Metallica SKOM on Vh-1


For those that were a bit curious about Some Kind of Monster, it will air commercial free on VH-1 this Saturday Night! Oh come on, you all wanna see Megadave become a dish rag & cry on camera! Also VH-1 has been airing a show entitled When Metallica Ruled the World, it's an hour special, I have scanned it, it's saved on the TIVO soon to be burned on to disc.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Thanks for the reminder, Sixx. I knew it was on in early April, but I had forgotten about it. I will be Tivoing that one. Nothing I'd enjoy more than watching Metallica crumble down and wind up in therapy! Fuckers.

hhaha after the shit they pulled throughout the 90's they should be Hung Drawn and Quartered :D
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Amen to that JD! And using a phrase like Hung, Drawn and Quartered...well it makes me want to pull out my old Raven - All for One cassette! Think I'll pop that into my truck next time I make a store run. :D

Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love RAVEN! ... old cassettes have a certain feel thats all their own ... you know were every little glitch from years of abuse and bad tape players that would eat your tape for lunch ... and when you listen to the album in later years on cd you expect to hear that glitch and its almost disapointing when you dont ... ofcourse once the cd starts to skip then I get pissed:loco:
JonnyD said:
Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love RAVEN! ... old cassettes have a certain feel thats all their own ... you know were every little glitch from years of abuse and bad tape players that would eat your tape for lunch ... and when you listen to the album in later years on cd you expect to hear that glitch and its almost disapointing when you dont ... ofcourse once the cd starts to skip then I get pissed:loco:

Ain't that ironic? I'm the same way. I expect a garble here and there when I listen to an old band on cd...and when it's not it's almost like a disappointment! But once I get used to hearing without the garble again, I certainly don't wanna hear no skipping. Fortunately, my Raven cassette is still in good shape. Those old Combat releases were good quality...way better than Columbia or Atlantic.
Lord... SKOM is the most boring thing I've encountered in a long time. I don't think I can make it thru the whole thing... what a load of crap. Can't imagine sitting thru the 8 hours of bonus footage on the DVD.
SKOM is a freaking JOKE!! Unbelievable that these guys would release this "wah wah wah:cry:..... I don't know how I feel about life crap" :cry:

Side note... about the cassetttes... I was thinking the other day about vinyl records and the exact same thing. Never used to think twice when a record would skip... just the nature of the beast. But when a CD skips its like the end of the world! Take out the CD out hold it up to the light, check the surface, clean the CD player, put it in another player, on and on.... Crazy! :loco:
Well, I can say the documentary kept my interest. And I learned the following:

Lars is a grade-A dickhead. A larger prick I have yet to see, even hanging from a Clydesdale's groin. I swear, if I won a contest to meet Lars, I'd decline the offer on principle. Anyone else notice the glaring similarities between short-haired Lars and the actor Giovanni Ribisi (best known as Phoebe's half-brother on Friends)?

James is a control freak and a very good manipulator, but is at least trying to improve his life and his attitude. He comes across as an ass, but next to Lars he looks more like a rat's ass rather than that of a horse.

Kirk seems the only one of the bunch that I would like to call a friend of mine. He was always the voice of reason and I like the part about how he said he tries very hard to keep his ego in check. Class act.

And the most important thing I learned from SKOM:

Just how much Lars was responsible for the "nu-metal" sound on St. Anger. I hate that clunky drum tone he uses, sounds like the crap my radio keeps trying to feed me. And I can't believe he was giving Hammet shit for wanting to put a guitar solo into one of the songs. Fucker should be hung from the nearest gallow.
Here's my take on it:

I have lost ALL respect for Lars. What a bitch. No, I'm gonna have to go Flavor Flav on his ass and say he's a straight up BEEE-OTCH!

I have gained respect for James. I think that love or hate his music (and I say HIS music because I believe him to be the only true creative force in the band) he did the right thing by putting his wife and KIDS first and getting himself straight and back on track whether or not his bandmates or the world liked it.

