metaphysics forum newsletter -I- parts I II and III

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
OstanotDS ~ Ohura6760
is issue 030401 of
a forum with no name

act one of three

Forums appear monthly. Each forum issue has a different name – the sender shall be Jualt. You can forward these forums to those who might enjoy them, or ask me to add their names to the free email list. The more the merrier!
a forum with no name aims to be an eclectic open metaphysics forum, a journey through our collective consciousness. To me, metaphysics is a study of common denominators of all things, applied to understanding and maintaining holistic harmony for wellness of one and all.
Email your comments for a forum to Jualt (from within AOL) or (from outside AOL). Please, not too long (prefer not longer than one page), as I'd like to include as many people as possible. Most of those of a forum I've "meta in meta" (AOL chat rooms). You can send in a comment upon something someone else said, or send in something new. I prefer timeless observations of things that you think would be valuable to others in metaphysics, things of value to you. All correspondents within a forum with no name are unless otherwise noted.
Thoughts shared through a forum do not necessarily reflect my own beliefs. My own comments are those in brackets [like this], or those stand alone thoughts with no name. I tend to be a conditionalist, preferring "a" to "the", "could be" to "is", "some" or "most" to "all", "we" or "they". I say "conditional" as contrasted with "absolute", rather than as contrasted with "unconditional". I view things in terms of probability, rather than with 100% certainty or uncertainty, and I brainstorm, apply if/then logic, interpolate, navigate, “gubernate” as Timothy Leary might say.
Forums are named after those who have thanked me for receiving forums, advancing forward one letter of the alphabet with each issue name, my dedication of that forum to those people (though that does not mean we agree on everything or even know one another). Essays are presented in alphabetical order by screen-names of senders, starting from the forum issue's letter, going forward through the alphabet one issue and then backwards the next, a lawn sprinkler method which seeks to be fair, though it looks like a gumball machine at times, or a potluck supper. As always, willing to remove anyone from this emailing list or add names to it. Just send a short note to either way.
My impression, my "grok", of this issue is "war and peace and angels". Thank you all very very much for sharing. Good journey... Next forum 030513.
Now, on with the show!

I cannot change yesterday. I can seek to live better today and tomorrow.
I appreciate when people focus on personal empowerment, coping, healing, bridge-building, expansion of knowledge and peace-making.
I had an opportunity to read the Hippocrates oath, and was somewhat amused that it calls for physicians to teach their art without fee or stipulation, and calls on them to avoid performing abortions. Made me wonder if the word hypocrite is somewhat related to Hippocrates...

To God ~ Regarding The Dancing Elephants
From We Is Us People Who Live Under Them
We is us, people who live under them dancing elephants, some who seemed to see us as ants, perceiving us as separate, when it is their perception that sees us as such, remembering some see some separation as perhaps too much – if we is not part of the body as such, then we is diseases which displeases too much, though we remember he is us who be for we is us so we is not necessarily diseases as such, but excuse this mess as we digress (no more), returning to turning to the topic to say that we is us people who live under them dancing elephants are always aware that we is one with them elephants, for while they might seem sometimes to forget we are one, we seem to not be able to afford that luxury, so we do seek to keep one eye upon them, perhaps actually to maintain some separation, for it seems that when we are one, it is under their feet we have become, and some see us as more dodging than dancing, but even elephants can be kind, and a ride provide, so that we have become more comfortable in this dance, and whilst perhaps both were unawares once, now has come that the dance that is done is done by both ant and elephant as dance, so to God we who is us people like ants who dance under them elephants say thanks for them elephants... And if them elephants can remember that we who is us people who dance like ants under them elephants aren't ants, then perhaps we who is us people who dance like ants under them elephants can remember that them aren't elephants either, i.e. neither ant nor elephant, i.e. we and them is us.
OstanotDS ~ Ohura6760
is issue 030401 of
a forum with no name

act two of three

WlfShadws: PEACE FOR OUR TIME by Alistair Cooke, BBC Broadcaster (he is 95 years old). About the author: In 1936, the NBC network invited Alistair Cooke to do a weekly broadcast of reflections on British life called London Letter. Cooke then emigrated to the United States in 1937, and asked the BBC to let him do the same thing in reverse. Eventually he succeeded, and ‘Letter from America’ is now the longest running radio broadcast in human history. In the process it has won a faithful worldwide audience of several million and many friends in high places. When Cooke was awarded an honorary knighthood in 1973, the Queen is reputed to have expressed bewildered admiration at his ability to sit down, week after week, and communicate so directly with his audience.
...I promised to lay off topic A – Iraq – until the Security Council makes a judgment on the inspectors’ report and I shall keep that promise.
But I must tell you that throughout the past fortnight I’ve listened to everybody involved in or looking on to a monotonous din of words, like a tide crashing and receding on a beach – making a great noise and saying the same thing over and over. And this ordeal triggered a nightmare – a day-mare, if you like.
Through the ceaseless tide I heard a voice, a very English voice of an old man – Prime Minister Chamberlain saying: “I believe it is peace for our time” – a sentence that prompted a huge cheer, first from a listening street crowd and then from the House of Commons and next day from every newspaper in the land. There was a move to urge that Mr. Chamberlain should receive the Nobel Peace Prize. In Parliament there was one unfamiliar old grumbler to growl out: “I believe we have suffered a total and unmitigated defeat.” He was, in view of the general sentiment, very properly booed down.
This scene concluded in the autumn of 1938 the British prime minister’s effectual signing away of most of Czechoslovakia to Hitler. The rest of it, within months, Hitler walked in and conquered. “Oh dear,” said Mr. Chamberlain, thunderstruck. “He has betrayed my trust.”
During the last fortnight a simple but startling thought occurred to me – every single official, diplomat, president, prime minister involved in the Iraq debate was in 1938 a toddler, most of them unborn. So the dreadful scene I’ve just drawn will not have been remembered by most listeners.
Hitler had started betraying our trust not 12 years but only two years before, when he broke the First World War peace treaty by occupying the demilitarized zone of the Rhineland. Only half his troops carried one reload of ammunition because Hitler knew that French morale was too low to confront any war just then and 10 million of 11 million British voters had signed a so-called peace ballot. It stated no conditions, elaborated no terms; it simply counted the numbers of Britons who were “for peace”.
The slogan of this movement was “Against war and fascism” – chanted at the time by every Labour man and Liberal and many moderate Conservatives – a slogan that now sounds as imbecilic as “against hospitals and disease”. In blunter words a majority of Britons would do anything, absolutely anything, to get rid of Hitler except fight him.
At that time the word pre-emptive had not been invented, though today it’s a catchword. After all the Rhineland was what it said it was – part of Germany. So to march in and throw Hitler out would have been pre-emptive – wouldn’t it?
Nobody did anything and Hitler looked forward with confidence to gobbling up the rest of Western Europe country by country – “course by course”, as growler Churchill put it.
I bring up Munich and the mid-30s because I was fully grown, on the verge of 30, and knew we were indeed living in the age of anxiety. And so many of the arguments mounted against each other today, in the last fortnight, are exactly what we heard in the House of Commons debates and read in the French press.
The French especially urged, after every Hitler invasion, “negotiation, negotiation”. They negotiated so successfully as to have their whole country defeated and occupied. But as one famous French leftist said: “We did anyway manage to make them declare Paris an open city – no bombs on us!”
In Britain the general response to every Hitler advance was disarmament and collective security. Collective security meant to leave every crisis to the League of Nations. It would put down aggressors, even though, like the United Nations, it had no army, navy or air force.
The League of Nations had its chance to prove itself when Mussolini invaded and conquered Ethiopia (Abyssinia). The League didn’t have any shot to fire. But still the cry was chanted in the House of Commons – the League and collective security is the only true guarantee of peace.
But after the Rhineland the maverick Churchill decided there was no collectivity in collective security and started a highly unpopular campaign for rearmament by Britain, warning against the general belief that Hitler had already built an enormous mechanized army and superior air force.
But he’s not used them, he’s not used them – people protested.
Still for two years before the outbreak of the Second War you could read the debates in the House of Commons and now shiver at the famous Labour men – Major Attlee was one of them – who voted against rearmament and still went on pointing to the League of Nations as the savior.
Now, this memory of mine may be totally irrelevant to the present crisis. It haunts me. I have to say I have written elsewhere with much conviction that most historical analogies are false because, however strikingly similar a new situation may be to an old one, there’s usually one element that is different and it turns out to be the crucial one. It may well be so here.
All I know is that all the voices of the 30s are echoing through 2003...
[I was amused that a Newsweek poll found that one place where a U.S. invasion of Iraq has a lot of support is inside Iraq. The 65-70% Shiite population wants U.S. troops to help secure a new transition government. Perhaps such a government would be more closely aligned with Iran and be anti-U.S. also. It seems that Saddam has a lot of support in the U.S., at least there is anti-war sentiment, and Bush has a lot of support within Iraq... In some ways perhaps this is a war of Babylon versus Babylon, but I can also see it as Lucifer-aligned Saddam against Michael-aligned Bush.
[I respect those who favor peace, those who are opposed to warfare, and a forum reflects their opinions, as this is an open forum. However, I was saddened when a five-year forum member asked to be removed from a forum because I said in meta-chat that for now I continue to support U.S. President Bush. I do not fault those who do not support Bush, and most certainly a forum reflects many who oppose both the war and Bush, but from my perspective my position is valid for me. However, when someone asked to be removed from a forum because I support Bush I was reminded that the extreme left-wing seems to favor curtailing the open expression of any view except its own, and to me this seems wrong. So, I support the free flow of information as a Bush supporter, while that anti-Bush personage would not tolerate any other points of view... I have heard many accuse Bush of being a Nazi, and yet in this particular case it would seem the shoes were reversed, and I think this should be remembered.
[As always, I intend to keep this forum open to all views, even to those who oppose U.S. government policy, regardless of which administration might be in power. I view myself as of the center, and for me this requires at least listening to all sides.]

Zenophone: Re: ARKANGELQ13, forum 030301: << Can you tell me who was the entity, before his incarnation on Earth, known as Jesus of Nazareth? >>
Some scribe should be rebuked for this translation. Nazareth did not exist till some years after the death of Jesus. So he was Jesus of Something Else.

