Metal's stupidest fans

People from back in the day who only know like Iron Maiden and the big four thrash bands and some fucking shit nu metal bands but act like they're some kind of metal elder who's opinions on things are facts.

COMPLETELY agree! Ugh. I dated this guy who only listened to the "big four" and maiden... i would try to get him into other bands, but no matter what i played... be it death, power, folk, anything, he would have some snobby reaction about how they "just don't have the talent of the bands he listens to" or how "they clearly stole this from so and so" or how its not manly enough "but, it's good you girls have some metal to listen to these days" :Puke: ... i have never wanted to cause someone physical pain so much in my life. Needless to say, that was short lived. And it confirmed my belief that those are the stupidest type of fans that exist! :Shedevil:
Dream Theater fans are usually annoying and close minded. At least here they tend to be like that. DT is the only decent band on Earth and shit like that.

Didn't read the whole thread, someone might have already pointed that out.