metalcore mix suggestions please!

you've put the TSS after the 8505? plugin order should be tss, 8505, impulse loader, eq (if any)

the mix is sqaushed to hell, and when that ridiculous sub drop kicks in, it's all you can hear.. what do you have on the master bus?

nooo I meant that the signal chain is gate, tss, 8505, kefir and then I have the EQ. On the master bus I'm pretty sure there is just a multiband compressor and a stereo enhancer.
i really do not understand how kids can screw up guitar tone this badly... all default settings should sound 10,000x better than this.

let's break it down... (no pun intended)

DI guitar track (as in straight into an interface... no clipping in the DAW.)

insert the following:


load an impulse into kefir, turn the mix knob up to 100%

dual track, hard pan


anything in addition to this that you're doing, remove it.

the master bus should have a limiter and THAT'S IT

i feel like i've been saying all of the above alot lately o_0 but srsly kiddo's, just tryina halp
cant hear the bass in some parts, and the drums sound overpowering and too reverby. possibly cut the mids on the kick drum so it doesnt sound so boomy, have only a limiter in the master and i think itll work.
Could you please post your settings for TSS, 8505, the impulse you're using, and your EQ settings? I personally really like this tone and would love to play with it if that's okay.
Mix is totally squashed, I know the guitars are samples but it sounds like the mics were really far away from the cab. Too 'whoofy'. Cymbals are incredibly loud, snare needs some more random velocities, kick needs less whoof (200khz and up mids or so) and bring that 808 down to sub-level, it breaks the entire mix.
thanks for the feedback guys, i know the mix sounds like complete shit thats why i wanted feedback haha.@ darthjujuu dude that basically was the chain except i had a tss as well, i changed impulses and i think the guitar sounds a lot better. i was previously using guitarhacks edge half impulse. i turned down the reverb on the drums, equed the kick and also have only a limiter on the master bus now. mix song 2.mp3

@tripslipfall sure dude:
tss- drive 0, tone 5, level 5
8505- gain 10, low 0, mid 2, sweep 2, high 10, power amp 10 and volume 5.
impulse- guitarhacks edge half.
on the guitar bus i just used a low and high pass filter.
Thanks dude! I tried out the tone and I gotta say, it sounds way different here with the settings you posted.

What did you high / low pass it at?
@tripslipfall ah i think it was low passed at around 100hz, and high passed at 18khz. I think i may have fucked up the EQ by extremely cutting the mids though, thats what might have given the guitars that sound. I saved over the old project though so I can't tell you the tone exactly now :(

New version sounds a lot better. I'm still learning this stuff myself, so couldn't really comment on how to improve it.

I have a favour to ask though. Where did you get the sub drop sample? I've been looking for some good ones and haven't found one that sounds like your yet. I really am after that sort of sound.

Any chance of a link?

The bass could benefit from less low-end on the kick.

The snare sound feels like it's not in the same room as the rest of the mix and it as much more high-end than the rest of the tracks.

I suggest taking off any compression or eq on the master bus since it's not helping the mix.

I would'nt touch the guitars, I'd actually mix the rest of the tracks around the guitars, so that the bass could create that sweet low-end under them,

the kick could give life and punch to the overall bass content,

the cymbals could enveloppe and create a nice airy ambiance over and around the guitars,

the snare could really cut those beats where it has to cut them, hitting hard in the center of the mix (horizontally and vertically),

Those toms... well they truely sound robotic when they occur so I suggest randomizing them a bit.

Think of your mix as a painting you draw with sound. Too much colors in a same spot will easily cloud up and become a black or brown stain.

I your bass takes the lower portion of your mix and the kick adds it's punch, you should be able to replicate the same in the mid portion with your guitars and snare. The high-end needs to feel fresh and clean so I suggest you don't compress anything that find it's place over the guitars.

When your subdrop hits, I suggest you automate an high-pass filter on the rest of the mix so that it hits without adding up to the bass content wich is allready pretty present.