Method Of Destruction Show Allentown PA


Mongoloid Elitist
Jan 24, 2005
Long Island N.Y
Probably one the best M.O.D shows I have attended. The band has come a long way since they toured a couple months after RWS cd hit. The set has been stripped of the 10 minute talkups between songs (which I liked by the way) and basically you get a buzz saw of M.O.D tunes from start to finish.

Billy has lost 75 pounds and looks great. It shows too, his energy level is fantastic. The band is super tight. Billy has shaven the beard off and has a frito bandito mustache thing going on.

The set list has a few surprises (not in order)

Red White And Screwed
Alphabet City Stomp
Dance Around with Snakes
Dont Feed The Bears
Imported Society
Aren't You Hungry
Hate Tank
True Colors
Living In The City
Speak English Or Die
Fuck The Middle East
Ballad Of Nirvana
Milano Mosh
United Forces
There Goes The Neighborhood (Body Count Cover)
Get a Real Job

I have a editorial thread on the show's venue and security that I will post later on if anyone gives a shit,
Awesome show review (part II) ! That's killer they did a Body Count song. I actually love the first B.C. album. Well, if M.O.D. won't ever make it to Japan they at least should release a DVD.

Pics of M.O.D.'s current tour can be found at my website.


This is a pic of the August 9th show. With special thanks to Greg for sharing these pics!!!

If anyone has more pics of the current Summer Tour, I'd be happy to add them to my site!!!