG60's, Ibanez 5 string bass, MXL V63M condensor, phantom box. I'm working on getting some drum mics and a 16 channel interface later on, I'll need a lot of gear but those should come first.

I'm using FL Studio 10(to patternize and record) and CoolEditPro(to level dB, add fade's, and cool EQ sweeps) as my outlet for now, I want to change to a different DAW eventually, but I don't really know what I should be going for in terms of software. I used Sony Acid, and /gag. I'd really like a good performing DAW for a decent price; I have a good computer, no sound card, you don't really need one if your computer's a baws, amirite? I've heard Cubase, Reason, Cakewalk, Digital Performer, Pro Tools, and Garage Band were all pretty comparable.

So I wrote this song yesterday, drums, guitar, bass, keyboards, no vocals on it yet.

Here's what I've done so far on it:

I layered 3 snares together cause one snare just sounds like paper thin shit.

Also layered 2 kicks together, one kick is snappy and the other is thicker.

I didn't layer the toms cause I haven't found any half decent samples, the Chimaera toms are alright for now, just wish they had more attack so I could tell when they hit, the resonance sounds good, not really any snapping going on though.

Cymbals are ok, I think I need to adjust something on the ride, it doesn't sound quite right to me.

Guitars are recorded with a lower sounding amb/cab model, I didn't know whether to layer the guitars in 4's or 2's, I went with 2's for now panning each about 55% left and right, using a third guitar in center when it needed it. And if I did do 4 guitars, would I pan them equally the same as the previous? Or pan them more extreme? Would I use a different cab/amp model? Or just use a different mic selection? Never really thought of layering 4 guitars till I watched that extreme metal interview with the dimmu borgir producer on youtube..

The bass is just synthesized right now to fill in the lower end some more to see how it might sound.

There is a synth in it, didn't really know what to do, I just put a HPF and LPF on to allow other stuff before keyboards.

Thinking about it now, maybe I should LPF my ride?

Thanks for any help, or any trolling for entertainment you may have caused. :p
The drums are pumping hard, especially that kick. They all sound like they came off of an electronic kit. During the toms rolls, all I hear is the low-end and ringing from the hits, it's very strange. The kick is way too loud and dominates the mix. The guitars sound passable, but they need more low-end and less high-mids, and if there's a bass track it needs to come up. The guitars also don't sound very wide.
Yea I thought the snare and kick were pretty overpowering. I don't have sub's so I can't exactly tell. Duly noted. thank you.

I've been messing with the eq on the higher end of the toms to see if I can't bring out the attack more but nothing seems to be working. maybe a compressor is needed?
I dunno sounds pretty compressed already. You say you use FL studio right? You may wanna check out your mix window and see if the limiter is still activated. Projects default with it on.
Yea I turned that main limiter off, and added a multi-band compressor using the +6dB mastering preset w/ a limiter on it. (I do this because it turns everything up by 6 db but limits it, it makes it seem louder but it just makes everything more compressed really).

Should I not have a limiter on my Master channel at all?
So my main channel is peaking w/out the limiter on, but nothing in the mixer is peaking. Also the master is set at 0.0 dB, the level at the top of the screen is also the same.

Now I'm confused.
I'll just keep that limiter on and keep everything from peaking on the mix.

Things I did:

Turned down two snares. I like having the snare a little louder in my mix, I just love how they sound, specially the maple ones.

Turned down the kicks. Turned higher EQ's up a little.

Toms.. I completely replaced the kit, the raw files were too muddy. I kept the volume pretty high on them and EQed the higher end more than low end.(I was at a Miss May I concert a week ago and my ears still kinda ring. Was right next to the bloody jbl's w/out earplugs. /leftear)

I turned the ride down, tuned its pitch down a TINY bit, and increased the higher part of the EQ.

Turned the hi-hats down, seemed like the they still came in too strong.

I like where the crashes and everything else is.

I thought the keys were fine.

Turned bass up a little.turned guitars up. also EQed the guitars a bit.(they were flat still from fresh recording, woops). Oh yea I panned em by 75% Left and Right. Only 2 layers, occasionally 3.

I'm still thinking 4 guitar layers would make it so thick, 2 @ 75% left and 2 @ 75% right, but with different cab/head's, so the lefts and rights still match, but picking up different harmonics.

I think everything is ok for now though, what do you think?

Updated link here:

(edit: links are the same after upload, sweet)
after listening to this I have come to the conclusion that I hate you haha. You have an incredible talent man, and with more practice I think we're all going to see some great stuff from you.
hahaha. I hate you too :) <3

Thanks, today was rather shitty(replaced bassist), good to hear commentary like this :D

(edit: re-uploading a new version i made with reaper, just testing the waters to see the difference in DAWs, trying to find the right one)

- cT