Zigurrat: State of the Universe Address by Swami Beyondananda
Hello everybody &#8211; it is great to be here ... and you know what? We really have no choice. Because no matter where we are, we are always here. And it is always now. In fact, there&#8217;s even a book called The Power of Now. I haven&#8217;t had time to read it yet, but I hope to get to it in a later now.
Meanwhile, back in this now, the issue facing the United States, and indeed the world is, will George Bush give in to his Big Iraq Attack and order up a war? Latest reports say that a war to force a regime change in Iraq will [could] cost $200 billion. It is puzzling to me why some of those fiscal fitness fanatics in the Republican Party haven&#8217;t tried to find a cheaper way to do it. Maybe if they offered the Iraqis half &#8211; $100 billion &#8211; they could do it themselves. Then we&#8217;d still have $100 billion left to spend on regime change in this country. Because &#8211; and I have to be blunt here &#8211; the folks we have in charge are fossils fueled by fossil fuels. And in the reptilian brain, problems aren&#8217;t solved, they&#8217;re attacked. Like the War on Poverty. Remember that? I&#8217;m happy to report that it&#8217;s finally over. The poor people have all surrendered. And take the War on Drugs &#8211; please! How many billions have they spent? My solution is cheaper and more effective ... improve reality!
Now we have the War on Terrorism. We&#8217;re going to terrorize those terrorists into giving up terrorism if it&#8217;s the last thing we do! And it just might be. The good news is &#8211; and I have it on the Highest Authority &#8211; there will indeed be peace on Earth. Whether we humans are around to enjoy it, that is up to us.
No wonder there is so much fear, uncertainty and confusion on the planet. I&#8217;ll tell you how bad it&#8217;s gotten. You&#8217;ve heard of Heisenberg&#8217;s Uncertainty Principle? Well, they&#8217;re not even sure about THAT anymore. And so, more and more people are turning to the mystics for answers.
I have often said there are two kinds of mystics, the optimystics and the pessimystics. Now pessimystics seem to be more in touch with &#8220;reality&#8221;, but optimystics are happier and live longer for some reason. The pessimystics have been crying, &#8220;The sky is falling, the sky is falling!&#8221; The optimystics say, &#8220;No. It just looks that way because we are ascending.&#8221;
Now, for those people who read the news &#8211; not to mention those unfortunate enough to BE in the news &#8211; last year was not an easy year to keep an optimystic attitude with so much pessimystic evidence. Call me a hopeless &#8220;hopium&#8221; addict, but I choose to accentuate the positive. For example, you can say we human beings have moved further down the path of self-destruction. Or you could say the Earth is ridding itself of a virulent parasite.
You can despair over continuing war, disease and starvation, or you can go, &#8220;Hey, population control the good, old fashioned way &#8211; without birth control or abortion.&#8221; Who says &#8220;compassionate conservative&#8221; is an oxymoron?
You can worry about the government taking liberties with our liberties or you can say, &#8220;Life has become simpler! They&#8217;ve boiled the Bill of Rights down to just one: You have the right to remain silent.&#8221;
So I am not going to dwell on the negative. As my guru Harry Cohen Baba used to say, &#8220;Life is like photography ... we use the negative to develop.&#8221; So let us look at the bright side.
Like technological advances, for example. Forty years ago President John F. Kennedy promised to have a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. Well, we have far exceeded that. Thanks to the so-called Patriot Act, George Bush can have a man on Uranus by the end of the week!
George Bush was responsible for a great spiritual advance last year, as well. He upgraded the Golden Rule for the new millennium. It&#8217;s now the Gold Rule: &#8220;Doodoo unto others before they can doodoo unto you.&#8221;
And &#8211; say what you will &#8211; President Bush has made great strides on behalf of minority representation. Never before have we had a President who was looking out for a smaller minority.
Now this is the State of the Universe Address, and seen from that higher perspective, things look great! I am happy to report that the Universe continued to expand in 2002, and in fact, they actually had to let the Photon Belt out another notch. An expanding Universe means more jobs too, so we can expect a steady influx of aliens looking for work. Yep, the Universe just keeps purring in perfection, ever-changing as usual. The planets continue to harmoniously spin in their orbits, and except for the occasional case of asteroids, they just calmly go about their business.
Meanwhile, back here on Earth, things are a bit more problematical. We still haven&#8217;t fully recovered from that vicious dogma attack of 911. But as an optimystic, I believe you can indeed teach an old dogma new tricks, simply by changing the emPHAsis to another sylLABle. Instead of focusing only on emergency measures, why not take emerge &#8216;n SEE measures?
When we emerge from our fearful hiding places and see from the cosmic comic perspective, we realize that beneath all the stress and distress and sadness in life there is a deep well of joy. Each time we let laughter bubble up from the well, we experience deep wellness. Levity helps us overcome gravity, especially when we shine the light of laughter on those poorly-lit corridors of power.
Do you know what the leading cause of terrorism is? It&#8217;s seriousness. I&#8217;m serious. Think about it. Those people have no sense of humor. Otherwise how could they believe they will get to heaven by putting other people through hell?
Here is my vision: A suicide bomber arrives at the Gates of Heaven, and God clops him over the head and says, &#8220;SCHMUCK! What&#8217;d you do that for? 72 virgins? YOU get one 72-year-old virgin, and his name starts with Ayatollah!&#8221;
But if Americans are willing to revive the Iraqi Horror Picture Show just to feed our out-of-control oil habit, how are we that different? How many innocents will be put through hell, just to preserve our little corner of relative heaven? There is no real peace without harmony and balance, only the vicious cycle of injustice. Peons get tired of getting peed on, right? You get pissed on, and pretty soon you&#8217;re gonna get pissed off. This causes the hot spots to flare, and pretty soon you have an uprising, which usually results in a downfall. All these uprisings and downfalls can be wearing on the body politic.
Fortunately, we do have a choice. One of my favorite stories recently is about a Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson. He tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is fear, greed and hatred. &#8220;Which wolf will win, grandfather?&#8221; asks the young boy. &#8220;Whichever one I feed,&#8221; is the reply.
Every day &#8211; every moment &#8211; we have the choice to feed the wolf of love or the wolf of fear. It is interesting that we are called humanKIND. What better time than now to find out, can mankind treat man kindly?
I have a dream ... I call it tell-a-vision. I say, if you&#8217;re dissatisfied with the current programming, you can turn off your TV and tell a vision instead. Here is my vision: Remember the Manhattan Project during World War II? It took less than four years for a group of scientists to develop the first weapon of mass destruction. My vision is, we can do even better for an even worthier goal. We could call it the Manhelpin Project, and its purpose would be to develop the first weapon of mass construction instead.
Think about it. What if we used that $200 billion set to detonate in Iraq, and put it toward becoming the worldwide leader in renewable, clean, ustainable energy sources? Now there&#8217;s some real power. Create something so plentiful you don&#8217;t have to pay an army to protect your share. A healthy income, a healthy outcome ... what could possibly make more sense? Boy, talk about feeding two birds with one scone!
The choice is up to us. If we want an alternative, we must feed the &#8220;alter native&#8221; economy ... anything that alters us natives for the better. The world we live in is a by-product of the products we buy, is it not? What if we only choose to buy products with healthy by-products? Think about this: There are at least 45 million Americans who consciously want to feed the wolf of peace. If each of us switched just $100 into the alter native economy, that would be $4.5 billion!
Last year, we launched a blisskrieg and declared &#8220;all out peace&#8221;. I&#8217;m happy to report it is already working. More people are letting their inner peace out, and these outbreaks of peace are actually causing esteem to rise! And we all know that rising esteem is good for the atmosphere. As esteem rises, more people on the planet will be able to be all that they can be &#8211; without joining the army. And when more of us put our energy into love and laughter instead of criticizing and condemning, we will have Uncritical Mass ... and we will bring about Nonjudgment Day, and along with it, Disarmaggedon. Now you might be wondering, what will Nonjudgment Day look like? Let me tell another vision.
I have been to the heights of levity, and I have seen people all over the world dancing together in the universal dance of fool realization ... The Hokey Pokey. I want you to hold this vision with me: All of the world leaders at the United Nations beginning their sessions with the Hokey Pokey. What if Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat put their whole selves in in? That would be commitment. And then pulled their whole selves out. That is detachment. Then they turn themselves around, which is transformation. And that, my friends, is what it is all about!
So, how can you help raise the laugh force on the planet enough to bring about Nonjudgment Day? First, you can take a vow of levity, and laugh more. And we even have a Laughmore Society to help you do just that. Next, you can support everyone&#8217;s right to laugh by joining the Right To Laugh Party ... &#8220;One big party, everyone is invited. All for fun, and fun for all.&#8221;
Commit random acts of comedy. Practice Fun Shui and leave the world a funnier place. Anything to elicit a moment of fool-realization with a spark of laughter. Because only when we lovingly laugh at our foolishness, can we seriously change things for the better. May you wake up laughing and leave laughter in your wake ... and may the Farce be with you! &#8220;If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.&#8221; ~ Mother Teresa
I just don&#8217;t got time for this war. &#8211; 3/10/2003 ~ Aluna Joy Yaxk&#8217;in
I spent most of the last weeks thinking about where we are at as a human race and what I felt about it. All I could tune into was feeling numb, empty and so weirdly neutral. I couldn&#8217;t come up with any inspiration for myself that I already haven&#8217;t said in past writings. It is like humanity is holding its breath ... wondering where all the tension, hate and revenge is gong to take us. Will we wake up and discover the value in peace and harmony ... or will we enter even deeper into hate and fear ... or will we take duality to the extreme and just split in two, them against us.
Maybe my numbness is just plan grief. Grief for all those who harbor hate in their hearts. How awful that must feel. Grief for all those innocents who will be hurt by the hate. They don&#8217;t deserve it. I wake in the morning feeling surreal like I woke into an ancient barbaric world. I watch all my friends and family take sides and get caught in the drama by fighting it, or supporting it. It is splitting them apart. &#8220;I was once asked why I don&#8217;t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I&#8217;ll be there.&#8221; &#8211; Mother Teresa
It feels like everything that needed to be said has been said. Masters and Angels have spoken and great teachers have taught a different path to peace, love and all those hippie ideals that we have yet to see come to pass. Yet I feel that something is missing. What didn&#8217;t we get? What didn&#8217;t we hear that would cause humanity to be so torn? It just seams like we should be a little more grown up than we are acting collectively. What is it that we need to hear to make it all click, so we can live in harmony with all our beautiful diversities. Mother Teresa said &#8220;If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.&#8221;
I feel small against the huge tension building and yet I know the only thing I can do is live peace, in my life, in my own way. I can only take responsibility for myself. What others do is not a responsibility that I or anyone can take on. Then it hits me, the reason why I feel so neutral. All that I have learned and believed in was not to allow myself to be drawn into drama. Let's face it. We all [Many] have all had our share of intense life challenges. Through it all we learned not to go there again. We [Some] became more neutral &#8211; desire-less. Wasn&#8217;t that the goal? [I am pleased to have remained a person who feels things.] Maybe this is why I feel so OK in spite of current events. We [Some] learned that adding to the drama only causes more pain. We learned that the only [one] thing that seems to make sense is to walk straight into harmony and happiness. With these little steps I know we place a vote for Heaven on Earth on a planet that seams more closely related to Hell. But is it? [Maybe Lucifer has been quarantined here.]
The world is what we make it. Right now ... the sun is shining brightly. I am safe and warm and I can feel the Creator loving me and supporting me in the way I chose to be supported. I have a good life. A nice little home. A great husband and a new puppy named Chico who projects the most intense innocence and utter playfulness. I am reminded of times when I have been most grateful and these were quickly followed by major amount of magic. And you know, I kind of like that magic stuff! I think we would all like a dose of magic.
So this is my Equinox intent, to hold to peace in my life. I intend to love where I can, play where I can. I intend to foster the most rarest quality humanity has right now, that is innocence and lightness of heart. It might feel like a small step in the right direction for me, but if you all join me on this road, we could cook up a strong wave of peaceful intent. All we got to do is erase all the drama from our life and it won&#8217;t cost billions of dollar to do it. PEACE IS FREE. On another hand, can we afford the opposite?
It's not about having peace talks or debates; it isn&#8217;t about going to the Pope, the President, the Prime Minister or Hussein. The [An] answer is simple: Just live in peace every day and do not give the drama and those addicted to it any more of our energy. Every time we allow ourselves to think about these ones we open a door inside ourselves and add energy to the very thing we want to avoid. So let us joins hands, and go outside and play with the dog or cat. Let us plant flowers in the garden and toss the duct tap and garbage bags where they belong &#8230; in the garbage. Let us get out the tie dye T&#8217;s, and have a nice day signs. :) Do any thing that reminds you that you LIVE PEACE every day no matter what. And remember this direction is more powerful that you think!
It has come down to this: The universe is giving us a perfect opportunity to live our truth and to do what is right. We are being given an intense time to take truth and right living out for a test drive. Can we live in peace no matter what others think, feel or do? Can we keep on keeping on in spire of what seems to be a crazy world? No matter how small our actions seem to be, against what appears to be a growing monster, the beast will fade away if we find some thing better to do. I know this is true with all my heart. Anyway I got better things to do, don&#8217;t you? I just don&#8217;t have time for this war.

