Why the mystery???

Why all the cloak & dagger stuff with Bush?

  • In order to convince Joey/Dan to play it is permenancy is hinted at, but not going to happen really.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Chief & Wu are gonna make the call based on the success ($ or otherwise) of the tour.

    Votes: 14 73.7%
  • Shazza O thinks publicising this as temporary thing wont sell tickets and has contractually gagged.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • John hasn't decided what he wants, and it's all in his own hands...

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
Brentney Spears said:
Anthrax is such a cold, calculating organization. We plan everything at least 5 years in advance. This was actually all set up pre-9/11. It's all part of the masterplan. We're planning 2010's tour right now. Lots of spaceships.

This whole John v Joey is getting a little stale.

I am getting tired of hearing it all myself. If John comes back, fantastic/or dealt with it and if Joey stays, fantastic/or deal with . Same with Dan/Rob, Joey/Frank.

Either you continue to buy Anthrax albums or you don't. The band can do whatever they want and then they will have to see how the fans respond...

We all have our views/opinions - Scott has said that John has not gone, so we will all have to just see what evolves after this tour.

My point is this, just enjoy the present and if you think the present sucks then don't go the concerts or buy their albums.

Ultimately the band will make the decisions they want and I really don't think alot of those decision are purely based on comments from this message board.
I guess the count of people going to this reunion concert will tell part of the story if this new 'old' lineup is going to be successful or not.
Brentney Spears said:
Anthrax is such a cold, calculating organization. We plan everything at least 5 years in advance. This was actually all set up pre-9/11. It's all part of the masterplan. We're planning 2010's tour right now. Lots of spaceships.

I knew it ... EVIL ... EVIL :wave:

Just one question ... what kinda spaceships? I like spaceships.
Brentney Spears said:
Anthrax is such a cold, calculating organization. We plan everything at least 5 years in advance. This was actually all set up pre-9/11. It's all part of the masterplan. We're planning 2010's tour right now. Lots of spaceships.

Sounds great, but if there are no dragons and midgets, then I'm not going:yell: