This is not half bad...

The screams are little too dry though. imho

guitars and bass could come up, and guitar tone is not quite meaty enough.

Good cleans. Just needs minor tweaks.

all in all good job dude
instead of changing the guitars i would try a little more of an overdriven bassguitar to get it more "meaty" :D

what i would try for the growls is to make two copies of the tracks and pitchshift them little differently. then pan both about 15% to right/left and mix it to the dry signal for more body.
Thanks for the replies. Any suggestions for "more meaty" guitars? I did already have them going through my dual rec and a sparkle drive pedal for extra gain. And actually there is a bit of distortion on the bass, I'd like to get more opinions on the guitar/bass level as I'm afraid the mix might be muddier with the bass any louder, but maybe it could come up a bit?

As far as dry vocals, they are pretty dry, I was referencing some Black Dahlia Murder, and White Chapel, and they both sound pretty dry to me, any opinions on this?
I tend to take some make the bass as loud or louder than guitars. Panned Center of course. If you choose to do that take some of the low end on it down, so you don't muddy the mix.

To meaten up guitars I would say scoop eq at around 400hz, and boost at 250hz. They also could use some more high end around 7000hz.

Would you all agree?
Right now I think I am boosting about 2.5-3db at 5.75hz, and there is a 2db bump at around 350. There was a lot higher one, I think around 4db or so, at 350 which made it a little "rawer" sounded, but it seemed like when I showed it to the band, they wanted more of that "sleek, clean" sound... hmm.