Ok ok ok, to those of you that know what happened with me and Christina

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Just thought I should post this here hahaha...

1. Her ex is totally psycho
2. He's fuckin retarded
3. He has this group of friends he calls "the crew"
4. He LOVES Hammerfall, which automatically makes him gay

I guess he wrote this and put it in his buddy info.

"Pain shall befall those who betray
Those who are dishonorable
Those who cheat, lie, scam
Anyone who has wronged us
You are the people who will feel the pain
Wrath is something that we have mastered
We will come down upon you like a hammer
You cannot hope to come out unscaved
We do not take lightly to betrayal
We deal with those people in due course
Those who have lied to us
The sluts, the assholes, the shady individuals
Those who appose us
Those who are the scum of the universe
We will crush you
And this one time I shall name names
Jessica, Christina, Amanda, Steve, Brian and many more
Know that we are here
Know that we are not forgiving
We are the crew and you will pay"

edit: what a fag :lol: :lol: :lol:
my girlfriend lol a little bit ago, she went nuts and started going out with him again, and we broke up... since then, we've gotten back together and she severed all communication with him lol
Will Bozarth said:
my girlfriend lol a little bit ago, she went nuts and started going out with him again, and we broke up... since then, we've gotten back together and she severed all communication with him lol

No offense, dude...but I'd stay the fuck away from her as well...she's gotta be a little bit fucked to have ever associated with such a tool...not to mention probably having banged the dude. Stay clear...nuts tend to run together.
is it the hate crew?


Yeah, that douche bag's got a crew thats gonna go kick Christina's ass because she realized he was a dumb ass and left him. "well... I just cant stand your constant power metal-ish poems, and the whole 'we the crew' thing NEEDS to go"