Metalliticket Prices


Dec 16, 2003
Metallica's coming to Vancouver in March, and, as much as I disliked stangaa!!11, I want to go simply because I heard they were loading their sets with 80's gold, and to miss Metallica coming through would be quite sad for me.

If tickets are unaffordable, though, I may lose that last thread of respect I hold for them and skip the show. Tickets go on sale Saturday, but can anybody tell me what they've paid or have heard friends have paid for tickets to their stangaa!!11 tour?
Not worth it. They played Dublin in August and were asking about €60. The sound was shit. Now they have decided to come back in 04 again, charging €60 once more. Money grabbing bastards.
The fact is they can't play they're 80's stuff anywhere near where they could play it before. A friend of mine saw them a few years back and he was laughing at them when they tried to played Jump In The Fire. He said it was the most wretched thing that he ever heard. And he's a die-hard Metallica fan.