Metallica's next album will contain lazier songs

I had a feeling they were going to make another black album. I knew Lars of Kirk would start whining about long songs, they are just too much brain power for them to play anymore. They want to make an album that makes lots of money, and easier to play.... just like with Mustaines abrupt songs on "13". They are slowing down, but they are not so old they can't play fast. The day they can't play fast anymore is the day they will retire because it's required for their music.

Just select the yellow thing, the post the link of the image, and you get your image.
Just counting the stuff he says he is on The View and Sad but True, Hetfield is a ton of stuff. He is:

The root
The progress
The aggressor
The tablet
The view
The table
All this
The ten stories
Your life
The one who takes you there
Your only true friend
Your hate
Your life
Your dream
Your eyes
Your pain
Your truth
Your reasoned alibis
I'm hoping at least the new record will be darker. Metallica is unpredictable, you can never tell where they will go. We know the reason for St Anger, we know the story behind the Load albums. I for one, hope they fix the production. Seems they left new EP in raw unfinished format instead of polishing it up like the tracks on DM. There is certain things bands do, that make them good. GOod songs, good skills, consistent discography, great live performances. This is how you gain respect as a musician.
It would be nice if Lars went back to using his drum kit like an instrument, and if they fixed the production.

I'm guessing more songs like Vulturous.
I second that. I'll avoid this like the musical tumour it will most likely be.

My brain is telling me this- but there is some small part of me that is hoping Metallica can shit another gold brick :lol: I mean ffs they wrote some of the best thrash ever- they can't have completely lost it????? :waah: