Why Anthrax Isn't Big In The USA


Old School Headbanger
Seems the once great and mighty Anthrax only has one thing on it's mind nowdays.


There are excuses why their tours aren't selling big. Excuses why U.S. fans aren't rushing out to buy their CD. Excuses why they aren't on Ozzfest.


Your CD isn't selling in the US because, frankly, it's not that good. I wouldn't consider spending my money on it and I'm not even considering downloading it even though it's free. I have been a Antrax fan since the first CD was released and the old shit rocked. The new stuff just ain't good.

You're not on Ozzfest because the other bands are putting out GOOD music. Priest, Slipknot ... these bands have stood the test of time and oddly neither of these bands are having the least bit of a problem in selling their CD's here. They stil put out good music and do quite well on tour in the states.

Face it Antrax, you're still trying to get back your glory of the 80's. Crying and excuses will not make that happen, it's just giving the real rockers the impression that it's easier for you to cry about it than to sit down and figure out why you can't do it (JOHN BUSH).

I'm sure all the kiddie Anthrax fans will dispute this because they think this band is great and rocks like no other. I guess they have a right to think this since most of them were in diapers when their first CD came out. If you never saw the origial lineup on tour, you missed a hell of a show.

Now, I have to compare the real Anthrax with the current lineup and music and it fails miserable to stack up to their original days and the music that was released. The current lineup does not come close to being as good as they once were.
megarock said:
You're not on Ozzfest because the other bands are putting out GOOD music. Priest, Slipknot ... these bands have stood the test of time...
Yeah, I remember when Slipknot came out way back in the early 80's. They have been kicing ass for a long, long time! :Smug:

MEGACOCK, If you don't know what you are saying, don't say anything at all. Dumbass!
There's always someone like this kid everywhere, just trying to say what is the real thing and someone who believes he/she has the whole motherf**king truth. Who cares about what you think, anyway I don't think what you say is true and if you have something to say man, do it with respect a**hole. I can hardly think that you are a megadeth fan (from your nick), cause these two bands deserve the same respect. Someone from this forum knows this man? I think you haven't listened to W.C.F.Y.A.
I've liked Anthrax since I first heard Among back in 1987, but dug S.O.D. back when they came out in '85. At the time, Spreading wasn't too good imo, but as time has gone on, I've grown to dig it as much as their other classics and "newer" Bush era stuff. Yeah, yeah, I know. Bush has been in the band for 10 years at least, so he's not "new". Well, true, but since I grew up on Belladonna, imo, Bush is "new". :) I can't wait for their new re-recording of their classic stuff with Bush though!!
Uh, wow...great post there Megarock. I like Slipknot and all, but to compare them to Anthrax for stood the test of time, uh, okay. So has Korn stood the test of time? Limp Bizkit? Static-X?
I started listening to Anthrax on Persistence of Time, and Belly Of The Beast is still my favorite song, but I like this lineup the best out of any they've had. But I guess since I wasn't a fan back when Fistful came out, I'm not entitled to an opinion.
Absolute bollocks. I've been a fanboy as long as you, and WCFYA is their best album, RC the best lead guitarist, and Bush the best voice for the band. Joey was cool, but Bush is Anthrax.

They are not whiners, they are justifiably frustrated
This douche is one of the haters over at Blabbermouth. I read his bullshit all the time. He constantly jumps on Anthrax. If he comes back I would like for him to list his 5 favorite bands so I can rip them apart. Be as tough as you are trying to come off and give me your favorite bands..............

Anyone, ANYONE who questions that John Bush is not one of the BEST singers in metal is an absolute fuckin FOOL. The guy has been in two of the premier bands in the history of metal, Armored Saint and Anthrax, and turned down the opportunity to sing for another somewhat popular and influential band we all know.

Cough'em up MegaRock..............so I can pick em apart. And just FYI, I have been with Anthrax since I purchased Fistfull back in 1984. So swing on my nuts.
ít's true what he said about the whining, and after hearing WCFUA over and over again , I have to say it's no Among The Living, there are a lot of songs that get skipped by the Dutch, e.g Taking the Music Back, Superhero and Strap it On and that Frankie skit, that just don't cut it for me.
Ok there Megasak....you sully the good name of Megadeth w/ your retarded Name, veiws and opinions. Slipknot are about to release their 3rd album. How the fuck is that called standing the test of time. I supposed The Darkness have stood the test of time also? Christ you really are a tool. Joey has a website, go post there...he's singing for an anthrax cover band right about now, damn that's a fine example of how the mighty have fallen! I suppose at the age of 25 I'm a kiddie Anthrax fan, well just like Armored Thrax I've been listening to them since the '80's so you can swing right off his nuts and right on to mine and just swing your merry way to the next circle jerk that you'll be attending after you finish finger banging your ass to your own posts on Blabbermouth in the little room you live in in your mommies basement that has all those sexy pics of Joey belladonna and a sticky carboard cut out of Kip Winger w/ a hole cut out of the mouth. Now, go run along and listen to St. Anger since that disc too has stood the test of time for all these many months. Fucking re-re.
The reason Anthrax isn't big in America, is plainly, & painfully obvious. The American fans are so damn fad happy most of them take what is forcefed down your throats until you puke on it, then move onto the next fad.
First off, I love all eras of anthrax but I won't get mad at this person for his opinion as that is what it is and we are all allowed our opinions.

charlie and scottie are out of the loop though as there are still tons of heavy metal bands(not counting the shitty nu rock or metalcore trends) but being that charlie and scottie aren't constantly on the web hearing of these bands or they might not listen to metal as often as when they were back in the day, they seem way out of the loop.
WCFYA is no ATL, and probably no SOWN either...but do not compare to some band like slipknot, a novelty act in thier own little way, to the warriors of any of the "Big Four". (not even the Mediocre Met).

I'd rather have my balls pounded flat with a wooden hammer than hear another fucking 'three-fer" from linkin park. o_O
Come on people, let the man have his opinion. That's all it is. I've also listened to Anthrax since STD but am still tired of hearing Charlie bitch about how we Americans suck. I bought two copies of WCFYA and think it's their best yet but I don't like being hacked like that. Also, someone mentioned how we are trendy and buy stuff because it is force fed to us. I'd have to say that at one time Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica, etc., were once the "cool underground" stuff to listen to and we all went out and bought it. So how is today any different? Charlie, don't complain about not being on OZZFEST, get some cool up and coming bands and take them out on tour (without expecting them to pay you back later). Create your own fortune.