The REAL Story on the former band members

i think danny's christian bullshit got him kicked out, plus hes really insane
joey's vocal style was definatly dated when he left or got kicked out or whatever
that said I do not like Rob's solos, they fucking suck, Charlie plays guitar better than he does

I do not like the new dirction the band has taken reciently, there is not enough thrash/speed metal

I do not like the new sound of Scott's Randalls on the album (though they rocked live).

I do not like how Scott seems to have taken on Billys personality.

I do want more S.O.D.

I hate modern Metal, it sucks, its uninspiring, whiney and boring. Bring back the fun loving moshin days
redeyes said:
i think danny's christian bullshit got him kicked out, plus hes really insane
Danny's christian bullshit occured AFTER he got a boot from Anthrax. At least he said so in an interview.
johnnieCzech said:
Danny's christian bullshit occured AFTER he got a boot from Anthrax. At least he said so in an interview.

I wonder how true it is. He may have had some Holier than Thou tendencies, before he started to really persue them.

I'd have to agree, I think this album is less thrash and more rock.
I still love it, and consider it one their best. Just pisses me off it's not on radio, this album should be all over radio.
This my take I will be simple and to the point. I think with Joey they just wanted to get with the times! Think about what type of singers were in in 92 and 93 Cobain, Vedder Staley etc...Even James (met) has a lower range dirty vocals and John is the perfect fit for that. Joey on the albums were not bad but live he seemed kinda goofy with Danny I think it was a combination of things. Being away from his family, not liking the direction of the band musically and not being able to change with the band. I mean his solo's on Noise sounded half-hearted I mean there not bad but it just didnt seem like him. Only was a good solo though and Paul I think he was just a hired gun. I think they all are friends it just didnt feel right.

This opinion is coming from a from a fan since 1987, a new yorker and a guitar player for 12 years now and been in several bands ranging from hardcore thrash metal to melodic heavy rock. I'm not saying my opinion is gold but I'm not a total moron!