Metalsucks premiered a new song from my band.....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Kind of cool I guess. Its my favorite song off our new album. Its pretty personal as its about the loss of my mother when I was 15 years old and how a person can lock themselves into a world of guilt over stuff like that.

It features a guest solo from our very own Brandon Ellis who is a beastly little guitar player(damn him for being so damn good).

Anyways the dudes at metalsucks ripped it apart in the comments section which always cracks me up haha.

Give'r a listen if you want. I mixed and tracked the whole thing as usual. Jamie King mastered it. I enjoy the mix a good bit although there are things I would tweak. Its the beginning of us playing in E standard too.

AND a HUGE thanks to Lolzgreg for the awesome reamping job. The guitars came out phenominal if you ask me. I could not be happier.“conviction-cell”/

Cheers dudes,

P.s. sorry for the book and I head out on tour in a week so come hang if you are near any of the dates which are on our myspace.
ok lots of shit to respond to. Pretty sure guitars are engl savage on this one. Maybe some JVM? I mixed everything on this and Marcus the guitar was my pagan gold socal with dimarzios.

Yeah I can def hear the sylosis influence myself as I love that band too haha.

Thanks for all the nice remarks fellers. Its nice to have a REAL album coming out and not only that! If you buy the cd it comes with a bonus disc with 8 more songs on it, so its a pretty rockin' deal me thinks.

Egan, you should def come out and start a fight with me about some kind of bs, but I shall be the victor and I will pee in your butt hahahahaha. I kid, come hang duder!
Yeah, sounds great man, I dig the guitars - what'd you use Greg? (and Kyle, I assume it was your usual alder Jackson and an Alt-8/JB/some other passive?)


Guitars were Savage through Engl Pro and Rectifier through Mesa Std. Used a Maxon OD-820 pro in front of both, and a SM57 through API preamps. I'm glad you dig the tones. I was really happy with them. I've since sold the Savage because I have an amp that does the job better :kickass:

This album absolutely owns and I see huge things in the future when it's out in stores.
Awesome song !! The name sounds familiar , is this the same band with that song "History of Saints"? Cause when I heard a demo of that song I was blown away

edit : Judging by the album title I guess so