ARKANGELQ13 from JeannieJ1: [Excerpt from] A Message From Archangel Michael Channeled and Written Through Carolyn Ann O&#8217;Riley
The Music of Thanksgiving Glorious Greetings My Beautiful Beings of Light. The Creator is sending you Love and all that is of Beauty for you to behold in your moment of reading. Reach back into your memory and pull forth that feeling that reminds you of what The Creator&#8217;s Love actually feels like. Your Guardian Angels and Guides are around you now as your read this message mirroring their love and support for you on your spiritual path. Feel their presence and their inner whisper, &#8220;We love you and are here to help you. Invite us so that we may assist you.&#8221; The moments are moving so rapidly now do you not feel the exhilaration that at times may almost seem to make you feel like you are spinning in space trying to find a spot to focus on for just a moment. Some are feeling this and trying to determine or define its purpose. Some are feeling this and are confused because they&#8217;ve not learned to find their balance to equalize their inner world. They&#8217;ve no way of verbalizing or analyzing it because they&#8217;ve not worked enough within to search out this solos when confusion comes calling. This confusion may manifest as frustration or anger on the part of the confused one. Be kind and loving when you see this. Send this Beautiful Being of Light a cloud of Pink Love Energy to surround him/her so that they may feel the love and balance their essence in a peace filled way.
The moments will speed up more and more as the energies come forth that are asking you to look at all that is no longer for your highest good. These energies are bringing up all that perhaps you had thought that you had already cleared. This is only a reminder that your clearing perhaps was only on one level. Many clearing areas are multi-dimensional or even from a past life incarnation. Or something about what is coming up again had more sides to view and thus was not fully viewed the first time when clearing. Ask your Angels and Guides to assist you in determining what still is in need of clearing and go within to help yourself clear up that hanging item. Each time you release something you allow more room to be filled in with your Divine Life Mission, Higher Purpose, Peace, Higher Energies and Frequencies of Love, Light and Truth. The clearer you are the more directed and focused you can be on your Divine Life&#8217;s Work. Your moments here are not about Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm jobs My Beloveds. Your moments on this Earth Plane at these specific moments are about clearing the Mass Consciousness of all that no longer serves so that more and more of The Creator&#8217;s Light can come flooding in.
There is a larger overlay of The Creator&#8217;s Master Blue Print at work here My Beautiful Beings of Light. These are Special times My Divine Light Warriors. You were chosen or volunteered for these assignments. These are not your ordinary prior re-incarnation positions of just walking through more of what you desired to experience. Your Missions here are far more reaching than individual Spark development. You are all very old Souls indeed for the work that you&#8217;ve come to do required the Divine Wisdom of experience and commitment of purpose. The Old Earth Play is winding down as if a quarter had been placed into the slot and the time on the ride is almost up. The lines to ride this old ride are dwindling it has become no fun any more. The New Earth Play is coming into focus and asking the Old Earth Play to clear all that is no longer of service for the highest good of ALL concerned. The lines to ride this new revised vision of the game are becoming longer and longer as more and more awaken to their own spiritual guidance. Those that are awakening are going within to search out their most perfect answers and yes their part in this new play.
If you&#8217;ve not already done so My Beautiful Beings Of Light ask yourselves, &#8220;What is my mission here? My Creator help me remember what you would have me know. How may I serve My Creator? How may I serve?&#8221; Go within and listen for your most perfect guidance. Ask your Angels and Guides to assist you in finding these answers. Begin to change. You&#8217;re thinking about how you are looking at the events within your own realm and those around you. For instance those that have lost or are losing their jobs at this time have higher purposes to work towards. [That's reassuring?] They may not have understood (remembered) that or reflected upon that. Or perhaps they were not awakened to understand that. They are being asked to find things that are more in line with their Divine Life Missions. They are being asked to find careers more in line with what their hearts have been telling them that they needed to be doing NOW. The old formats are not working for them any more and thus they are being asked to redefine what their career interests are. They are being asked to not define their Life&#8217;s Mission with the dollar sign; it is about joy, learning and peace. Many changes must come to bring about the Peace that is so sought after and desired by the many.
The business world is being held up for all to review. Decisions of that which has not presented itself as honorable or trustworthy are weighed. It is surprising how many thought these moments would never come. Those that chose the roles of deceivers within their contracts prior to incarnation have acted out their parts very well indeed. These episodes are part of the Old Earth Play. The financial markets are being held up to reflect and remind that companies do have a need to be forthright and honest with their investors. Values of what is appropriate are also surfacing to call attention to the fact that there is more important work here than that which happens on Wall Street. The seed of God is in us. Given an intelligent and hard-working farmer, it will thrive and grow up to God, whose seed it is, and accordingly its fruits will be God-nature. Pear seeds grow into pear trees, nut seeds into nut trees, and God seed into God. ~ Meister Eckhart
&#8220;Does God speak to us? Yes, since God is within us, He [God] speaks to us. His voice is very soft, and we must learn to distinguish it among all the other voices within us asking to be heard. It can be compared to the melody of a flute in the midst of the clamor of tambourines and bass drums. The thunderous voice of the stomach which shouts when hungry is easy to hear and follow, as is that of the sexual organs seeking a victim. But when a little voice says to you: &#8216;Calm down... Don&#8217;t get irritated... Learn to master yourself... Work ...&#8217; more often than not, you ignore it or suppress it. Patiently, with love, the voice repeats its advice, but if you are determined to silence it, it no longer insists. The voice of God is very powerful, but it is very weak within us if we do not want to listen.&#8221; ~ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Bongoguru: When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the Political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature&#8217;s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Mankind [Humanity] requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Truer words were never spoken as with the rest of our Declaration of Independence in 1776, birthing the nation we now live in. Words of Righteous Truth. Inspired by Love of God and freedom and justice. How about love for fellow man, or respect and appreciation of life... Whatever inspired them, they are words of greatness that should stand for eternity. And that which inspires me to write these words: Evolution is needing a Revolution! The birth of a new nation. A nation that will exist in the hearts of those who wish to be a part of it. The causes which impel me to write this are: I no longer believe that the people elected to offices of the United States of America no longer (act in a constitutional manner) represent that which created they&#8217;re offices, but instead have capitulated to a foreign power whose aim is control of all of Earth's resources for profit. Usurping other sovereign nations' rights and freedoms. As it has been throughout history, so shall it be. The lust for power and money of the Ruling classes, invading foreign lands with the intent of possessing what the native peoples have in natural wealth and human resource. And in return those peoples receive bondage and debt slavery. Subjected to laws offensive to them, so they can buy back what they once had. Our Constitutional Republic has been subverted into an Industrialized Capitalist Socialist Political State! Would it have been possible for our forefathers to envision the technological of the present, while this evolution is not guided by respect of Life or the Laws of Nature. It seems that more money's spent on building weapons, testing weapons, training people to use and repair those weapons, and the development of newer and more deadly weapons. And of course everything needed for those weapons, oil gas, etcetera, than just about anything else. So it would go that the biggest business in the world is creating death. How much longer it goes on depends on how much longer it takes to completely defile the Earth, annihilate ourselves, or say we don&#8217;t need you to murder on our behalf! It seems to me that a righteous nation would have no enemies, unless it is another nation acting to destroy it or conquer and posses it. Our Evolution needs a Revolution! What kind of government this new nation would have you say? A government without representatives who represent whoever bribes them, a government in which the people participate and decide. What kind of Revolution am I talking about you say? A Revolution of our hearts and minds to open our eyes and see a better future. Not a Revolution to destroy or conquer anything. A Revolution to build something new based on freedom and justice. Nations have been created throughout history. It is our God-given right. And it should be easier than ever with all this technology. A Revolution to remove socialized labels and be Human Beings again. Will the Human Race make it to the stars? It's possible. Will the Human Race annihilate itself? It's possible. Reality is somewhere in between these two possibilities at present. What will be the outcome? Depends on what actions are taken. What kind of future will our children have? What kind of future do we want them to have? What kind of future do our children want to have? Evolution is the movement of consciousness. Evolution is transformation. Evolution is the combination of the past the present and the future. Revolution is the consciousness transformation from the past into the future. The past is packed with wars and corruption. Nations of peoples, conquering and being conquered. Innocent lives smashed into nothingness, and suffering. And so it is in the present, and so it will be in the future, unless we change it. It is consciousness that creates, and consciousness that destroys. That which is created with a loving intent manifests a different reality than an intent of insatiable merciless greed. Can you see it? Thanks to all.

