Metalhead vs. Emo

it's grimes... this is the guy who tried to convince us that a ketchup pentagram on his back was carved by a knife.
Don't see why all the bashing is always concidered funny...
Ok, the guy with the accoustic guitar is ghey..

But it's awfully fake and lame
if the acting wanst so stupid and the "metalhead" on there wasn't a poser doesnt know any metal bnads apart from deicide lol, that would be a much better vid.
besides, his head is fully shaved... how un-metal is that? :lol:

Man, I really must be getting smart. I find none of this shit even close to funny.


I remeber seeing this about a year ago (not here though), the only funny part is the "IM LISTENING TO DEICIDE!!!!" part.

Making fun of emo kids got old the same time as Chuck Norris Jokes.