metalcore MIX in progress

It´s doing very nice... Maybe you have to adjust the drumming sound, try to use sound replacer working with good drum samples, it will be better:rock:
Try to put the rhythm guitar sound with more mid tone, and for the rest it´s very cool, and for me this is not metal core, it´s a kinda death metal!!!
excellent...i think i my drummer is opposed to that kind of stuff i dont know why, im just a gutarist. any ideas on how to break it down to him so hell think its a good idea??
just remind him that its still him playing and your only doing it so that every hit is perfect and it will make the drums stick out more
he used a beta 58 for the low growls and some mxl condenser for the mids and highs...all the vocals are double tracked and one of the low tracks is pitch shifted down a full step. were using cubase at my drummers studio and i dont believe he has sound replacer or drumagog could some maximizing and compression make the drums sound bigger i defintely feel them not being intense enough.