Byrdlady: On our Bus Me Haunted tour last Saturday night, we got phenomenal pictures. One very bright orb at a cemetery we stopped at on the spur of the moment (because one of our guests suggested it as a good one for activity) had a alien face in it. When I get permission I will send it to you to see. I blew it up big on my screen. The guy who took it is a very serious person and very stable.
I do not make lightly of alien contact because I saw one by my bed when I was about thirty years old, but never since. I awoke and could not move. It more or less paralyzed me and was standing there in a soft glowing red light.

Century30: West Central Cancer Symposium Sponsored by: Willmar Cancer Center
April 24th, 2003 @ Holiday Inn, Willmar Conference Center. 2100 East Highway, 12 Willmar, Minnesota (please use south entrance). Target Audience: Nurses and health care professionals who care for patients with cancer, people seeking holistic approach to dealing with cancer, discovering a new way of a approaching a healthier life-style. Credits: This workshop has been designed to provide 6.3 contact hours. Note: Attendance at all sessions is required. No partial credit is given.
Objectives: After completion of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe a variety of complementary therapies recommended to cancer patients and understanding the rationale behind those choices. 2. Discuss the use of massage as a therapeutic intervention with oncology patients. 3. Develop a basic understanding of formula method acupuncture. 4. Evaluate popular diets and which supplements are beneficial to improving health. 5. Identify two massage/touch interventions that help reduce anxiety and tension. 6. Recognize the immediate benefits to individuals who practice Spring Forest Qi Gong. 7. Explain how the discipline and breathing techniques of yoga can be used to reduce stress and provide deep relaxation in everyday life. 8. Apply the techniques of meditation and imagery to open the mind, release negativity and benefit physical healing.
Registration Fee: $45.00 &#8211; this fee includes materials and lunch. Fee is refundable only if registration is canceled prior to the day of the workshop. Registration is limited, so please register by April 10, 2003. Make checks payable to Rice Memorial Hospital and mail to: Rice Education Center, 301 Becker Avenue SW, Willmar, Minnesota 56201.
CnJ6768: Beyond &#8216;See&#8217; Level
Look in the mirror... What do you see? Look deeper. Now what do you see? Now think about this... There are very few animals in our beloved animal kingdom that would recognize themselves in the mirror. Thus, consider yourself fortunate. What do you think the otter would see if it were able to recognize itself in the mirror? What do you think it does see when it has a looking glass of sorts to peer into?
Recognition is one of the first and most primary signs of the human, yet ... others recognize mirror images of themselves as well. Chimpanzees and gorillas actually primp when they look in the mirror. Koko the gorilla even went so far as to point to herself in the mirror and sign to her tutor, &#8220;You pretty. Koko ugly. See?&#8221; Of course Koko was far from being an ugly anything, as her coat was luxurious and soft, and having been raised almost literally as a human, she was considered to be the most intellectual of her species ever, not to mention that she was taught the more social graces a lady would have while living in the human communities.
This then brings up the question of social recognition. How do you feel others see you, in comparison to how you see yourself? Think of your husband, wife, lover or best friend ... even your siblings and parents... How do you think they each differ in the way in which they see you? Now, do you honestly believe that any one of these people, who are the closest to you, really sees your looks? I&#8217;m not talking about how you look when you go to work, or when you dress up to go out... I&#8217;m talking about how you look first thing in the morning, or right after having taken a shower. And, I&#8217;m not talking about how YOU think you look, but rather how you think THEY are looking at you.
Now, take it one step further. Look into the mirror at yourself. Tell yourself exactly what you see. Be honest. You&#8217;re only talking to yourself, with no one to hear you, except yourself. Can you see beyond the skin? How about peering deep into your own eyes. Can you see into the windows of your spirit and soul? If so ... what is it that you see? Can you go &#8216;beyond the see level&#8217; of the plastic and material world we live in? Can you delve deep within yourself and see the light and beauty that lies within the very essence of your being? Or, do you just see the outer self that everyone else sees on a daily basis?
What changes about you when you dress up? Do you feel better about yourself, or not so great? How relaxed are you in public regarding your looks ... and more importantly, why? These are not questions for you to answer to the group, but rather to yourself. Can you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror and say &#8220;Good morning self! You&#8217;re looking great this morning!&#8221;? Not too many people can.
Now this brings us to a further and deeper question of ... why can&#8217;t people do this? Don&#8217;t people see that they are very special and beautiful? Can&#8217;t people understand that they each have something precious and wonderful within them to offer to the world they live in? Most cannot see this. This process takes time, and a great amount of courage. Not too many people are willing to accept themselves just the way they are, and this is especially true in teenagers and younger adults. There is a lot of physical and emotional change taking place.
They&#8217;re excited about grabbing the world by the tail and swinging from vine to vine ... experiencing everything life has to offer ... and they ought to feel this way ... but, they are also not willing to accept the fact that there is a spirit inside of them, one that is still growing and changing and expanding and breathing ... who wants to be seen.
This spirit does not care about material things or social status. This spirit does not care about body weight, or wrinkles, thinning hair or age spots. Nor does it have one care in the world about grey hairs, aching joints, ailments and other problems that come naturally with age. This spirit wants to get out and be seen!!! This is when you look into the mirror ... go beyond the skin, the hair, the make up, the outer realm. Look much, much deeper. Look into the windows that will give you a glimpse as to what that spirit looks like. It&#8217;s really rather beautiful, is it not? =)
Over the course of this next week ... let&#8217;s take some time out for ourselves, and go &#8216;beyond the see level&#8217;. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who&#8217;s the fairest of them all? YOU ARE!!! =))

DALAISIB: << God Bless America... >> I think it is time, way past time, to say: GOD BLESS THE WORLD! [God Bless Our World.]
Tatia7w: Wouldn't it be better to say a prayer for the [our] world?

Eman8tions: What if war turns out not to be the real bad thing? What if the real bad thing is the spiritual condition of humanity? What if war is only a reflection of that spiritual condition and the spiritual condition itself is the great tragedy?
I think that may be the case.
Then war is a wake up call to humanity. The war is not the problem. The problem is the power and greed that manipulates us daily.
War is the moment of tipping the dominoes. But we spent years setting them up precariously so they would all fall when the first was toppled. War is the flame to the fuel that has been gathered and primed for burning. The potential has been there stacked and ready all along, prepared by those who want a huge fire to burn.
We have lived with the constant tension of armaments, power struggles. We have said this is the way the world works and now the consequence, war, reflects back to us all we have done, what we have prepared for all along.
I reflect inward and realize the war is not the problem. It is the result of the problem, the consequence of how we have been living our lives.
I begin the change within when I stop, come to the stillness. I need to stop the conflict within myself. I need to stop blaming anyone for what is going on and realize that a teaching is in progress, a big painful teaching.
I need to learn.
I pray now for peace and understanding within for myself and my world, my humanity that has lost so much of itself, that needs peace now. I pray we come to that realization, that this be a teaching.
Let us come to peace within, that the reflection of us in the world becomes generosity, kindness, love, and peace.
That is who we really are.
[Eman8tions offers daily uplifting email upon request.]

FatCherie: &#8220;To be nobody but yourself in a world that&#8217;s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.&#8221; ~ e. e. cummings For Wisdom (courtesy of Loving Each Day)
When you can reach beyond all these negative levels and perceive from the Soul, from the positive aspect of yourself, you can lift up in consciousness, see where your home is and see which path will lead you there. And whether the rough terrain lasts for ten miles or only a half mile, you can see what to do to traverse the path.
At that point, you can go back into your journey and use all the levels of your consciousness as tools to your advantage. You can use your body to move you along the path toward your goal, your imagination to create the image of safely reaching home, and your emotions to keep you happy and joyful. You use your mind to decide on a good direction and keep you focused on completing that direction. And you use the areas of the unconscious to strengthen you as you learn to discern reality from illusion.
~ John-Roger (From: Divine Essence (Baraka), 2001 Benjamin Franklin Award Winner, p. xxiv-xxv)

Fishnetterrie: While playing cards my dad used to say, Columbus took a chance. That was my cue to play a high card. On the other hand, when I was a teenager I remember my mom telling me, &#8220;If someone told you to go jump off of a bridge, would you?&#8221; What does this have anything to do with the supernatural? When I was about 10 years old, I heard the most beautiful voice call my name. I said, &#8220;What?&#8221; The voice asked me if I wanted to come with her? I said, &#8220;No.&#8221; Many years later, a stranger I named God, started communicating with me, directing me toward what not to eat or drink and more, even threatened me at times, telling me that he gives far more than he takes away, with a certain plan in mind. Again, I did not follow in blind faith. Would only an adept or a fool, obey? Of course some people in the field of psychology might say, &#8220;Maybe she just has a lack of L-Dopomine. This will get her started, back on the right track.&#8221; &#8220;NOT!&#8221; I think what is needed is to defend yourself from anyone trying to break the law of free will. To seek my highest divine good. Perhaps a person filled with hate can teach me the very hidden intrinsic nature of love. This is just my two cents worth.
[I advise people to consider advice from &#8220;voices&#8221; as &#8220;advice from a friend&#8221;, meaning perhaps well-meaning but capable of error. Blind loyalty, or blind devotion, can make massacres...]

