Metronome issues in Nuendo

Jun 30, 2005
Devon, England
I use the metronome to play along to with say ezdrummer using my keyboard controller and i play it in time with the click, but when i play it back, what i've played isnt in time with the metronome. Checked latency and its around 1ms, any ideas? Probably something simple.
Check the quantize settings for a start.

Also, I had a recent issue where Nuendo was playing back notes early despite during tracking I was playing in time. I solved the issue by turning off Delay Compensation (there's a button for this in the top left tooblar).
Yep. That works if during playback the notes are playing back problem was that they were playing back early...

Also, when tracking drum parts with my midi controller I also change the quantize settings quite rigorously to the exact level I need for a particular drum (e.g. snares on 1/8 or 1/16 notes) as I tend to track one part at a time rather than say kicks & snares together if the track is mega quick . It tends to save me worrying about any latency issues during tracking and also having to edit bung hits later on.
Yeah it sounds like a quantize issue to me, just make sure your quantize is turned on an you have the right note value chosen in you inspector.
Yep. Once it's up and running correctly and you're familiar with how to quantize effectively it's a load of creative fun programming beats with a controller.

I only picked up my Axiom 49 midi controller a few weeks back and it was driving me mental with the delay compensation & latency issues at first. Now I'm the first to admit that for a good bass player and a capable guitarist, I make a reallly crap drummer, but I'm not THAT crap! :)
Hi again, i cant for the life of me work this shit out. Tried using the delay function in the inspector but that seems to fuck up the timing of what i play. I havent touched the quantizing settings since i installed nuendo, dont even know what the right settings are? I cant see any note value settings in the inspector either. The constrain delay compensation button at the top left doesnt seem to make any difference on or off. Starting to get irritated... just want the metronome working in sync with playback not just whilst i record! .... took me a while to sort out midi issues with nuedo as well. I hard to do a lot of homework to get EZ Drummer, my Axiom controller, and Nuendo to talk to "play nice".

So, to start with, a few questions: are your audio tracks playing out of time with the metronome when you play them back or is it just midi tracks?

I'm not sure of what your understanding of quantizing is, so don't be offended if I'm teaching grandma how to suck eggs...but first, input quantize is also usually "on" by default, so it will "correct" whatever you play to align with it's settings. The quantize function needs to be (a) either turned off to purely hear exactly what you play, or (b) at an appropriate setting for what you need it correct (e.g. quarter notes, sixteenth notes, 64ths, etc). That's probably the best starting point.

Now if you know you're definitely experiencing latency issues (early or late delays), there are unfortunately a lot of things that may cause this. Try searching over at the forums on steinberg's official site as there is a lot of threads on midi latency issues. Both the same problems exist in Cubase and Nuendo so try Cubase first, as there's more users on there.
Familia><Publica, are you using the "MIDI click" feature by any chance? I too have the Firepod and tried using that feature once once by choosing the Microsoft wavetable synth as the sound source. Man what a stinking pile of shit that was - it was like having a hyperactive 5 year old with diarrhea trying to kill a spider with a fucking tambourine. If that is the case try the "Audio click" feature under "Metronome setup", make sure you select "beeps". Hope that helps!

Device setup...
Windows Midi
check the "Use System Timestamp" box.

maybe this will help you. it solved my midi issues with Nuendo and my emu1212m
Thanks for all your suggestions guys, i've been mucking around and it seems to be working correctly now. Changed the display format to fps instead of bars+beats, midi AND audio metronome was activated so i unchecked midi. Checked time stamp in windows midi in device settings, amongst other things. I thought it was latency with EZdrummer but i brought up other Vst instruments and it did the same thing. Now i can record with the metronome and playback with the metronome and it'll stay in sync. Thanks for the help guys ( if it fucks up again i'll be back!) :)