Metallica Vs. Ozzy.........Jason's View's The Difference

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
As reported by Launch. Jason Newsted, is close to wrapping up his OzzFest duties--playing on the main stage with Ozzy Osbourne and on the second stage with Voivod. Newsted noted, "Ozzy isn't as demanding as Metallica. Metallica is one of a kind and I have learned that the organization that I always knew from Metallica--I don't know how it is nowadays--was so organized and so on top of things and so powerful. Those guys should be proud of that."
Backstage at OzzFest, Newsted explained to Launch that playing with Metallica was a more demanding experience, while playing with Ozzy has been more surreal. "When it comes to stage time, Metallica, song for song, having to play 'Fight Fire With Fire' (from Metallica's Ride The Lightning album) and really fast and heavy and demanding bass parts...It's different than the old Sabbath songs that are instilled in my brain from listening to--and with my older brother--since I was seven years old or something, right? So it's a different vibe in that way. It's more surreal with Ozzy, like I can't really believe that I'm there."

The tour ends August 28 in West Palm Beach, Florida.