Furby21759: Re: Forum 030301, Caysyee:
Brainwashed or not, they are still PEOPLE. We are going to be having a war with nukes, atom bombs, radiation, and biological war. The whole reason we are being dragged into this war is because Saddam Hussein isn&#8217;t disarming fast enough for Bush. If he doesn&#8217;t disarm, and he has anthrax, missiles, and other forms of mass destruction, then he WILL use them. The innocent will die. The young soldiers, and American citizens. But most of all, the citizens of Iraq. Both countries will lose innocent citizens. And for what? Some oil? This will be a war of MASS destruction. I question why if Hussein has had these weapons for 12 years and has chosen not to use them why we are going to war to provoke him to use them. I also question why our own president is using our fears to take us to war. Why not war on Afghanistan? Because Hussein has weapons? Who is to say that Afghanistan has no weapons? Bush is looking for a war. This will be worse than Vietnam. There are many against it from the start, and we have almost no allies. How do we expect to win a war with only the backing of the British navy? I know we&#8217;re all ignorant, but to be that ignorant is a crime. You say without him in power, the world would be a better, safer place &#8211; do you understand what we will make the world if we go to war? We will make it a war-zone. There is no more room for war with the mass destruction technology we now have. It is our own ignorance that drives us to this war. We are not thinking before we act. Innocent lives will be lost. Maybe even yours. No one is safe. I noticed how when Bush was talking and he was asked why even though he said all the other nations have the same intelligence as him, why none of them agree with him &#8211; he did not give a response to the question. He answered, but he didn&#8217;t answer the question. I believe it is because in his heart, he knows a war on an innocent country just to get one person is wrong. He told someone to take a shot at Hussein (stupid, stupid, stupid) and although it is a good idea, it is the wrong thing to do. You will make him a martyr by killing him, and who knows if his successor will be worse. If we kill the leader of Iraq, the next leader will be angry. This war is wrong. The whole thing is wrong. Bill Clinton agrees, and I wish we could have him back in office. I personally believe Bush is one of the worst presidents we&#8217;ve ever had, and I cannot believe that he would do this to his own country. More than half of Americans don&#8217;t want war if we don&#8217;t have the UN behind us. We don&#8217;t have UN support. We have no one&#8217;s support but our own. The world thinks we&#8217;re an arrogant superpower. It&#8217;s the truth. We&#8217;re ignorant. We think we can win a war on our own. We can&#8217;t. We&#8217;ll lose. The end is near.
[I prefer to avoid absolutes and certainty in my statements, so I would substitute "a" for "the", and "could lose" instead of "will lose". Bill Clinton appeared on national television to ask people to give support to our troops and to the success of this campaign against Saddam Hussein.] In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
My dearest sisters, brothers, friends, colleagues and comrades:
The US-led war against Iraq has begun. While the next few weeks and months will be filled with fear and anger, Al-Fatiha reaches out to you with prayers for peace and justice.
In the ultimate Divine wisdom, war and peace both have a place in our world. But while human conflict creates more death and destruction than any other force our civilization, one thing remains constant: The love and mercy of our Creator. For the Divine&#8217;s blessings are beyond our human imagination.
During this time of great sorrow, Al-Fatiha and the LGBTIQ Muslim community around the world stand together in condemning this war, and praying for peace and justice on this Earth.
May Allah continue to grant us the wisdom to see the light and the truth, and may Allah bless each and every one of us and grant us mercy. Aamin
Yours in faith and solidarity,
Faisal Alam Founder & Director Al-Fatiha Foundation
&#8220;O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) for a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other).&#8221; &#8211; The Holy Quran 49:13
&#8220;O ye who believe! Seek help and patient perseverance and prayer; for God is with those who patiently persevere.&#8221; &#8211; The Holy Quran 2:153
&#8220;In God do we put our trust. Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who practice oppression; And deliver us by Thy Mercy from those who deny (Thee).&#8221; &#8211; The Holy Quran 10:85-86
&#8220;O God, Lord of all dominion! &#8211; You give power to anyone You wish &#8211; and take away power from anyone You wish. &#8211; You exalt anyone You wish &#8211; and humble anyone You wish. &#8211; Good lies within Your hand; &#8211; You are Capable of everything! &#8211; The Holy Quran 3:26
Al-Fatiha Foundation is dedicated to Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, those exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity, and their allies, families and friends. Al-Fatiha promotes the progressive Islamic notions of peace, equality and justice. We envision a world that is free from prejudice, injustice and discrimination, where all people are fully embraced and accepted into their faith, their families and their communities. Founded in 1998, Al-Fatiha Foundation is a registered US-based non-profit, non-governmental organization.
Al-Fatiha PO Box 33532 Washington, DC 20033

Grotonwitc: The Buddha on Belief from the Kalama Sutta
&#8220;Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all. Then accept it and live up to it.&#8221;
[Grotonwitc offers pagan pertinent news and views free via email upon request.] Re: Forum 030301: ARKANGELQ13, Ra and Jesus: Surely you don&#8217;t believe this nonsense. Or are you in on it?
Re: Yetimoth: You expect us to swallow this nonsense? Maybe we&#8217;re not as dumb as we look. [And I thought I was the only one who looked dumb!]
Re: WICCA1: The Wicca mythology is just as much a bunch of irrational superstitions as any other belief system. A lot of people get into Wicca as a rebellion against conventional religion. Guess what. It&#8217;s the same game in a different package.
Re: I have been enjoying your stuff, but this one looks like talking down to people and preachy. But... Whatever.
A Modest Interview, by Crystal from A friend of mine named Crystal, at a poetry forum I belong to wrote this. I thought you&#8217;d be interested.
In other news, Jesus Christ, son [child/manifestation] of God abandoned his long-held facade of peace, humility and love. &#8220;Hey, we have to stand behind the President,&#8221; he said. When asked what he really thought about the most powerful nation in the world in a mad rush to bomb a sovereign nation that really poses no threat, and is not the only government that treats its people like crap, had this to say: &#8220;So what you&#8217;re like in my face with these facts again? The truth is the United States is MY country. The citizens of the United States are more important than people of other nations. Just look at them. They&#8217;re fatter. There&#8217;s more to love.&#8221;
When asked if this war was for oil, he replied: &#8220;Sure. I&#8217;m all-knowing, remember.&#8221;
When asked if it would be possible that he could get behind a more peaceful or diplomatic solution, he had this to say: &#8220;Listen, Clinton was largely responsible for the eight best years this country had seen in a long time. Sure, he wasn&#8217;t moral, but he knew what he was doing. Bush has brought the war game, and he&#8217;s immoral, AND stupid, and most people know it and now more people are praying to me than ever before. And since only Christian prayers matter, I have to listen to my constituents, you know? Church attendance is at an all-time low as it is. And half the people come just because they think it looks good to their neighbors.&#8221;
&#8220;A deity has to do what a deity has to do,&#8221; he added.
Christ stated that despite the fact that terrorism will [could] actually RISE as a result of this, as a Muslim world that already sees the U.S. as evil gets confirmation, it will be well worth it in terms of trying to discredit that &#8220;nasty U.N&#8221; where opinions of other countries besides the U.S. matter.
&#8220;Look, we could have won The Revolutionary War without the French...,&#8221; said Jesus while crossing his fingers in plain view.
When asked why the U.S. had to be a &#8220;better and more powerful nation&#8221; than any other, Christ replied: &#8220;I didn&#8217;t put that stick and two marbles in guys&#8217; pants for nothing.&#8221;
When questioned about his previous stance of peace, love and humility, he said: &#8220;Oh THAT? That was well, like, sort of just to look good. My real followers have always known that I was kind of talking out my *** with that stuff. All the lip service to the meek and children, and whatnot was just to soften up the women. We came up with most of that stuff when we were high, anyway.&#8221;
When asked how he felt about the U.S. purchasing about 80,000 bodybags for its own soldiers, and people&#8217;s BOYFRIENDS, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters coming home in them, he said: &#8220;But it will be a quick war &#8211; those A-rabs will crumble like a holy wafer.&#8221;
When pressed with the idea that yes, this is the line from the Bush administration, but it STILL doesn&#8217;t change the fact that they ordered 80,000 body bags and sent them to Italy already, he became visibly flustered and the American flag he was holding trembled in his hand: &#8220;Just ... just ... just ... GIVE WAR A CHANCE,&#8221; he said and sped off in his Hummer.
[I suppose it can be tough to be anti-Jesus with a French name... Wear the clothes and the part plays itself? I tend to think that this piece might be more offensive than it is humorous... I remain aligned with Michael and Bush. At least Bush favors pluralism and understands that his way is one of many ways, whereas Saddam has been more insistent that his way is THE way. And, I would tend to dismiss most of these allegations put forth in Jesus' mouth as nothing that Jesus would say.]

