Metallica: The Softer Side of The Board


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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ha, well considering the bitter dispute about metallica, let us go away from bickering about it to some more agreeable matters,
1. what is your favorite metallica album?
2. what is your favorite metallica song?
3. cliff burton dying, did it kill the band or was he the same as any other bassist?
4. megadeth or metallica?
5. do you think your childrens childrens childrens X1000 children will be talking about metallica, if so what will they say?

The last question was a spur of the moment thing, well anyway if you have anything else to add go for it, later on

1. ride the lightning
2. call of ktulu
3. i dont know, but i have heard people talking about its effects, id like to hear what you all think.
4. Megadeth, but metallica is real fucking good.
5. they will talk about metallica and they will say that my goddamn grandad X1000 was a fucking lunatic and we should pay reverence to our elders and respect his music.

hell yeah,

Originally posted by SLAYER85
ha, well considering the bitter dispute about metallica, let us go away from bickering about it to some more agreeable matters,
1. what is your favorite metallica album?
2. what is your favorite metallica song?
3. cliff burton dying, did it kill the band or was he the same as any other bassist?
4. megadeth or metallica?
5. do you think your childrens childrens childrens X1000 children will be talking about metallica, if so what will they say?

The last question was a spur of the moment thing, well anyway if you have anything else to add go for it, later on

3.your qestion for #3 was worded badly. no, is death didn't kill the band, but at the same time he was not the same as an other bassist.
4. metallica. easily.
5. who cares.
Favorite Metallica album: Master of Puppets(Obey your Napter)

Favorite Metallica song: God that Failed

Cliff Burton's death didn't kill the band, but we sure miss him the same.

I prefer both Megadeth and Metallica*

I think children of the future will view Metallica kinda like Black Sabbath is viewed today (classic metal), hopefully for Metallica all the talk about the Napter bullshit will fade to black!
I thought I was in the Anthrax board?

well I'll answer anyway..

album: kill em' all

song: pulling teeth

I don't think cliff dying killed the band obviously that is not the case. I mean take a look at all the popularity they still have. But I deffinately know that I would like metallica more if Dave Mustain and Cliff were still in the band.

I own one metallica album and you know what it is. I own all the megadeth albums.

I agrree I think they will be seen as black sabbath or zeppelin.


1)...And Justice For All
2) One
3) Cliff (R.I.P.), Cliff Burton's death didn't kill the band, but maybe Jason Newsted's decision to leave killed the band
4) Metallica
5) rock legend

Thrashard (the ant in bRaTpRiNcEsSes shoe)
Originally posted by SLAYER85
ha, well considering the bitter dispute about metallica, let us go away from bickering about it to some more agreeable matters,

Yeah but where's the fun in that? :confused:

oh alright then:

1. Master of Puppets
2. Fade to Black
3. Cliff dying killed the band
4. early metallica?
5. Nope, nothing.

Master of Puppets

Disposable Heroes

Lars' greed killed the band. Cliff Burton was a guitarist on bass.

Rust In Peace beats Justice. Puppets beats So Far So Good So What. Ride the Lightning and Peace Sells are tied. Nothing else is worth mentioning.

Flash Forward to 2130 AD. Metallica is brought back to life by a metal head scientist who wishes to cleanse the world of nu-nu metal. But the experiment is a failure when they record The Unforgiven III.
1. Master Of Puppets
2. Fade To Black
3. Cliff's death did kill the band in a way because if he was still alive I don't think Load and Re-Load would have even been written, or he would have left when they decided to write those.
4. Metallica over Megadeth
5. I hate to say it, but I don't think many generations from now stuff like Metallica will be heavily remembered and used. Young people these days think early Korn and Limp Bizkit is musical history.
1. Master of Puppets
2. Harvester of Sorrow
3. Cliff was not the same as any other bass player, but we'll never know what they would be like today if he was still here. Although I tend to agree with The Man, Load and ReLoad never would have happened.
4. Metallica, but Megadeth is not far behind.
5. They'll be saying the same shit I say about what my parents listen to...It's old fart shit and no one wants to hear it!!! :cry: Although the 70s shit my sister is into isn't bad at all. :) But take into consideration she is now Nickelback's biggest fan and she's got it bad for Creed too. If I was the oldest, I'd have slapper her around by now :lol:
1.Right now, Garage Inc.
2. Dyers Eve
3. you know, things happen maybe because they have to happen. There´s no need to say, what would have been if...
4. It depends on the mood. Live it´s Metallica obviously.
5. I don´t think our great-great-great-grandchildren would live here.
1. Master Of Puppets
2. Ah....Battery
3. I think Cliff was the true "battery" behind Metallica. H ehad the goal, man. No way would he tolerate their directions, today.
4. They both suck now, but I'd choose Metallica 'cause they don't nearly have such an annoying attitude as Dave Shitstaine.
5. Only if they're metalheads and see all the doors Metallica has opened in metal...and closed.
1. Puppets
2. Damage Inc.
3. Cliff was awesome...I initially didn't appreciate Jason until I saw him alive...he blew me away and gave me a new respect.
4. least up until they released Load of Crap
5. Maybe one generation, but after that they'll be a footnote.
1) "Kill em' All" or "No life Till Leather"

2) No Remorse

3) I think metallica would have desended into their current state with or without Cliff. Cliff may have left the band when it started to go down, but I think the direction they wen't was unavioidable. They toured so much, and played so much thrash and metal that eventually they would have to become an alternative rock band, just because they were so burned out.

4) Megadeth, even though I liked metallica, I don't listen to them much, I still t this day enjoy Megadeth. Holy Wars blew my mind.

5) They will be remembered, but only as a band, nothing important. I hope people remember Slayer though.