Metallica has gone insane

ESP KH602 said:
i don't think you can even sue people for using chords. if so thats just fucking sick.

You can't sue people for using "your" chord progressions. Chord progressions are not trademarkable since they have been in use for centuries. You also cannot sue another band for sounding like your band. If you want to write tunes in the vein of Led Zeppelin, that's your right as long as you're not stepping on Led Zep's copyrighted material.
This is a big Joke That I have seen making the rounds on the internet . all the sites have been faked to make it apear real. have seen many people going nuts on this , but it just a joke ..
Raistlin said:
This is a big Joke That I have seen making the rounds on the internet . all the sites have been faked to make it apear real. have seen many people going nuts on this , but it just a joke ..

If it was a big joke, would be in on it too?

Metallica Sue Canadian Band over E, F Chords

MONTREAL — Metallica are taking legal action against independant Canadian rock band Unfaith over what they feel is unsanctioned usage of two chords the band has been using since 1982 : E and F.

"People are going to get on our case again for this, but try to see it from our point of view just once," stated Metallica's Lars Ulrich. "We're not saying we own those two chords, individually - that would be ridiculous. We're just saying that in that specific order, people have grown to associate E, F with our music."

Metallica filed a trademark infringement suit against the indie group at the US district court for central California on Monday. According to the drummer, the continued use of the two chords causes "confusion, deception and mistake in the minds of the public".

Metallica's lawyer, Jill Pietrini, told us that the band decided to take legal action only after first sending a letter of complaint to the Canadian band's singer/songwriter, Erik Ashley.

"We sent a demand letter and haven't reached a resolution, so we had to sue," she said. "They continue to shamelessly feature the two chords on their website song samples and we just can't have that."

Ashley, in the meantime, is still shocked by the entire story, and hasn't yet decided how the band will respond.

"I thought it was a prank at first," he told us. "Now I'm not sure what to think."

Ulrich states that he's not trying to prevent Unfaith from using the two chords, only that he feels Metallica should be credited for them whenever used, and is calling for 50% of all revenue generated from any song using them.

"It's nothing personal against them," he added. "We intend to enforce our rights with any band intending to use Metallica-branded chords in the future."

This marks the first time anything of this kind has ever been tried in court, and it will be interesting to see how things develop.

Metallica's website has issued an official statement on the suit here.

Unfaith's official website hasn't officially responded at print time
Wraithchild said:
If it was a big joke, would be in on it too?
Well, you can't put anything past Metallica these days i guess, but....
checked this out when i first saw it, and methinks it is a joke, albeit a good one and very well executed.

Notice that the link points to the url for and NOT the official site. The date of the faked article is 7/15/03. Going to the official and looking up band news for Metallica shows no entry with that date.

Could be a great marketing ploy to get exposure for the band Unfaith (if such a band exists... they have a website, but is that a fake too???)
o_O question wonder

EDIT: An elaborate hoax. Just went back to Unfaith's website to check it out. Good band commentary on the power and insanity of the media. Metallica took it in stride.
Thats nothing, you should see the pics of Lars and Kirk tounge-kissing I saw the other day. The anti-piracy militancy and crappy underproduced album I can deal with i guess, but with that picture freaked me out. Dont look at it, trust me it's horrendous. Its over Metallica, do us all a favor and go thru your solo careers then split. Leave us at least with the memories so we can enjoy the tribute bands