HeyokaBear: &#8220;Equinox&#8221; © 2003 HeyokaBear
Oisin returned to Ireland To find all the heroes gone A stone he could toss a furlong Took fifteen men to move. ~ The women were weak and manly The men passed currencies of lies There was no King in Tara A murderer sat on the throne. ~ Upon a hill in Armaugh The standing stones had fell And prisoners, now formed the cornerstones Of Patrick&#8217;s earthly hell. ~ Down from ghostly Equinox His horse from Tir na nog Oisin leaped to help a man And set upon the ground. ~ The ages fell upon him then A rain of raven&#8217;s laughs And Oisin aged three hundred years In the span between two breaths. ~ The people took him carefully Up to Patrick's tower And blind and crippled left him there Where his story was soon told. ~ Well, Patrick chuckled at the twist That brought Oisin to him He recognized the Irish hero In the ancient man. ~ &#8220;What say you now, Oisin?&#8221; he asked As Oisin lay sightless on the floor &#8220;I tell you why you have returned &#8211; To make your peace with God!&#8221; ~ Then Oisin spoke in whispers Like wind through feathered fletch That carries through the morning A messenger of death. ~ &#8220;Patrick of the Christ god &#8211; &#8220;I&#8217;ve heard tales of what you&#8217;ve done &#8211; You&#8217;ve thrown down every sacred circle In the name of what you think is God!&#8221; ~ &#8220;I do not think; I know.&#8221; said Patrick &#8220;And mind your manners in his house. &#8211; The land you knew is long gone. &#8211; There is no place for you.&#8221; ~ &#8220;Patrick,&#8221; Oisin whispered, &#8220;You know not what you&#8217;ve done &#8211; Three times three you have cursed this land &#8211; Breaking sacred laws.&#8221; ~ &#8220;This land was godless when I came,&#8221; Said Patrick with an edge. &#8220;The Kings were bribed, the Druids beaten &#8211; And banished with the Fey!&#8221; ~ &#8220;Oh aye, they have gone.&#8221; Oisin muttered loudly &#8220;If this is your Irish hospitality &#8211; They&#8217;d starve to death by now!&#8221; ~ &#8220;Accept your savior Oisin!&#8221; Patrick scolded the older man, &#8220;You&#8217;ll not find heaven if you don't And you deserve to rest.&#8221; ~ &#8220;Patrick,&#8221; Oisin spoke, &#8220;know this as sacred truth. Someday the Irish will redress your wrong, And live in peace with the Fey. And when they do they will find me riding Equinox While you will fade away.&#8221;

~ End Act Two ~

~ Intermission ~
OstanotDS ~ Ohura6760
is issue 030401 of
a forum with no name

act three of three

Hirophantprime: Understand Who Are The Host Of God
Thank you for asking; thank you for reminding; you are quite correct and well within your authority to request identification of this communication. Therefore, I am Michael, Archangel and leader of God's Heavenly Host. I am Defender of Truth and of the Throne of God. I am Defender and Advocate of Mankind [Humanity] on planet Earth. I serve Creator of All That Is with great honor and respect, and my Sword of Justice draws its power from the White Light of Creation. In the coming days, you will begin to hear more frequently the term Heavenly Host. Therefore, it would be a good time to examine this phrase so that you may understand just exactly what this term means and the implications that are carried with it. I have therefore instructed the receiver to engage in research in order to aid you ones in understanding precisely what the term Heavenly Host is all about.
From Abingdon's expanded 1980 edition of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible:
There are three Hebrew words used in the Old Testament that translate as Host. They are as follows: Referring to the Lord God of Hosts or specific military situations. The most commonly used words: &#8220;Hebrew word ts(e)ba ah: A mass of persons, especially or regularly organized for war (an army), by implication, a campaign; literally or figuratively (especially hardship or worship); appointed time plus battle, company, host, service, soldiers, waiting upon, war(fare). As in Genesis 2:1, 21:22, 21:32.
Hebrew word machaneh: Encampment (of travelers or troops), hence an army, whether literally of soldiers, or figuratively of dancers, angels, cattle, locusts, stars, or even the sacred courts; army, band, battle, camp, company, drove, host, tents. As in Genesis 32:2 This is God s Host.
Dealing with army of men: &#8220;Hebrew word ehayil: Able, activity, army, band of men (soldiers), company, (great) forces, goods, host, might, power, riches, strength, strong, substance, train, valiant(ly), valor, virtuous(ly), war, worthy(ily). As in Ezekiel 14:4, 14:17.
What is the Heavenly Host? You ones tend to think of the Host of Heaven simply as angels. However, if you will but do some simple homework, and research the word in your Biblical scriptures, you will find that the word Host is quite specific, and it is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a definite military term. This Host of Heaven that you so often talk about is none other than the army or the military of God. And I, Michael, lead this army.
Why is this so important? Why do we want to see this clarified?
We want you ones of Earth to have an understanding of who and what we are, because it is becoming more apparent with each passing event that it may become necessary for the Heavenly Host to intervene in the events of humankind on Earth, as we have done on many occasions in times past.
Though man [humanity] has dominion over the planet, man does not have the authority to cause the destruction of the planet, nor to cause the demise or extinction of life on the planet. Having dominion carries with it a strong responsibility, but it does not mean that you ones have ultimate authority.
Let it be known, then, that there is none mightier, there is none with greater strength either in weaponry or in sheer numbers, or in terms of determination and focus than this Army of God.
But, do we have the technology that could counter those forces upon planet Earth determined to accomplish their selfish goals at any cost? Dear ones, we have technologies that you have not even dreamed of, technologies that you would never even recognize. Many of our weapons are not of a physical nature, but are far more potent than any of a physical nature could be.
If you ones think that the Host of Heaven is going to sit back and allow the childish forces upon your planet to do unprecedented harm to Earth, then you ones need to think it through again. As the leader of this Host, I am authorized to inform you ones that your time of nonsense and bullish behavior has reached an end, and we shall no longer sit back and allow the ongoing destruction to occur.
There has, until recently, been a hands-off approach a non-interference policy in effect. However, those on your planet who are in league with the Dark Adversarial Forces [Lucifer-aligned] have been duly warned and counseled, and were given a specific time-frame in which to change their ways. When this did not occur, the non-interference, hands-off policy became null and void. We have upheld our end of all agreements, and only expected the same from those ones on your world who are acting in such an irresponsible and reprehensible manner.
I, Michael, will from this point forward be taking a greater role in communications with regard to events upon planet Earth. It is most unfortunate that there are those upon your planet who are in league with, and in service unto, the Dark Adversarial Energies, and these ones are in the game to usurp the rights and powers of individuals. They have been seduced, and long ago cut their deals, in order to gain power over the planet. They have believed the lies of the Darkness, and do not recognize nor believe that these Dark Energies are only using them for their own exploitation. It has gone on for so long that these ones are completely convinced it is within their rights to be the ultimate controlling faction on Earth. We have attempted more times than you know to negotiate with and to educate these ones regarding the lies put forth by the Darkness. Unfortunately, we have not been successful, and things have reached such a point of crisis that most likely they have left us with no options but to step in and put an end to the madness, lest there be none who would survive.
There will be no need for us to cause any destruction, as those Adversarial Forces will cause their own demise. All we need to do is act as deflectors. But it will be so frightening to them that they will be faint from fear and will turn upon one another. Just our presence, with our sheer magnitude and numbers, will be enough to turn the tide. [Perhaps a short war should never be promised?]
Why are we disseminating this information at this time? Because, dear ones, you have troops and ships of war on their way at this very hour. And this is to reassure you, as well as to give warning to those ones who are calling the shots. The war that your leaders are about to engage in has nothing to do with protecting your nation's borders, nor its people. The war has to do with the acquisition of an extremely important, powerful artifact, and the personal vendetta of a son.
Yes, chelas (students), it is beginning to get quite interesting, and you should know that dawn is approaching so see that you fear NOT the dark of night. Those who are faithful servants of the Most High, and those who search with their hearts for a better world, are getting ready to see the dawn of the New Day.
I am Michael. I leave you for this time with the knowledge that the Light is all about you and quite visible if you will but step out of the darkness (your fears). I leave you, for the moment, with all the Blessings and Light of Creator Source. Salu.
(LoveALLways, Hirophantprime)

Off-line mechanic Kenny made a comment about it being a small world. I said it isn&#8217;t a small world &#8211; it&#8217;s a conspiracy... I joked to Kenny that that is what I think is called &#8220;a cocoon&#8221;...

PageRox93: Political Cartoons: ~ Political Satire: June 2003 Stanford Conference: ~ Starhawk:
RochelleDo: We The Women: ~ Peace Begins: If Mothers Were UN Inspectors: ~ Declaration of Humanity: ~ Support Pledge of Allegiance: ~ Prosperity Coach: Anti-Circumcision:
Sallie5243: Simple Society:
Shakope: Child Cancer Hoax: ~ Maintaining Peace: ~ Global Renaissance Alliance: Calendars:
SongBirdZZ: FEMA Guidelines for Citizens on Emergencies: ~ Possible Future of Language: ~ Alternate Internet:
Soulchicken1111: Banishing Fear: ~ Rules for Being Happy: Political Satire:
TinMnHrt: We The Women [Humor]:
TJoh431555: Actual Signs [Fun]: Fundamental Psychology, Spiritual Development:
VictoriasShadows: Native American: ~ ~ ~ ~ Stop Static [Important Info]: FBI Warning [Humor]: Lightning Bugs [Fun, Uplifting]:
WICCA1: Register To Vote: ~ a forum with no name, a free email monthly open eclectic metaphysics forum: ~ HeyokaBear: http:/// ~ GrotonWitch's GRIMOIRE WEBSITE: ~ Darwin's Website [Humor]:
WlfShadws: Peace:
WLiteAngel: Urban Legends/Hoaxes [Bonsai Kittens Hoax]:
Zigurrat: Swami's 2003 State of the Universe Address: Mayan News: ~ Solar Ceremony: ~ Archives: ~ Dealing with Stress and Bioterrorism:
ARKANGELQ13: Space Exploration:
ChakraJourney: Healing Music:
CnJ6768: Warp Coil Concepts: ~ Celtic:
DALAISIB: Political Satire:
Eman8tions: Peace Begins [excellent]:
FatCherie: Urban Legends/Hoaxes: Islamic Calendar: ~ Canadian Asylum: ~ Gays & Islam: ~ ~ Amnesty International: ~ Gay Palestinians & Israel: ~ Gay Tragedy: ~ Women Under Islamic Law:
Grotonwitc: Pagan/Wiccan News: ~ ~ Episcopal/Wiccan: ~ Hate Sites: ~ Shuttle Columbia: U.S. Rights & Liberties:
Hirophantprime: Columbia Hoax:
I Caligula: Bounty on Giant Rats: Republic of Congo: Kinshasa Daily: ~ Cambodia: Cambodia NewsNet: ~ Philippines: The Manila Times: ~ Christian/Moslem Peace: ~ Gary Zukav: ~ Earth Mysteries, Charlotte King: ~ Future Energies:
JABOCSIX: US Patriot Act: The Big Picture: ~ Three Sides To Every Story: ~ The Cake: ~ States of Mind:
Jualt: Web Search Engine: ~ Arts & Letters Daily: ~ Birthday Reminder: ~ Pickle Festival: ~ Center of the Bible: ~ Metaphysics Chat: ~ Bio-Terrorism: ~ UFO/ET:
Lightweave: Planetary Awakening Network: ~ Global Village News & Resources: ~ The International Institute For Global Leadership: Ghosts:
MaryAngelScribe: Earth Angels: ~
mikmikl: Healing:
MysticRU12: Cause of Iraq War:

