We love you so, America

Oh sorry. Thanks for agreeing with me. (I just realized I didn't really reply to your comment) You can't do any kind of research and call it valid if it's biased in anyway. Now, if they would have gone to at least one high school from each of the 50 states, and quized the top 10 students from the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade, then maybe the results would have been a bit more accurate. They surely wouldn't have answered "ERRrrRRRR I DON'T know What a British pound is"
However, doing it that way is also biased b/c the population is only aged b/t 14-18 years.
Oh sorry. Thanks for agreeing with me. (I just realized I didn't really reply to your comment) You can't do any kind of research and call it valid if it's biased in anyway. Now, if they would have gone to at least one high school from each of the 50 states, and quized the top 10 students from the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade, then maybe the results would have been a bit more accurate. They surely wouldn't have answered "ERRrrRRRR I DON'T know What a British pound is"
However, doing it that way is also biased b/c the population is only aged b/t 14-18 years.

uh also if you are just quizzing the top 10 students that would make it biased :lol:
uh also if you are just quizzing the top 10 students that would make it biased :lol:

Oh sorry. Thanks for agreeing with me. (I just realized I didn't really reply to your comment) You can't do any kind of research and call it valid if it's biased in anyway. Now, if they would have gone to at least one high school from each of the 50 states, and quized the top 10 students from the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade, then maybe the results would have been a bit more accurate. They surely wouldn't have answered "ERRrrRRRR I DON'T know What a British pound is"
However, doing it that way is also biased b/c the population is only aged b/t 14-18 years.

The US is a great place, i'm not sayin it's the best.. but it's ok. But i prefer living in Italy :)
Yeah, they do that kind of shit on Jay Leno all the time. It doesn't mean shit. If you honestly believe this video is an accurate representation of Americans you're a fucking moron.

so smart that Bush was elect.... twice

I really don't get why everybody thinks americans are stupid... The most talented writers of this century are all americans! It's stupid talking about the stupidity of a country imo.

some good ones, but that don't change the fact that they suck a geography and history, and politics

The US is a great place, i'm not sayin it's the best.. but it's ok. But i prefer living in Italy :)

the best place to live, is wherever i'm :cool:
lol he edited answers so it made them look dumb, and really who in the south gives a damn about Australian prime ministers. dee dee dee
Russia is the best place to live, imho LOL
There are many economical troubles, but the nature is wonderful and still virgin in many places. And the sensation of absolute freedom never leaves you. :)