Metallicious Mania - internet radio show Thursday 7 - 9 p.m.


Hi there! I will be starting my new radio show, Metallicious Mania, on this Thursday.
The show will always be on Thursdays 7 - 9 p.m. EST

You can go to to get the link to the streaming radio station.

Please join us in the chat room, too! The directions on how to do that is at

I will definite play 1 or 2 Suspyre songs on the show tomorrow night! (and every show)

Jill a.k.a. DJ ProgPowerGRRL
Suspyre's Manager
Founder, USA Progressive Music (
Alright, I'll definitely be there this week. I was busy last thursday and when I was done I realized it was already 9. And that made me sad. Heh. But I will make it this time. =P
Couldn't tune in last Thursday - my buddy's bachelor "party" (we just had a late dinner). This Thursday is my wife's birthday and I doubt she would be happy if I spent it listening to Internet radio.
Hope to catch the show next week.
no softball, but that's because a doctor's appointment is going to determine if I'm out for the season or not. Stupid pain...

I'll get on if I have time.
Show is on again this Thursday. Hope more can listen in. I had maybe 13 or 14 listeners over the course of the show last week, which is not bad for my first night.

Thursdays 7 - 9 p.m. EST

I will be playing TWO suspyre songs this week :)

Definitely join us in the chat room ( - it is tons of fun!


Maybe I'll get Justin the-guy-behind-the-counter to tune in on the computer at work , as I'm teaching until 8:30pm.

My friend was fucking hogging the computer, fixing his goddamn myspace and playing shit like Paramore all day.

And because of that I completely forgot that this was even going on(I had to zone out to ignore the music because you can only listen to stuff so many times before you get utterly sick of it, especially if it wasn't that good to begin with). Motherfucker. Really though, I have no one to blame but myself, I should've remembered and told him to get off. >_>

Hooray for inebriated ranting.
Sorry...found out that I do not have tennis elbow and I must schedule an MRI. As I expected, even with an appointment I waited for like 45 minutes at the doctor's office. They have it made...
OK whose making the show this week? Nobody showed up in the chat room from this forum! :p

Anyways, this week I must say is going to be a kick-ass playlist so I hope you come out to listen! TWO suspyre songs again! :) Next week I'll be down to one again, but come on out ... it's fun! Tell your friends. I'm trying to up the number of listeners!
Got another doctor appointment but this one's early...I should be there. Text me or call me before you go on though so I don't's going to be a long doctor appointment. thanks.
