facial tattoos on singer of band I recorded go (a bit) viral


Aug 2, 2007
There is an interesting back and forth going on between Trevor of Coldwar and the Metalsucks blog.
I know Trevor very well from working with the band and he is a very spiritual guy.
What do you think about this.
Most of the comments on metalsucks seem to side with Trevor.
If nothing else, this is massive promotion for the bands album, released on Candlelight Records this week.
Anyway, Links (in order).
Check the lyric video linked on metalsucks to hear the band.




Here is a pic of him.
I know a few people who have got similar designs tattooed on them to "reclaim the swastika", bottom line is though if you do get it tattooed you're either:-

1) An idiot
2) An attention seeker
3) Both of the above.
I totally get this guy. I got the word "FUCK" tattooed on my forehead and people always tell me it's super offensive, but like, it's just etymologically derived from a 15th century Latin poem referring to monks breaking their vows of celibacy I mean wtf is the big deal
You're all fascists for oppressing his freedom*!!!!

*freedom to put a known symbol of oppression all over his body (hahah totally brain farted there)
I actually didn't recognize the swastikas on his belly when I looked at the photo the first time.
Even took me a bit to recognize them on the headshot in the first link :lol:

I don't really have an opinion on this topic...I don't dig the esthetics of the symbol to begin with (without the tail of fucked up ness that got imprinted on it), for me it's kinda pointless.
But I'm not very spiritual, sooooooooo...dunno.
For people who identify with cultures where that symbol had a big meaning it is a big deal I guess.
Dunno if tattooing all over your body is the solution to reclaim it though...would take a lot more people to get the public get used to see it in more or less "normal" circumstances again.
IMHO a "nazi swastika" would be "mirrored", it's like a cross and an upside down cross, the look basically the same but the "position/orientation" is quite different
Draw a big ole swastika on your forehead then walk around downtown, if no one says anything you must either 1. be scary looking 2. are invisible. I mean, nothing against the guy, I really don't care what he does but I mean c'mon man...you had to know people were going to say something when you got those tats. Maybe that's the intent, I don't know but dude is just asking for a beatdown if he goes into the wrong establishment or walks through a crowd of the wrong people. Try explaining that situation when people are yelling and trying to launch a fist at you.

If you were any other race than a black person and you drew a black guy hanging from a tree on your face for civil rights awareness, don't you think maybe some people might just think you're a racist and you'd catch some hell for it? Think maybe you might have to explain it once or twice?

Not a big deal to me, I just think it's a little amusing he's ripping MS when Axl just pointed out the obvious.
I don't see farmers trying to reclaim the apple from the corporate giant. Maybe I'll tattoo apples all over my body and fight the good fight.. Or maybe I'll get breast implants to show my support for breast cancer victims....or wait, maybe I'll just get looked at like some sort of freak. hmmm Glad I thought that out first!

It's great to express your self and have something to say but fuck, careful how you say it.
Saw this whole thing develop during the week.

In interviews he seems alright in that he's not a bigot, racist, anti-Semitic etc which is fine, but any importance this symbol used to have is more than outweighed by the lives lost and atrocities committed under the banner of the nazi swastika. I don't think it's worth reclaiming and he must know that on some level people were always going to react negatively to his tattoos, especially when a lot of neo-nazi, "Aryan brotherhood" types will use visable tattoos as a way of expressing their stupid bigotries and loyalties.
It's a bit like reclaiming the confederate flag as a symbol of freedom... It's absurd.
Didn't see it at first, not till after I read "swastika" and went back to look.

I'm gonna go ahead and blame the Christians on this one because I have nothing else that hasn't been said. :lol:
if I had work done like that I'd at least do a few situps
haha, exactly this

also i didnt notice the swastika on the first look, i mean.. wtf.. each to his own..but the art ink without those swastika thing is quite look good. so absolutly nothing against extremly inked people and their dedication
The side of his face looks a lot like a composition of the nazi black sun


so I guess he wanted to 'reclaim' that, too..
Looking at it more closely, there's at least a couple of SS/neo-nazi runes embedded into that wheel tattoo as well

If I'm not mistaken those concentric wheel symbols are more neo-nazi than the swastika itself..