metallica still have the goods live


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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saw them sat nite in front of a packed house,they absolutly crushed and played a very different set,being the fourth and last show in sydney,master of puppets featured strongly in the set,a very heavy show.
Saw them live last night and holy shit - they were fucking awesome! Still an amazing live band. The setlist was awesome too - real old school and not one single track from Load/Reload or St Anger (mind you they did do Disappear). But hearing Battery, Sanitarium, Orion, Four Horseman, Harvester as well as the usual other regulars (some from Death Magnetic of course) was a throw back to my high school years back in 1988.

Capacity crowd was up for it too (rare for Adelaide crowds). Brilliant set and mix too.
I am not so sure man. I think they will be around a while longer. Lots of energy from them last night. Dare I say it they were better last night than they were when I saw them last in 1995 (Black Album era).

Rob is a monster - loved him in ST and Infectious Grooves. Seems an odd pairing with Metallica though.
Saw them live last night and holy shit - they were fucking awesome! Still an amazing live band. The setlist was awesome too - real old school and not one single track from Load/Reload or St Anger (mind you they did do Disappear). But hearing Battery, Sanitarium, Orion, Four Horseman, Harvester as well as the usual other regulars (some from Death Magnetic of course) was a throw back to my high school years back in 1988.

Capacity crowd was up for it too (rare for Adelaide crowds). Brilliant set and mix too.

They were on fire last night!!!!! I was there both nights and the second show shat all over the first. First was good but a very Black Album / DM influenced set that seemed made for the casual fans, whereas last night was more for the old school crowd. Killer.

Oh, you forgot to list the best song of the night for me too - Leper Messiah. Godlike. :headbang:
So true man. The crowd was up for it too and yes Leper Messiah was such a nice suprise. I think Harvester of Sorrow did it for me.

Only disappointment (slight) was no Blackened (my all time fav song of theirs).

But holy shit they sounded so damn good - I know they get their fair share of abuse from us fans and some of that is valid too but when it's all said and done, Metallica last night rolled back the years for me and brought back some magic from the late 80s - I turned 38 on Monday and on Tuesday I felt 16 years old again thanks to the awesome foursome!
So true man. The crowd was up for it too and yes Leper Messiah was such a nice suprise. I think Harvester of Sorrow did it for me.

Only disappointment (slight) was no Blackened (my all time fav song of theirs).

But holy shit they sounded so damn good - I know they get their fair share of abuse from us fans and some of that is valid too but when it's all said and done, Metallica last night rolled back the years for me and brought back some magic from the late 80s - I turned 38 on Monday and on Tuesday I felt 16 years old again thanks to the awesome foursome!

messiah went off,they played disposable heroes early in sydney set,that killed!
^ They are always writing riffs but the hard part is arranging the riffs and constructing them into good songs. This is what they will start doing next year, so hopefully they can stay consistent with writing somewhat decent songs like on Death Magnetic, if they pull a stunt like the Load era I won't even be interested. Metallica have always taken a shitload of time to make an album, they never rush things which I guess is good. As long as they have been around they should have alot more albums, but they are tour addicts which is why so much time is killed.
I'm not the biggest Metallica fan anymore but I have to say I've never been disappointed with one of their live shows. Even during the shitty load/reload days they still delivered the goods live. One of the greatest live bands ever IMO, even if they could probably replace Lars with one of those wind-up drumming monkey toys and nobody would probably notice.
Well I know Kirk Hammet turned 48 today, and they sure as fuck ain't getting any younger. I don't want to hear their music start ageing along with them. As long as they can keep the fire burning, and the wheel turning I say drain the tank and keep fillin the bank.
^Funny how Kirk is the oldest one in the band, and yet looks a hell of lot younger than James, Rob, or Lars.

From what I've seen from the DVDs, Metallica aren't that bad live right now, nowhere near the Justice Tour era, but that's to be expected, it's been 22 years, changes will happen.
Am I the only one to thinks Metallica are overrated? Sure I have their CDs but crikey they have never been off the scale to me. It's almost like if you're into metal you have to idolise Metallica. Every album after the back album has been poor - admittadly I have not got Magnetic though. Dont get me wrong Im not saying they suck but them seem to be bigger than they deserve to be.