Dream TheatER covers Metallica!


Apr 14, 2001
Posted by Inter Sandman @ Wednesday, February 20, 2002 11:29 AM EST

Billed on Dream Theater's official website as a "VERY SPECIAL
SHOW" with no opening act, last nights show in Barcelona, Spain
proved to be a show to remember for Dream Theater fans - especially
those that share a love for the mighty Met. The band donned Metallica
t-shirts and improvised a Dream Theater logo'd 'Master Of Puppets'
backdrop and played 'Master of Puppets.'

The entire album. All eight songs.

I wonder what it sounded like? (probably a bit like Metallica, but anyway) I am having trouble picturing the Dream Theater singer singing the whole album, I hope someone bootlegged it or something!
Also, now that I think about it, I wonder what kind of stuff the keyboard guy played? Im rather curious about it the more I think about it, methinks ill hit ebay and see if there are any bootlegs!
Spawn, if you EVER get a boot of that show, can I have permission to hassle the shit out of you until you give me a copy?

I would love to hear that, being the huge DT fan that I am.
I dunno about the concert though. If I were at that show, I would rather see a full Dream Theater concert. Maybe 1 or 2 cover songs would be ok, but a whole album?

Anyway, I still wish I was there.
Apparently Jordan (keyboard guy in lamens terms :rolleyes: :)) played all of Jame's solo thingeys
Originally posted by Spruce Goose
Spawn, if you EVER get a boot of that show, can I have permission to hassle the shit out of you until you give me a copy?

I would love to hear that, being the huge DT fan that I am.
I dunno about the concert though. If I were at that show, I would rather see a full Dream Theater concert. Maybe 1 or 2 cover songs would be ok, but a whole album?

Anyway, I still wish I was there.
Apparently Jordan (keyboard guy in lamens terms :rolleyes: :)) played all of Jame's solo thingeys

Permission granted, ill let you know as soon as I manage to find a copy :)

Ahhh Jordan is his name! Sounds coolies...... James' solos would work well on a keyboard!
Originally posted by spawn
methinks ill hit ebay

Ebay is currently having Spawny charged for malicious assault. Obviously this case will be heard after the smiley one is dealt with. That is all. :rolleyes: I am an idiot :)

I heard they played Master Of Puppets (the song) but the whole album? Anyone sure about the validity of this?

Speaking of Dream Theater... I went to Metal Mayhem yesterday but they were still out of Six Degrees. It was the third time I'd gone to Melbourne to try and get it so I asked if I could pay for it now and have it sent out as soon as it comes in.

And today in the post... Here there it was! :lol:
There delivery of CD's must have come in that afternoon.:)
StrangerInYourSoul - Dream Theater BB
Wow! What a gig! (My first DT gig).

The rumours of the covers set were partially true as the band played two sets during their 3 & 1/4 performance. The first set being DT songs, followed by an unexpected covers set......

I may not have the set-list order correct (and I missed 2 songs) however, here goes.....

Set 1
The Glass Prison
Fatal Tradegy
Lifting Shadows of a Dream
Burning My Soul
Peruvian Skies
The Great Debate

The band came back on for a second set....and the familiar opening chords of

(after which a slide show appeared on the stage showing the cover art of Master of Puppets, but with Dream Theater written in Metallica-style logo!)
Master of Puppets
The Thing That Should Not Be
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Disposable Heroes
Leper Messiah
Damage Inc.

Yes, the big surprise was the band played a near-note perfect rendition of the entire Master Of Puppets album. The crowd of course went crazy and it sounded incredible. The band also appeared to really enjoy themselves, especially Portnoy and Petrucci.

They then left the stage and came back for encores:

The Spirit Carries On (very moving version)
Take The Time
Instrumental ?????

A truly memorable gig.

It really happened! :o Cool. :rock:
Originally posted by Sydo

I heard they played Master Of Puppets (the song) but the whole album? Anyone sure about the validity of this?

Speaking of Dream Theater... I went to Metal Mayhem yesterday but they were still out of Six Degrees. It was the third time I'd gone to Melbourne to try and get it so I asked if I could pay for it now and have it sent out as soon as it comes in.

And today in the post... Here there it was! :lol:
There delivery of CD's must have come in that afternoon.:)

You should have gone to JB Hifi and got it there... they had a stack of copies in there a week and a half ago. I ended up getting it for $26 from there cos my friend works there so I got a staff discount :grin:
Originally posted by Cooperman
You should have gone to JB Hifi and got it there... they had a stack of copies in there a week and a half ago.

They had none either Coops. :(
Originally posted by Cooperman
Well if everywhere is selling out of albums there is no excuse for them to not come down here and tour... especially with all those petition signatures!

I hope so. :)
Saw about 10 copies of the new album at HMV today. Shall check next week to see how many are left :)

I'd love to hear a recording of this show. Whenever they cover songs, the music is almost always spot on, so I'm sure this would have been an awesome gig to go to :)

Who knows, maybe they'll play a whole Maiden album - they're fans, so it would make sense. Read an interview years ago where they said something to the effect of Metallica, Maiden and Rush being their main influences in the band's sound... but that was years ago, can't remember the exact wording!
Originally posted by Spiff

Who knows, maybe they'll play a whole Maiden album - they're fans, so it would make sense. Read an interview years ago where they said something to the effect of Metallica, Maiden and Rush being their main influences in the band's sound... but that was years ago, can't remember the exact wording!

They HAVE to do 7th Son! See cos they are prog rock and they do lots of conceptualesque albums, and thus would suit that album perfectly. Damn that would be cool :)