facial tattoos on singer of band I recorded go (a bit) viral

"SS/Neo-nazi runes?" Wait, you mean the letters people up here used to write their grocery lists with hundreds of years ago?


I'm not sure I have much of an opinion really... I don't think the tats look particularly good.

But I do think Metal Sucks is basically a weird lovechild of Daily Mail politics and Gaurdian self-righteousness posing as a metal music blog. I dislike that website and barely read it.

What gets my gal though is in the follow up article Axl says this:
Instead, he pulled the same cheap move the right always pull – he didn’t like the manner in which I used my freedom to speak, so he alleged that I wanted to take away his freedom to speak.

Which is just bullshit. No-one tried to take anyone's freedom of speech away. Talk about going from zero to hundred....
But I do think Metal Sucks is basically a weird lovechild of Daily Mail politics and Gaurdian self-righteousness posing as a metal music blog. I dislike that website and barely read it.

Thats a good analysis but I think its the other way round - it's got the Mails self righteous indignation whilst having the Guardians oddball cashew eating politics - the only reason it can come across the other way round is because it's also got the Mails terrible editorial standards.
Thats a good analysis but I think its the other way round - it's got the Mails self righteous indignation whilst having the Guardians oddball cashew eating politics - the only reason it can come across the other way round is because it's also got the Mails terrible editorial standards.

It just has this awful, cringe-inducing lack of self-awareness about itself. I don't think Axl actually understands that nobody cares about his views on this guy, or 90% of anything else, especially when it alternates between ZOMG SCANDAL and making fun of Emmure for the 8000th time. The minute he attempts to transcend being a shitty niche tabloid and actually starts having a Srs Discussion Of Teh Issues, I am reminded why I never read any of the articles.

On the other hand, Gear Gods (which is somehow related to MetalSucks in a way I don't totally understand?) is run by different people and is quite good.


Back on topic... Interpretation is difficult without context. If I saw a man with swastikas tattoos, I would be inclined to think he likes that whole nazi bullshit. Thats pretty much prejudgement.
But, if I were to write an article, I would do a minumum research first... That was a pretty stupid article, IMO. But publicity for the band came out.
In my opinion it is not because a symbol does not only relate to nazism that it is a good idea to defend it this way. Isn't there plenty of other symbols he could have tattooed ? It is understandable that some people, mostly those affected by it, would want it disappear for another 100 or 200 years so it becomes neutral again. Surely we can live without this symbol, let's take it easy. I call attention-seeker
Just goes to show you that symbolism is still very much a powerful thing even in modern times. Cue the Christ on a cross, Xtians! You cannot 'take back' the swastika and I don't even fathom why you'd want to. :lol: Ancient blah blah symbol or not.
With if you're Indian or a Hindu, you would not want the Jaina cross to be associated for all time with Nazism.

I don't accept that THAT particular shape cannot be used without invoking Nazism.

But nor would I tat that shit to my face. :lol:
Oh, Hitler, you scallywag, you! Ruined it for everybody (especially Jews)!

I could actually see Hindus using it in India and no one caring over there...but in the West, naw.
I think the MetalSucks post kinda hit the nail on the head. The dude is not wrong. Go ahead, reclaim the swastika. Educate people. But just because you're right doesn't mean you aren't a complete idiot for getting that shit tattooed all over you. Face tattoos are bad enough. Let alone face swastikas.

You HAVE to know that every time you go into a grocery store somebody is going to yell at you for having face swastikas. Do you really want to educate people that badly as to invite everyone you ever see into either a conversation, or an assumption that you're a violent racist? What a maroon.