IBglad4u: Greetings & Namaste. Today is March 1st. I am so glad that you are working to inspire a warming trend, kindly direct it to the Northeast &#8211; it&#8217;s pretty cold here. I just read your Autobiography/Long Short Autobiography [], and it certainly is not run of the mill. Regardless, because of, or in spite of what it says, you are who you are and we are glad (just like my name!). I came across the following poignant quote today (while researching new data regarding multiple sclerosis that contradicts current dogma).
&#8220;The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind [humanity], a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.&#8221; ~ Bertrand Russell.
So applicable to many venues &#8211; like the tobacco lobbyists denying the health risks of cigarette smoking and the pharmaceutical companies are stating they are here to help everyone. But then I am flirting with cynicism and that is not healthy. Again, thank you for the work you are doing. Take care...

Indiana Chica219: I have a question for anyone who would like to supply me with an answer~! (:
I know that being strong and having strength is really healthy mentally and emotionally, but what if your happiness depended on you being weak?
[Perhaps part of your answer lays in that saying, &#8220;Your strength is your weakness,&#8221; which means that if one is too solid, too one-way about things, that it can be an advantage and a weakness. So, if you wish to get to your love by being &#8220;weak&#8221;, which I interpret to mean being supportive, or secondary, then I understand that that in itself takes some strength to do, but if it makes you happy, fine. I have found &#8220;balance&#8221; to be important, meaning the capacity to be &#8220;strong&#8221; at times or &#8220;weak&#8221; at times, rather than always one or the other. It is easier to be weak when one is strong than to be strong when one is weak... However, seek to avoid giving yourself to abuse. Life is built on trade and fairness...]
My Poem: &#8211; Untitled
How I love the sound, true love brings to me When I&#8217;m lying close to you, and I listen to you breathe
I bathe in your essence sweet tempting eyes, And how I miss the way you&#8217;d hold me on those cool winter nights
Every memory I take in, is weighing in my mind And I can not forget to tell you, your love is hard to find
I thought I lost you long ago, when our single world spread apart And diminished what we shared till it easily broke my heart
I can not make you love me, when you&#8217;re not mine to love So I&#8217;ve washed away the tears, and sent them up above
The only prayer I keep is to keep you safe from harm Love you true, live your life, keep your wholesome charm
Do not come to me though I want the day When you&#8217;ll let me hold you close and wash your tears away
I do not blame you now for blinding me from your sight I wasn't good enough to love I never shined a light
I hid in the darkest hours afraid for your gentle soul But letting you love me then, dug you a deeper hole
I can not replace your fate for this I know is true And when I look upon you it&#8217;s what you have to do
I could not take the leave without you by my side I died within myself asleep inside the night
I told you I&#8217;ll watch over you as you live your beautiful life And when we finally meet again aside from all the strife,
I&#8217;ll keep you safe from harm, I&#8217;ll love you true and right, I&#8217;ll hold you nice and warm, like our cool winter nights.

Intothemystic39 from Pwdrpuff1: Life is a theatre. Invite your audience carefully.
Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in your life. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance. It&#8217;s amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not going anywhere relationships/friendships.
Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention. Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama, or don&#8217;t really understand, know or appreciate you?
The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life. You cannot change the people around you. But you can change the people you are around.
[You can't choose who you feel romantic love for, but you can choose whether or not to allow yourself to be around them.]

Jonmrou: Re: Forum 030301, essay I submit, that if there were such a thing as a supernatural deity, it would not be gender specific. He, he, he he ... tiresome. Think macro. :). With warmth.
Re: Caysyee: The world, as a second thought, might be a much safer place without us also. Saddam is no doubt an example of a Hitlerian dictator who cares not for life or his people. I have personal anger about his incredible cruelty toward women and to democratic principles in general. We seem to care about oil and being re-elected, (Bush-wise). The crimes we have committed in the name of democracy are numerous. The rest of the world is not willing to follow a leader who does not act with reason or evidence to devastate another country. Our duty is to care about every other nation on the planet as we are the most powerful and with that comes responsible decision making, like letting inspectors take the time they need to search for weapons of mass destruction. I wonder what the count of our missiles is in North Dakota (South? lol). I find myself totally alarmed at the irrational path being carved by a president who has no world view, no vision and cannot complete a sentence. This is very serious. Currently, I am trying to choose what I think are my most effective methods for renouncing this pre-emptive war effort.
Re: TJoh431555: LOLOL. A wonderful quote!! The last frontier, the brain, alas. We are blessed and cursed with episodic memory &#8211; that is we can conceptualize the past, the present, and the future, which no other species can do (there is a case for the grey spalding but not wrapped-up yet LOL). As I have told others, I have my inner Nazi who is unrelenting and carries with her/him this gift of a sense of time, and errs on the negative critical side of assessing myself. Berating is an art. You must develop yourself to the utmost to defy any logic that this inner voice posits. It is bull &#8211;. Why we, as humans, resort to negative thinking, evaluation of ourselves and others much more frequently than a positive stance, can be argued from an evolutionary standpoint, but it is up to us to defeat it.
[The reactive mind is that portion of the mind that sees the worst case possibilities, the negatives &#8211; it is our watchdog, and, as anyone who has lived with a dog might know, sometimes dogs are wrong when they bark. However, the reactive mind can have its value.]
We do have control (with difficulty) over our thoughts &#8211; as negative thinking is a measure of social control that we have grown up with and with many parents who are not enlightened enough to give positive rewards rather than punitive measures to shape behavior. Richard Burton was perhaps on the right path, but his plight belies the difficulty of swimming upstream in a lifetime of negative brainwashing. Does it not make more sense to see yourself as acceptable and positive versus. Negative? The concept of unconditional self acceptance is a difficult one because of all of the above, but worth striving for, I believe. Why would one choose over and over again a negative sense of self? As if there were a judge of who one is, in terms of worth and value. We determine that. Or we can?
Re: Jualt: << [Also keep in mind that it is my preference personally to avoid political discussions, though I understand that politics as social participation is part of wellness and thus metaphysics.] >>
We (those of us who do not avoid politics LOLOL) will let you know when the next Hitler is about to invade our country.
[Some might think your warning is too late, but I am not among them. My rabid speculation is that when Oliver North met with Bill Clinton (in the 1980s) and produced a &#8220;detente&#8221; between Dark Army and Dixie Mafia, a united front was created that influenced me to minimize my participation in politics as part of my own detente with them.]

LADY1SCOT from Join the resistance!!!!
I hear we are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by the summer. Want gasoline prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action.
Phillip Hollsworth, offered this good idea: This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the &#8220;don&#8217;t buy gas on a certain day&#8221; campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn&#8217;t continue to &#8220;hurt&#8221; ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read it and join with us!
By now you&#8217;re probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.50 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $1.97 for regular unleaded in my town. Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50- $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace ... not sellers.
With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.
How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can&#8217;t just stop buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war.
Here&#8217;s the idea: For the rest of this year, DON&#8217;T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers. It&#8217;s really simple to do!! Now, don&#8217;t whimp out on me at this point ... keep reading and I&#8217;ll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!
I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... And those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it ... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!
Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people and DON&#8217;T purchase ANY gasoline from EXXON and MOBIL. That&#8217;s all. How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I&#8217;ll bet you didn&#8217;t think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we can make a difference.
If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.

Lightweave: ALERT - Support International Law / Indict Saddam Hussein
(This is a personal email and does not reflect an official position of any of the projects I am involved with.)
Dear Friends, As most of you know, I never send forwards and am otherwise very conservative about sending material to any of my mailing lists, except for regular newsletters. And, as you can imagine, I receive a ton of information each from all over the world. Many of the items are good, but it is seldom that something is so unique that I feel compelled to share it. Today was one of those exceptions.
Today I received the item below from &#8220;Act For Change&#8221;. It offers an alternative, based on International Law, for the world to address the situation with Saddam Hussein &#8211; an alternative other than the greater lawlessness of unilateral action by two or three countries.
You may or may not agree with this idea and it is admittedly a &#8216;long shot&#8217;. But as the USA continues its march to war, it is important for us to continue to explore every viable avenue in all dimensions to make this war a non-event and support an international legal system that could accomplish the same end. Yes, the law takes longer to work than the Texas posse and lynchings, but in the long run, it contributes to creating a civilized world.
Please consider sharing this with your network.
Indict Saddam Hussein for War Crimes &#8211; Those who oppose war have an obligation to propose alternative paths to that of the Bush Administration. So far, the call for inspections has been an effective strategy, and the inspections should be strengthened and continued. There is an additional powerful step that should be taken now &#8211; the indictment of Saddam Hussein. Most agree that Saddam Hussein is a cruel dictator who has committed horrific human rights violations against his own people and those of neighboring countries. International law provides a remedy for just this behavior, and it is not a preemptive invasion. Instead, the U.N. Security Council should establish a tribunal for crimes against humanity by the leaders of Iraq, and move immediately to indict Saddam and selected others of his Ba&#8217;ath Party. This should allow us to focus on the crimes of the leadership while protecting the lives of the innocent people of Iraq.

MaryAngelScribe: Miss Wings and I have just completed an unexpected road trip from Oregon into Canada to visit two dear friends recovering from serious illnesses. Something amazing appeared on EVERY freeway overpass from Seattle to the Canadian border. For hours we drove by waving people; grandparents, parents, students ... all holding signs and waving for peace. This is the first time I have seen such energy put into the pool for peace. These people are speaking with their presence on cold and windy overpasses, in marches with their bodies ... and prayers in their times of peace at home. It appears that Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi&#8217;s methods are taking root. We live on a beautiful island in the Universe. Prayers have energy and are the tools for miracles. Pray for peace. Expect Miracles. Angelic Blessings to you and your loved ones.
The night before I was baptized into the Catholic Church I soaked in the bathtub. I lay in the warm water relaxing, when I looked up and saw the most beautiful Angel! She was gorgeous! She radiated the most calming smile! As I gazed up at her, she began blessing me. And then she said, &#8220;Thank you.&#8221; I did not understand why she would thank me? So I replied, &#8220;For what?&#8221; She looked at me and smiled as if to say, &#8220;You know.&#8221; I jumped out of the bathtub and began crying. I looked up and she was gone. Her smile will be with me for the rest of my life ... and this experience will live inside of me... for all time. I have a regret about this experience. I wish I was a little more accepting of it as it was happening, and thought to thank her.

Mystnerth: Twenty dollar bill ~ Author Unknown
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, Who would like this $20 bill? Hands started going up. He said, I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this. He proceeded to crumple the $20 dollar bill up. He then asked, Who still wants it? Still the hands were up in the air.
Well, he replied, What if I do this? And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled, and dirty. Now who still wants it? Still the hands went into the air.
My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or whom we know, but by WHO WE ARE.
You are special &#8211; Don&#8217;t EVER forget it. Count your blessings, not your problems. Never be afraid to try something new.
And remember... Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic. [Excerpt from] Spirit Fizz Newsletter
Here it is, the first and maybe the only copy of the Spirit Fizz Newsletter. My hope is to publish four issues a year; there is enough on my hard drive to do several more. If you like to contribute some of your writings or someone else&#8217;s please email it to me, at and please give credit for whom and/or where you found the article. So take a look and let me know what you think of the Spirit Fizz Newsletter.
¯THE HEALING POWER OF SPIRITUALITY by Ruth Fishel, M.Ed., C.A.C., reprinted with permission. One day early in my own recovery, while driving back to work after completing an errand, I became aware of a knot of fear rushing through my stomach. I have no idea what thought precipitated that fear. It was four o&#8217;clock in the afternoon and I suddenly realized that this was the first time all day that I had felt that feeling. I felt a rush of joy pour over me and a wide grin spread over my face. For as long as I could remember, that feeling of fear had lived in my stomach. This was the first day I was aware that I had been free of it until four o&#8217;clock! I had been in recovery around three years at that time and it was a loud affirmation that recovery was working in my life!
On another clear crisp day in October, many years later, I was driving to work down the same street when suddenly, from seemingly no where, the poem that I had written at seventeen years old came to mind: &#8220;There is something I have to do, ~ An urge eating deep inside of me; ~ And until I find out what it is ~ I shall never never be free! ~ In the darkness of my thoughts ~ I sink within my sins ~ In the struggle to know myself ~ And just where to begin.&#8221;
I had written this poem at the age of seventeen, as I struggled to find out who I was and what life was all about. I remembered this poem seventeen years later when I went to a psychiatrist at thirty-four, in the depths of my alcoholism, still searching, still struggling, pleading for help. &#8220;Will I be the same at fifty-one?&#8221; I had asked, begging the doctor to take away my pain. Somewhere from deep inside me on this seventeen year cycle, my poem surfaced again. It was seventeen years later. I realized I was fifty-one on this beautiful, bright and clear October day! I at last had a purpose. I knew I was at peace. I knew I was free! This could not have happened without a Spiritual Awakening. I could not have arrived at this place of freedom had I not followed and worked hard at the Twelve Steps of recovery. This could not have happened until I chose to become completely honest with myself and let a power greater than myself guide my life.
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous tells us that when a person &#8220;has had a Spiritual Awakening, the most important meaning of it is that they have now become able to do, feel and believe that which they could not do before on their unaided strength and resources alone. They have been granted a gift which amounts to a new state of consciousness and being. They have been set on a path that tells them that they are really going somewhere, that life is not a dead end, not something to be endured or mastered.&#8221;

Nexscion: Soulmates/twinflames
As I see it, a &#8220;soul mate&#8221; is someone that compliments one&#8217;s characteristics (emotional, intellectual, spiritual, superficial). The attributes need not be identical, just complimentary, but often are found in couplings of opposites and similarities. It seems that the exterior of characters attract through opposites yet traits beneath the surface (surface being superficial factors &#8211; super ego, egotism but not ego per se, wit, etc.) harmonize relations when in a common polarity.
In the same respect I see a &#8220;twin flame&#8221; as someone who is a soulmate &#8211; in the aforementioned context &#8211; taken to an extreme. This is when characteristics are finely tuned, and match the frequency of anthers. As you might know, two complimenting notes will produce a pleasant sound &#8211; however, certain sets of notes will produce an amplification in sound. In this I assume that resonance and harmony reach new levels when compliments are nearly flawless, or are configured properly to amplify each others presence. What constitutes such a configuration? I really can&#8217;t supply an isolated instance &#8211; to me it would seem purely circumstantial, being as such harmonious couplings are rare and intricately configured. Whether or not a high degree of spirituality is involved is a question I&#8217;m not (at this point in time) fit for answering.
As you all probably know better than myself, with age, the exterior features of individuals meld to contort/conform more or less to that of a partners. I&#8217;d surmise that, in theory, a soulmate could BECOME a twin flame, in this fashion, if the interior qualities (mostly immutable within a single lifetime) more or less resonate from the start of a relationship.
Yes, in the grand scheme of the universe what seems like interior and exterior subtitles can just be preconceived circuitry destined to couple. That can be said for anything, however, and I feel stating so would not provide much insight into the nature of the twin flame/soulmate.

Perhaps some of what we do to our planet is just our planet&#8217;s karma for what it has done to us?

One doesn&#8217;t have to accept every invitation to fight...
One doesn&#8217;t have to accept every invitation to be negative...

For those who wish to be Michael aligned: The commandment is Thou Shall Not Kill, not Thou Shall Not Kill on Monday, Thursdays, and Sundays between 5:00pm and 11:00pm. And yet even Moses rationalized when it is okay to kill... And most people assume that Thou Shall Not Kill does not apply to interaction between humans and animals desired by humans as food, but the commandment is Thou Shall Not Kill, not Thou Shall Not Kill Humans. I remain aligned with Vishnu/Christos, so to me self-defense is sometimes necessary for survival of good things, and eating is necessary... Just try to do more good than harm in life so that you raise oyurspiritual level while caught in our physical reality.

The ends justify the means? To the &#8220;higher&#8221; or &#8220;spiritually respectful&#8221; mind, perhaps the means are more important than the end... To the &#8220;rationalizing&#8221; mind, perhaps the end is ore important than the means... The cunning mind which believes the end justifies the means is perhaps selfish? And yet, doesn&#8217;t each individual need to be selfish to some degree for survival? So then it isn&#8217;t selfishness in itself which is a problem, but rather being too selfish, and being too selfish is &#8220;greedy&#8221;?

If Russ was directed to steal significant valuables from me to enhance his image as a criminal, to protect his cover by making anything I said seem as if it was said falsely in anger, or even if Russ decided to do this on his own to protect his &#8220;job&#8221;, then would I be entitled to some reimbursement from some law enforcement agency for the cost to me to replace the things Russ stole? Any lawyers out there want to tackle a very &#8220;grey&#8221; area like this?
Had to laugh too... I was out sick for several days, and my two co-workers fell behind, so my boss asked me to come in and work on a weekend to help catch us back up, which I did. When at work, I spent a minute to write myself an email note about Fred telling me not to take my medication at work, and the owner, David, wrote me up for sending myself an email... Funny how I can come in and work all those hours, but spend a minute on myself and I get written up. On another hand, David lent his truck to Valhalla so she could go across town and pick up her kids from school on company time, something which took more than a minute... Such is life...
I still believe that Catholic discrimination against non-Catholics is wrong. It is probably the antics of my workplace that has gotten me to support Bush. We each have our valid unique perspective.

I now have a second free email group which you might wish to join. Some people send me lots of stuff that is good in one way or another, but which isn&#8217;t meant for a forum. I forward some of these things to an email group for forum extras. If you&#8217;d like to be on this forum forwards list, just send me a note.
The current and previous 11 issues of a forum with no name can be viewed and copied at the website for current forums:, and selections from past forums are at: Websites are presented in the HMMMMM area of each forum, and there is a HMMMMM website at: with some websites from past forums arranged alphabetically within categories. I don't normally repeat essays. I allow websites to be repeated in HMMMMM sections &#8211; as long as you keep sending it I'll keep sharing it. If someone would care to volunteer to manage a HMMMMM website that would be helpful...
At the bottom of those three websites is a search engine, an index system, to help you find whatever your interest might be. Just input a word or topic and the index will give you links to past forums with related material.
Thank you to the people whose thought is shared through this issue, 030401, OstanotDS ~ Ohura6760. If you do enjoy these forums, or if you have any serious interest in metaphysics, you should buy a signed and dated manuscript from me, my "art"... Collectibles! They are described at You can even make a love donation at: If you gave $1 a month, I'd be happy. You could also nicely mail me cash or a check direct to Jualt R Christos, POBox 3931, Lantana, FL 33465. I can dream right... Your "love donations" do help to keep this forum alive. It does mean a lot to me. Thank you to those who have. And, if you have read one of my manuscripts, or listened to a tape, I would appreciate a comment, good, bad or indifferent, which I could share through a forum. I advise all those who have bought or are going to buy signed and dated manuscripts from me, to hide their original copies, and to make copies for display. I am also offering a CD for $15 with text-only (both simple text and universal rich text format) copies of every forum that has ever been up to the current one when you order. Thanks.
Next forum 030513.

May peace be with thee, and with thy spirit.
May thee and thine be touched by joy.
Love God.

Know me by my words and works for that is who I Am.

~ End Act Three