Metallica to play Back Sabbath in NYC on 3/13


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002


So there we are, hanging out at HQ getting ready for our first visit to South Africa, and a call comes in wondering if we can leave a few days early and stop by New York to induct a bunch of guys from Birmingham, England (they're called Black Sabbath, you might've heard of them) into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It took us all of 3/4 of a second to say "fuck yeah!!"
Black Sabbath wrote the book on heavy music, and like many other snot-nosed kids, we read it religiously over and over again. For all of us in Metallica, Black Sabbath are a major influence not only on our music, but on our lives, and as you can imagine, we're psyched to join Bill, Geezer, Ozzy, and Tony for the induction ceremony on Monday, March 13.

Not only will we be inducting Sabbath, we are going to make a humble attempt at playing some of their songs live in front of the gathered masses, including, most humbling of all, the four members of the band themselves.

If you want to check it out, VH-1 will be there with their cameras. For show times look here

Someone found this on some message board, looks interesting

Heard Ozzy on Howard Stern this morning...he doesn't even want to be there he said (Sharon is making him) :lol:

and they also said the main reason he will do Ozzfest this year is that he really needs the money (all the money that they made from The Osbournes show they lost it all they said in court battles)...:err:
thraxx said:
...Black Sabbath are a major influence not only on our music, but on our lives, and as you can imagine, we're psyched to join Bill, Geezer, Ozzy, and Tony for the induction ceremony on Monday, March 13...
Shit... Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember reading the booklet to "Garage" 8 years ago, where one of them (I think, 'twas Ulrich) says that Sabbath weren't a direct influence for them, or something like that... I don't have that CD anymore, so I can't re-check it...
Shit... Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember reading the booklet to "Garage" 8 years ago, where one of them (I think, 'twas Ulrich) says that Sabbath weren't a direct influence for them, or something like that... I don't have that CD anymore, so I can't re-check it...
yeah thats pretty much right.
Shit... Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember reading the booklet to "Garage" 8 years ago, where one of them (I think, 'twas Ulrich) says that Sabbath weren't a direct influence for them, or something like that... I don't have that CD anymore, so I can't re-check it...

Not to him it wasnt, but James, Rob and Kirk have all hailed Sabbath on many occasions. Lars was more Angel Witch, Motorhead, Diamondhead, all that ero-stuff. Once again Lars has earned his Hyppocrite of the Decade award.
Who cares? Metallica sucks now anyway. They can't even cover their own older material well anymore.
I have a feeling this is going to be very bad. I will probably watch - it is my day off and I have nothing else to do. But, the thought of James singing those songs makes me shiver. Plus Lars can not hold a candle to Bill Ward.

Ozzy does not need any money, don't let him fool you. Sharon seems to get off on exploiting Ozzy's good name. He will not perform very well this year. The last two years were not very good - hense the reason he said he wanted to call it a night. Sharon will run him into an even earlier grave then he would have even done himself.
If Ozzy was never in Sabbath I don't we'd be discussing this. Or I'm I totally wrong. I like Mettalica but the one song I heard from the show with the Stones sounded god awful.