Why Anthrax Isn't Big In The USA

timmyc said:
Loads of other bands communicate with their fans in the same way as Charlie and Scott. Visited the Machine Head, Soulfly, Megadeth sites lately??

I don't notice only when they whinge, believe me .......but it's the amount of whinging that gets too much at times, especially when I see it in interviews on radio or press. Why not use these opportunities to promote the band more rather than complain about the state of metal etc etc.
just read that Mustaine is back in the studio with Chris Poland, Vinnie Colaiuta and Jimmy Salas workin on some leftover material, also Capitol is bringin out the back catoloque in 5.1 sound including Dave's project MD.45. New album release is out for this summer, according to Aardschok/Metal Hammer!!
megarock said:
Seems the once great and mighty Anthrax only has one thing on it's mind nowdays.


There are excuses why their tours aren't selling big. Excuses why U.S. fans aren't rushing out to buy their CD. Excuses why they aren't on Ozzfest.


Your CD isn't selling in the US because, frankly, it's not that good. I wouldn't consider spending my money on it and I'm not even considering downloading it even though it's free. I have been a Antrax fan since the first CD was released and the old shit rocked. The new stuff just ain't good.

You're not on Ozzfest because the other bands are putting out GOOD music. Priest, Slipknot ... these bands have stood the test of time and oddly neither of these bands are having the least bit of a problem in selling their CD's here. They stil put out good music and do quite well on tour in the states.

Face it Antrax, you're still trying to get back your glory of the 80's. Crying and excuses will not make that happen, it's just giving the real rockers the impression that it's easier for you to cry about it than to sit down and figure out why you can't do it (JOHN BUSH).

I'm sure all the kiddie Anthrax fans will dispute this because they think this band is great and rocks like no other. I guess they have a right to think this since most of them were in diapers when their first CD came out. If you never saw the origial lineup on tour, you missed a hell of a show.

Now, I have to compare the real Anthrax with the current lineup and music and it fails miserable to stack up to their original days and the music that was released. The current lineup does not come close to being as good as they once were.
I for one am in no way an Anthrax fanboy BUT to compare them to a band like Slipshit is just obsurd. Slipknot has stood the test of time???? WTF??? I stopped taking this arguement serioiusly at the point I read that. I will agree though that the old lineup owned the "Bush era" but Bush is good in his own right.