I think somewhere tonight Jason Newsted is saying, "Why oh why didn't I just put up with all the shit and keep getting paid?!?!?" He can say he's happier shit.

I think Robert Trujillo is like a kid in a candy shop. And who wouldn't be? Love or hate metallica I don't think there's any bass player in the world that could honestly turn that gig down...except Newsted...and he's still kicking himself as I type this.

Finally, the one thing I didn't like about it was how much input they took from Bob Rock and even that damn therapist...they should fire Bob the same way that they dropped Phil Towle. How did they put it? "When the client says, time out...time out!" Same should go for Rock. His ego has got to be bigger than Vince Neil's bar tab!

All in all, though, I think I'll give St. Anger another chance.

So sue me...
tedvanfrehley said:
Finally, the one thing I didn't like about it was how much input they took from Bob Rock and even that damn therapist...they should fire Bob the same way that they dropped Phil Towle. How did they put it? "When the client says, time out...time out!" Same should go for Rock. His ego has got to be bigger than Vince Neil's bar tab!
As far as Bob Rock goes, I had to assume he was actually hired on as a temporary studio band member and part of the "creative" team. I haven't followed Metallica closely for about 15 years so maybe it's the norm for them, but I found it odd to see the producer so involved with the writing process. Normally a band comes to the studio with material already written and rehearsed, and that work is polished by the producer. Obviously that wasn't the case here. They had Rock hired on from the start of the writing process.

Not saying he didn't have an ego, just that I think he was expected to be a major part of the input team.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Just how much Lars was responsible for the "nu-metal" sound on St. Anger. I hate that clunky drum tone he uses, sounds like the crap my radio keeps trying to feed me. And I can't believe he was giving Hammet shit for wanting to put a guitar solo into one of the songs. Fucker should be hung from the nearest gallow.

But, "guitar solos are outdated" :erk: Sure Lars....

My other problem is that the documentery made the St. Anger album out to be some great creative success that came out of all of their hardships & tribulations.... sure it went to #1 solely because it was a Metallica album, but c'mon, the album is universally hated. Give me a break...
Oh yeah... and what's the deal with Echobrain? Sounds like they're more of a jamband than a metal band... are they any good?
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Kirk seems the only one of the bunch that I would like to call a friend of mine. He was always the voice of reason and I like the part about how he said he tries very hard to keep his ego in check. Class act.

Yeah, he's the only who seemed really down-to-earth, no bull guy there...
Cheers, Kirk! ;)
Let's put it this way. I never have been able to attend concerts, I can count them with one hand fingers :( Still when Metallica played a few blocks from where I was living, in the university campus back in 2003 I skip them.

"Metallica" and the albums after it were enough to make me lost any interst in Lar$ and the brats, so SKOM is not even worth to check.
Wyvern said:
Let's put it this way. I never have been able to attend concerts, I can count them with one hand fingers :( Still when Metallica played a few blocks from where I was living, in the university campus back in 2003 I skip them.

"Metallica" and the albums after it were enough to make me lost any interst in Lar$ and the brats, so SKOM is not even worth to check.

Same here. the good they did for the metal scene is slowly being offset by the very bad they did. I just wish people would stop seeing them. That would be the ultimate signal to them.

As for Lars; he always has been a dickhead. I once met him in 1983 and even then he already behaved like he was god! Which is funny because he's really just an uninformed opinionated dork. :tickled:
Echbrain is more of an Alternative Jam Band as was stated...
Are they good? So-so for their genre.
I would suggest you pick up Speedealer, a project that Newsted produced...
They have some ealy Metallica influences that come through loud & clear...
As for the movie? It's a one time thing, if you've seen it once, that's enough.
I do think anyone that was into the band should see it...
What's kinda sad is that Kirk is just a "yes man." He has no balls. It was almost like during the recording of St. Anger, Bob Rock was a bigger part of the band than Kirk...
Larz & Jamez? Well we all know what they are like...
Wanna spend quality time? Hear Beatallica you will not regret it :lol: